
Tuesday, 13 April 2010

I not be juss about me

I kno you likes to ear what I have been ups to, but sumtimes I likes to bring you noose about other frends. This week, we did be looking at border terriers on Yoo Toob to see how they all is. I fink you gonna like what we ave got for you...

First, ere is basil. He's juss grate...

And now, ere is my pal Grissom from twitter. He's a commando dog...

Let this be a warnin to you all. Never fall asleep on sentry dooty...

Tycho does wot it take to pleeze the ladies...

If you haz the chance you gotta check out Tycho's other viddy-ohs on you toob cos he is one clever dog.

Mom, mom, can I haz one of these?...

Poor old Angus. This one of my all time faves, but I phink we OK to watch it again...

But not content wiv embarrasin him once, his parents ave done this to Angus too...

Rilly, wot dat about?

Dat all for now from BT World. We back nex week.

Marley Attenborough.....woof

At the Hustins

Ello for you. It do be I, Marley, offishul candidate for Parleyment.

As you haz prolly seen if you do live in England or Scotland or Wales or ovver bits near there, Mr Brown (who is Prime Minister) has called an elekshun...

....rilly, I dint kno this did mean actually callin the elekshun on the phone to talk but apparently that is wot he has done (wiv elp from his wife).

I haz decided to makes myself a candidate for parleyment so as to propply represent the views of animals. Today do see the lornch of my offishul mannyfesto. It do be ere now and deals with the issues of the day wot do be on your minds.

1. Econnymee - yuo haz seen that the peeple at the bank of Hingland has been helpin the ecnomymee by a policy of "quantitative easing". I dussn't really know what that is but I has taken my best guess and I say we shall continue wiv dat policy.....and we shall be authorisin the printin of bones for everyone...

2. Immigrayshun - it seem that all the welffy people in this country do not wants to share their good fortune and appiness wiv peeepl less fortunate than theyselves from other parts of the world, even if they do be poor and mizerable. We ashamed of dis, but we is drawin a line at squirrels. We is withdrawin their visas and permishuns to stay ere immediately....

...Squirrels: you got your places and we got ours.

3. Transport - we is demandin that we be allowed in your planes, tranes and automobiles. Is not fair we have to be lefts behind when you go on oliday or out for the day or that we haz to travel in fird rate style. From now on, we travellin up front wiv you...

4. Crimes - wot? It duss not be me that brokes into the fridge and stoled the ham. We is tuff on crimes and tuff on the causes of crimes....

...and rilly if you gets cort then my pal Lexie is gonna give you dis look ...and no one wants that duz they?...

5. The Familee - we finks dat familee is rilly important. You kno that they say a familee is for lifes and not juss for Chrissmuss...

6. Tax - din't we alreaddy cover dat? No? Oh well, ....*shuffles feet*.....*blushes*...I haz to tell you that taxes is goin up....but juss for hoomans....

7. Housing - we promises that we puts an end to tempry accomodayshun like dis...

....rilly, we got plans for you....

8. Defence - defence? We doin it right....seriously, you no wanna mess wiv us...

....but we is promisin that nuffink else bad appen for the Afghans. I fink they too bootiful for any more problems...

9. Environment - Lola do be constantly pollutin the environment wiv toots and trumps. Haz gotta stop. We uses policy to name and shame major contributors to greenhouse gases...

So, that rilly do be it. It be your vote. Use it wisely. I fink I do be deservin your votes.

Marley, Prime Dog.....woof

Friday, 9 April 2010

If you dussn't mind a bit of advertisin

Oh dear, someone round here as been norty with the internet and has arranged for sum merchandises to be bort. Then he gets the idea that you mights like em cuds ave this one for yore human (is ladeeze type too)

....or dis one for a doggy or other animule...(is sort of bandanna)...

Is juss a bit of fun, and you can get em ere at Marley's Phings ...i phink dem peeple get most of the munny but if we gets a small commishun then we donate it to the Dogs Trust cos they rilly doin good work for dogs.

Iz a rilly good site and you can design your own stuff there too for your own animals or hoomans.

