
Sunday, 6 December 2009

Happy Christmasses for Everywun

Me an Lola are sayin Happy Christmas for everyone becos soon we will be goin on 'oliday to the farm and the hoomans are going away for a 'oliday too. We opes you have a nice time whilst we are away...

Some of our friends 'ave been helpin to get us in the 'oliday spirit by sendin us presents. First, we did get a likkle present fru the post all the way from America from BabyPatches. Here can you can see Lola nommin' on it. I phink it is no secret what it is...

It do say on it "fetch", but Lola is so phick that she just stand and stare at it. I arsk you....

A few days later, we did get a misstearious package in the post ...and so we ad a look in it...

We did find two little men in it but nuffink what did say who it was from...

Then right when we was openin up the parcel, we gots a tweet from our frend @jazzydacat who said it was from er and her mom and Trea. What nice peeple they are. We celebrated by fightin over the present even tho it was two identical dogs for me an sister 'ave no manners, no manners at all...

Heeventually, she was so norty that I did 'ave to rescue Scooby and take him 'ome for a rest...

...and I took the wounded off to bed too...

We are very pleased and 'umble to ave so many nice friends and we love them all, especially Jazzy.

We leave you wiv this for Christmas. It do be rather small, but I 'ope everyone can have a piece.

Marley Claws (Klaus, geddit?!...oh never mind)

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Cleanin up

At the weekend, we did go out for a long walk but it was rainin and muddy and when we got home mummy said we had to have a bath. I dussn't like them but usually Lola does not mind.

Here she is bein cleaned....

...but the novelty did soon wear off....

...and she had to be rescued by mummy...

After we had been towelled off, we went to the kitchen to get warm and let our fur properly dry. Lola was a bit frisky after gettin wet..

..and was bein a bit funny...

...and did make me a bit puzzled...

Ladies: i dussn't kno what to make of em.

Marley Handsome.....woof

Monday, 23 November 2009

Slice of Life

Today, I am reportins from home. This is where we live.....although I phink that goes without sayin.

Every day, we are excited when our daddy comes ome from his work. Usually, we show this by bouncin up and down by the gate. However, we are shy and would not allow Willium to film us doin this as much as usually happens. But here is a little taste of what happens...

The second phing we ave to report is how our home was invaded larst night by an evil phing which we do not understand. Anyway, me an Lola did try and eat it and scare it away. I am told it is a demon called Scalextrik or sumfink like that. Here it is...

I ope you like seein these phings from our house.

Marley Location Location ...woof

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Division of Labour

Today, I 'ave the latest in my series of lektures 'bout the Credit Crunch. As no one do know what 'ave caused it or how to solve it I am takin' you back to basics and we will be lookin' at basic economic theory as talked bout by Scottish man Mr Adam Smiff . Here he is lookin' serious and like he might kno a thing or two...

So Mr Smith have talked a bit in his books about the dvision of labour. This do be about everyone doin' what they is bestest at and workin' together so that everyfink go smoothly and work better.

To help, me an Lola have been dividin up the labour round 'ere. Lola do not aktuallly kno this yet but I have been mastermindin' the plan cos I am the "brains" and she is the "brawn". So, here I am makin' plans for what needs to be done

...and while I am doin that Lola is off guardin' the boundaries and generally 'elpin out...

That leaves me with more time for developin' my masterplan. See how it comes together with some concentrayshun...

So, Lola is sent off to talk to Daddy to see if we can ave some food....

....and, look, it has worked....phanks to me

So you see how far you can get with Mr Smiff's division of labour. So successful 'ave we been that now Lola is applyin' for my job, but she do not have the brains for it

Marley Smith, MBA

Monday, 2 November 2009

A mystery

This weekend we did 'ave a mystery at our house.

We did start by finding mysterious objects....first there was a funny coloured toothbrush

..and then a funny visitor in one of the bedrooms...

...and some strange clothes in odd colours....

...and some shampoo for "girls"...

...and some unusual reading material...

But in the end, we did solve the mystery. Alice and Isabelle had come to stay....

Marley Poirot .... woof

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Anuvver weekend

We have had a very nice weekend doin phings. On Saturday morning we decided to go for a walk at Leith Hill, where we have not been for a bit. Oh dear. It was rainin quite hard and the forest did look like this....

By the time we got back to the car, we was both quite wet...

On Sunday, we ad to do some history for Willium. He ave got top marks for his essay on the Battle of Hastings at skool so we thought we would go there to see it. Daddy then did make the mistake of going to Battle, not Hastings. I phink dat was a mistake but we found somewhere that claimed to have been the sight of the fightin. It looked like this....

