As you know, I iz on a misshun to find all of the border terriers on Twitter. It is a nice place for me to meet my friends and I likes puttin people in touch wiv each other.
Yesterday, my good friend
Mr Mo joined Twitter (@borderterriermo) and sent me a message and so I introduce him to my followers (de army of nerds) and within a few minnits he had 15 new chums. I think he ave a surprise when he get up this mornin. Here is Mr Mo bein tuff in the snow the other week...

This got me thinkin that I have not said a proper hello for everyone I know. You may rememebr that last year I introduce you to my old chums who ave been around for ages. You can see them again
It do feature Bertie, Bauer, Dino, Ernie and all the rest and of course my best friend furevver, Lexie.
Today, we are sayin ello for my new pals. First we say ello for Ghilley, who is a lady, and we menshum her first cos she did lose her brother Duff before Christmas and we is sad for er...

Then we say WOOF to Mac n Ginger (@borders2) who live in Australia and spend all their time upside down I phink...
We say nice big ello for Impi (@impibrdrterrier)who has recently hurt her foot, and her mum Jooly...

Next we say quiet and gentle woofs for little Gracie (@ourgracie) who is only a pup...
We muss not forget Jake n Zoe (@borderjoy) cos they do ave the best border terrier website on the web which you can see
ere ....
And now we have Lily (@lilyskitchen) cos her peeple make nice noms..
I also say special ello for Banjo (@banjoisadog) who is always talkin on Twitter...

An also we have Wile E. and Sally who live with their pawson @woofette30 in America...
In Devon, if you is there, you may see the magnificant Monty and is mum @devonmuse. Monty is a dog after my own heart...

Ello for you Meg n Ben and your mum (@carolynmitch). I ope I see you on Twitter soon...
One of them is a bit shy.
Also I say WOOF for Millie whose pawson run a very valuable service tellin peeple about pubs wot like dogs (@doggiepubs) and I phink Millie do check em out first even if she has to battle fru snow to do it...
Nuvver pup next. It do be Pixel (@pixelbt) who is so tiny you ave to be vary careful not to squash him or frighten im barkin...

My chum Ted loves chicken and that is why on Twitter he is @tedloveschicken. He also likes lyin about...

Ello and WOOFs for Maggie who live with a fousand birds cos her mum Sara like em so much(@mumsmuddyveg) ....
We also has Gem n Rosie who we does not see very often on twitter (@suzannegray04) but we say ello anyway...
Also, ere is Harvey who has fuzzy pants I am told (@harveyfuzzpants)...

Archie! Archie! Is you there? I phink he is out with his mum who is Jan (@sacksnstories) cos they is always very busy...
An see ere we have Jack who lives with @cheelo and we duz see him only a very little...
...perhaps cos he is a giant dog and as to be guarded by the army or sumfink..
Also, Mr Ian (@pooleaxed) ave Jack n Sandy....and he talks to us almost every day. This be Sandy...
I dussn't kno what ave happended to Jack. I waits for Ian to tells me.
Sometimes we gets news of Maggie n Merlin from America (@camerawomn)...
One of our very newest pals is Scraps who lives with his mum Mel (@melthedroog) who I phink is not a real droog...
Poor old Scraps looks like a tired pup to me. We ad better tiptoe past him and get to our last (but not least) pals. Here are Peggy-Sue and Lottie who live with @janechapman71
Also I say hello for my Charlie who does live with Adam (@the monkeytramp). He is a fine fellow...
Finally, we gets to little Oscar (@thedogstaleblog), who is also a little pup who need lookin after by his dad, Sebastian...
Ello for you all. I ope we can elps to build a border terrier community on Twitter.
Marley Twit.....