Marley Branson......woof

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Old an New

Hello for you. I iope you did ave a nice Eeester and ave not eatin too many eggs. We dint ave no eggs cos choklit is armful for dogs, but we did ave an excitin time wiv our familee.

We decided we would go back to two places where we ad been before but when was not so rilly successful: Leith Hill and Herne Bay. First time we wenteds to Leith Hill (wot do be near us in Surrey), it was so rainy and foggy that we could not see anyfink and juss wandered around in the mist and got wet. Woz a shame cos there do be views from the highest point in ower county.

When we arrived, we did see this sign, which did make Willium grone and complane...

Yes, that do be right, there is tower on top of the ill, but we din't see nuffink from it last time cos of the mist. Anyways, we walkin long this time and looks what we did see....pretty much everywhere I phink.... even see Gatwick airport if you looks closely an also farms where we wuz born. It was a rilly bootiful walk thru the woods to the top....

...and look what we did find when we got to the tower. Woz horse.

We sed ello to him, but we din't bark or bovver him and we all got along fine..

Second place we did go woz Herne Bay, which do be in Kent and haz a rilly good beach. We went fossil huntin there last year but we dint find none cos we did only get there at high tide when all the fossils is covered up. This time, we went early after checkin the tide times and we did some good huntin...

I woz really exciteds when Willium found a stick fossil. I fort we could play frow and chase wiv it but it was not very nommy and mite have urt my teef...

...I phink this why doggies was not invented until after dinosores when the sticks did get softer.

Me an Lola did get chance to check our sea-mail...

...and we woz rilly happy in all the sand an mud...

The bestest bit was bein taken to Macari's cafe, where the hoomans did ave fish n chips and Lola did make a new chum... owner did phink she might be half border terrier.

I opes you did ave a nice eester likes us.

Marley n Lola, travellin first class....woof

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Wot I Did

Ello for you. It do be me, Marley, again. Or praps as I iz a Marley I should say it is I and I again.

Larst weekend, the hoomans was possessed by a strange idea. They did get a roofs rack for the car for puttin their bikes on in preparayshun for their olidays. It took dad two hours to fit it to the car, but he is unusually useless like dat and was bein careful for not scratchin the paint. When it was done he made everyone get out their bikes. Lola and I did look at them wiv big sad eyes cos we do not see em go on a familee bike ride before and we assume we not bein taken.

Imagine how appy we woz when the leads was taken out of the cupbioard and we was told we was goin as well. Hurray! Happy day! Dad say we goin to Swinley Forest, which do be near Bracknell. We bin there before but nivver wiv bikes.

We ad to drive there in the car and it did takes about 40 minnits. It do look like this mostly....

...but there is lots of paths for walkin an cyclin. A man did say for us that Swinley Forest is an area of Windsor Forest, owned and managed by The Crown Estate, comprising of 2600 acres of mainly Scots Pine woodland. I phink he right bout dat.

We setted off and Lola and I was runnin by the bikes. Ere I am beatin dad by a short head...

....and after we ad gone bout 5 minnits into the trees dad did remember he ave left his wallet and phone on the car seat and ad to go back so they wussn't be stolen. They wassn't.

Some of the parffs was quite hilly and we stopped at the top for least the humans did. Ere I am tellin Willium to urry up but he puffin an pantin..

We did have a marvelluss time. Ere I am runnin wiv my ears flappin in the wind...

Me an Lola was good and kept followin the bikes....not just because mum was carryin a bag of cheese...

An also we did discover that if you takin pictures on your iBone when you is cyclin along then they can go wonky wivout even tryin. Look at dis one....!

An also this one where werrld have tuned upside down i phink....

We even did a bit of off-roadin...

Evntually we gots back to the beginning after about 90 minnits of runnin. We sure was tired but we ad some noms at the cafe and slept for the rest of the day. However, before I go I just gotta show you dis picture of cows at Headley Heath. When we did our blog bout it two weeks ago we did not see any cows and then on Saturday we did meet loads of em just wanderin about. They tried to come and say ello for me and ave a sniff but I was brave..

Is it friendly dad?

Le Tour de Marley .... woof