The English was at the top of the hill and the French at the bottom, but the French did win and William the Conker did become King of England. That is why William is called William. If the English had won he might have been called Harold. I do not think he knos that. The best bit of the visit was bein allowed some crusts at lunchtime. We are not usually allowed treats.

On Monday, daddy took the day off and some frends came over. One was Simon, who cannot see. Usually he treads on us a bit but today he did not. Also he did take us for a walk at Walton Heath. Here is William bein annoyin and followin me about like a shadow....

..and here are the mushrooms we did find by a tree...

So, you see, we have made a nice weekend out of some little bits of stuff.

Marley Make Do

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Walks and games

It has been quite a while since we did give you an update for me an Lola. That is becos we have been very busy and certain typists have been distracted with other things.

On Saturday, we decided to go for a walk. This is what usualy happens when a walk is announced round here. See how Lola thinks she is somehow the boss of me and is responsible for takin' me for the walk. I ask you!

Luckily, we decided to take Willium with us to keep Lola in order. See what luxury he does travel in...

Willium does not always like it when the paparazzi follow us about....

...and while he was distracted, Lola did get to thinkin' she was the boss of me again... I made her go paddlin...

...then when we got 'ome we did play the bottle game with Willium...

Hurray for our walk. Hurray for Willium.

Marley Reporteur....woof

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Ower frend Henry (an is frens aswell)

Today we have to tell you about Henry, who is a bear what lives on twitta (and in the New Forest sometimes). He has always looked after me and Lola there and I have realised that he is really a sage for our age. Here is some of the things that he says.....if you reads out his words in your 'ead then you will know what he is talkin about)...

Every day is a good day for Henry and he is always optimistik: "... skip .... skip .... skip ... skip .... skip ... ello for evrrywun .... skip ... skip ... skip ... skip .... skip ....". He skips everday until bed time. Here he is in the middle with his friends

And of course he does not forget us all when he goes to bed: "i is gowin now an i wil leev yoo al wiv song .... ♫♫♫ reech owt an tuch sumboddis and ♫♫ ... mayk th werld a betta playss if yoo can". Which really is Henry's view at all times. And he lets us know where he is in case we need him: "i can smell my dinna now so it do meen is cookd. i wil gow an com bak agin layta ... skip ... skip ... skip ... skip ... skip ... skip ..."

He is always quick to offer advice...."@indykitty i shor yoo dussnt fink it do be fare yoo dint av ot dog indy. but yoo av remba that they dussnt be for kittis.. strokes.. strokes" and remembers to keeep it practical at all times: "@Kolo_Martin i fink yoo shud arsk dentist to giv yoo munny for waystid time an stressis kolo. i fink persun shud av choklit. that wil elp" and "@Fergusthedog i fink evrryday do be berfday fergus cos evrry day do be werf selbraytin ... strokes ... strokes ... strokes .."

He replies to every tweet that he gets (and he knows lots of people): "@pntbtrkisses ello pbk .. littl strokes ..fank yoo for sayin me appy teddy tewsday. i did av gud day an my frend did com visit in arftanoon."

He never forgets his freinds: "@schnille ello mooki .. littl strokes .. littl strokes ... skrash ... i wos ownly finkin bowt yoo tooday an ere yoo is. we is al avin funs"

And he always makes sure to welcome newcomers: "@EliotTheBad @ThisStarChild did say me bowt yoo so i sayin ello an welcom to twitta. i say bowt yoo to my frends an arsk them say ello aswel" and that is because "@gcgreg fank yoo for sayin. we do tray ard to mayk werld a betta playss by beein appy an bringin sunshines an larfta for evrrywun eech day" and it's difficult to argue with that isn't it. It's because of the way he is made: "@Mydogshadowblog ello agin shado an emly. aktly i dussnt be stuffd wiv kaypok. i stuffd wiv luvs an uggs cuddls an snuggls wisdoms an larfta".

Here is an example of that: "i did sing bowt roodolf cos if yoo is appy inside yoo at crissmus be appy inside al th time an then evrry day wil be like crissmuss".

He is our social secretary: "for my frends hoo mite not no yet ... is bestist news ... @poppy_dog an @hanseebundee do be gettin marrid at novemba pawpawty" and also our weather man: "@DylanandCo ello dillun ... strokes ... strokes ... if do be raynin lots ere aswel an we dussnt gow owt niver tooday" and "@FeeFlops we do av rayn tooday aswel feeliks an we dussnt be gowin owt niver. it do be dry an sunny indors wiv us ere ... strokes .. strokes" "@marleyterrier ssssh marly ... i dussnt say nuffing to gramma .. strokes .. strokes .. i hope yoo av sum sunshines cos we do av wind an rayn"

Here he is wiv my great frend Kolo Martin, spreadin sunshines...

He likes to keep us up to date with what he is eating: "@stwood1953 i dussnt drink coffeee soosun i do drink milk. is nise an it do be gud for me aswel. i likes it ot an kold aswel" and "@Petiethecat ello peti ... strokes ... strokes ... i dussnt be vejaryun. i do like chikkin an terky an fish an beef an lam an sumtimes pork" but usually beacuse he wants to share it with us: "@GeorgeTheDuck ere do be bowl for yoo jorj an i did sprinkly wiv cripsy werms aswel for yoo ...." and in the mornin he says "@pntbtrkisses ello pbk ... littl strokes ... ow is yoo dooin. i wil av brekfust soon. wud yoo like sum toste. i is avin unny on it tooday"

There are some themes to his tweets. This is the one I like the best: "@spicythecat ello spysy ... strokes ... strokes ... i dint av chans to say beefor. yoo is rite th ise creem wos reely yummy". And "@jedbramwell no jed it dint be no betta cos we did av choklit sors an nuts on th ise creem. it wos dlishus" and "@GeorgeTheDuck i glad yoo did mayk it jorj. wud yoo like sum food or sum werm ise creem" and ".. if yoo dussnt be gud swimma yoo stay be edj an jus paddl ... we do av foods an drinks an i did bring ise creem asweel .... #truck"

He is a very talented bear: "@ASnuffleupagus i do sum rappin for my frens/sayin my werds til i get to th end/if i dunt no wot to say/i giv them my wishis for a gud day" and "@Missymitten if mama do be feelin sad missy shal i sing song for er or say a storey to mayk er smile. or i cud say a joke. i do ownly no wun". But he knows his limitations: "@pasikas an aswel i say fank yoo for followin me. do yoo do skippin aswel. i like skippin but dussnt be gud wiv big jumps cos i is littl"

See what he can do....

Every week he takes us out in his "....... vrooooom ............ vroooom ............... vrooom .................... vrooom ..................... vrooom ........ #truck".

Bestest of all is that he is my freind and looks after me: "@marleyterrier o deer marly that do be long time to wayt for foods. i wud be ungry intween i fink ... av nuvva treet ... strokes ... strokes" and "@marleyterrier @Dogstoyevsky see ... it do be alrite for us to be skared of fings. we do jus av lern ow to deel wiv it .. strokes .. strokes"

So we say THANK YOU for Henry. His frends luv him so much that he has been awarded a medal for bein number 1 by Morris the cat..

Marley, friend of Henry

Tuesday, 6 October 2009


After me last post about Dexter we was sented this film by our chum Baxter, who is also a border terrier. He has also been avin fun and games wiv a puppy or two...

Marley Grown Up xx

Monday, 5 October 2009


We have been to Chesterfield again to see Grandma and the others. You will remember that we have a new furriend there called Dexter who is also a border terrier and is a puppy.

Dexter did come and see us on Saturday cos he is now old enuff and has had his hinjections at the vet. Daddy did try and get some pictures of him but he moves so fast that it wos difficult. See what I mean....

...he is a speed machine....

When we finally managed to get him to move at somefink like a sensible speed he did chase Lola around the garden and bark is 'ead off...a lot...

He did do it so much that Lola had to hide behind the wooden bench. We are now checkin' her pedigree for CHICKEN! Ha, wot a wuss...

Eventually, Dexter did run out of steam. I phink that was because Lola did coax him to the pond for a drink and then e fell in.

Lola did think this was very funny. We 'ad reports later that Dexter went 'ome and fell asleep for hours. He 'ave used up so much energy runnin' and barkin' wiv Lola that I do not be surprised. Here I am doin' me impression of Dexter...

Marley Brother of Chickens .. woof

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Nuffink to say

I am proud to annouce that I have nothing to say. Nothing has happended since we last blogged. Willium has gone back to skool and we are just enjoyin gettin back to our routine with mummy and, when he gets back from work, daddy.

The mornin rooteen is for me to sit on daddy's lap and stare at Lola to make her jealous. Here is an example...

The we ave our breakfast, but that is not so unusual. Here is what usually happens to it...

The most excitin thing is that dad is now trainin for his marathon and so we get to enjoy his sweaty legs after each run. Look away now if you have a sensitive disposition...

Phings are so dull round here I suggest you read my frends' blogs. Arfur and Bear have been avin excitin times.

Marley "Existential Crisis" Satre....woof