My pal Cokie, who do live in LA and who do like basketball like dad, did challenge me to find a pictue of my paws. I fink dis is a good idea cos I just had my claws clipped to make em smart again. I also had a skull & crossbones etched into the front ones so that them squirrels know who done em in...
So, here I am relaxin at Grandma's ouse and showin off all my four paws...
Ello for you. I do back for tellin you wot we did be doin in the second half of our olidays. You did leave me an Lola sittin in the back of the car waitin for the off and we did get there after only a short drive up from Detbshire to Cumbria.
This is where we woz stayin in the little village of Satterthwaite, wot do be near Coniston....
It is the ouse where my pal Ziggy do live in when he do not be livin round the corner from us in Surrey. Becos it is Ziggy's ouse we was confident it would be good for dogs and we did soon see that it was well equipped for doggie pawsons...
....Willium demonstrates the Dog Hat!
We did ave a look round the garden, but we did discover that it was not dog-proofed and there was sheeps in the field right nex door so we couldnt wander about sniffin like wot we usually does. Owever, Willium and dad did discover a zip wire hidin up the tree...
...and they woz up it all afternoon like two monkeys up a tree. When we had settled in and tested all the beds....
.....we did go to the local pub. Mum and dad was talkin about how dogs might not be welcome and wot would we do if that appen. When the pub open at 7pm, there was 11 humans and 8 dogs goin fru da door! Question answered!!
Dad order some drinks for everyone. Willium is claimin that this photo was either a acccident or a set up...
We did ave a nice sleep in Ziggy's bed and on Fursday mornin we did meet our friends, wot do also live in Ashtead and woz stayin nearby. We did decide we would go and ave a walk up a hill and we set off. I went wiv Izzy in case she did not know the way...
...and we did get "up close and personal" wiv da local ram. I gibbed him the eye and he gibbed me the eye back. I prolly would have won but Izzy did say me we had to go and catch up with the rest of the pawty.
We woz headin up the Old Man of Coniston. Wikipedia do say me that "The Old Man of Coniston is a fell in the Furness Fells in the English Lake District. It is 2,634 feet (803 m) high, and lies to the west of the village of Coniston and the lake of the same name, Coniston Water. ...The mountain has also seen extensive slate mining activity for eight hundred years and the remains of abandoned mines and spoil tips are a significant feature of the north east slopes. There are also several flocks of sheep that are grazed on the mountain". I tellin you all these fings is true and woz slippin and slidin over loose slate all day and also did see a mine.
I gibbed the mountain a good sniff before we set off...
Mum was finkin this walk was gonna take about two hours or so. I tell you more bout this later. After a bit, we did stop so the children could ave a closer look for the best way up...
...and up and up we went. We woz havin sum trubble readin our map and we did get a bit off the beaten paff but we keep goin and Lola an me was sniffin and runnin about a bit and keepin up wiv everyone and was happy to be off our lead cos we dint see no sheeps on the lower slopes. After a bit we did get to a big lake high up in the hills...
....and we did start to worry that mebbe the walk was takin a long time and had we bited off more than our pawsons could chew. The omens was not good for others who had tried it....
....but we decided to carry on cos it was still sunny and warm. At this point, Lola did spy some sheeps hidin up the grassy hill and taked off at high speed to say ello for dem. Dad did ave to go sprintin after her cos sometimes farmers do be shooting dogs who do chase sheeps. He had to run up very steep bank leapin from rock to rock. He comed back after 5 minnits wiv Lola in tow and sweatin from his brow cos there had been a very steep cliff over the top and someone could have fallen off it and been deaded. Our walkin did then gets quite hard and there was some bits wot dad did ave to pick us up as we scrambled up steep rawks. However, we did gets to the top...
....and NO, mum was not rilly wearin a bag on her head but she dussnt like bein on the internets so we duz this to presevre her anonymitee...
We did walk for miles and by the time we gets back to Coniston we hadz been walkin for 5 hours and 30 minnits and everyone was tried and we did ave to go to the pub for our dinner. Cos we dint bring any dog food, I had to settle for a ham sammidge and some chips.
Nex day was rubbish cos it was rainin like the biblical flood and we did stay inside all days until dad did be brave and takes me out for a little walk. We dint take no piktures cos of bein scared we would damage the camera but we did ave to take one snap off dis fing we did see on the paff... was big as a football and dad dint let me sniff it in case it was bad. We did go straight ome where we did some loafin about....
...and Willium did amuse us by playin wot appear to be a vuvuzela wot was hanging over the fire...
On Saturday, I did give dad the "lets go for a walk" face....
and so we did go out to Eltewater for a short two hour walk. We did ave a paddle in the stream...
...and Lola was so appy to see them ducks that she jump right in the stream and go for her first swim. Mum say she fink it was accident and Lola dint look very appy when she got out.
We did ave a rilly nice oliday and the only fing wot we was not expectin was that we dint see any border terriers in the Lakes. We woz expectin to see undreds but we dint meet any. I fink mebbe was juss one of dem fings.
Ello for you. It do be me, Marley, and I do be back from my oliday. We dun such a lot of fings that I gonna have to say it for you in two parts ovverwise I fink you haz to do too much readin.
I dint kno we woz goin on oliday until dad did put me in the cage in the car. This do only appen when we is goin for a long journey...
We did drive for a bit and then we did stop to see our friends Pam, Tony, Nirav, Ishaan and Sahin who do live in Harpenden. We did know them ever since Willium was a baby. We ad some lunches there and then we did go for a nice long walk and we did go to our first rock concert....
....can see you see the band? They was just gettin goin and there were a few peeple there, altho our photo do make it look like they did ave no ordience at all. It was quite loud and we did not stay for long so that we did not urt our ears. After lunch we did drive to Chesterfield to see Grandma. She had boughted us some new toys to say ello...
On Monday, we did go to Curbar for a walk along Froggat Edge which do be very high from the ground....
...and I had to stay on my lead so I dint run off the edge by mistake and ave to fly down. I was tellin my friend Sir bArley that it do be in the Peak District wot is a Nashnul Park and a place of outstandin natural booty (like me) and peeple is not allowed to build many fings there....which does make dad sad cos he would like to live there.
After we did walk for a long way we did ave to go to the pub for lunch cos dad say it do be the only place to get a drink for miles around and he was firsty....
I did try some lemon and then I did play wiv Pepper, who was a little border terrier pup. We did ave a look at his chew...
When we did get back later in the day, I did ave quite a lot of diffikulty findin juss the right spot in the sun for relaxin and gettin my strengf back...
On Toosday we was rememberin our grandad, who did leave us one year ago exactly. We decide we would go to Chatswuff House cos he did like to go there and we do remember goin there wiv im. Owever, it was a rainy day and we did spend quite a lot of time under the trees askin dad wot we was gonna do next...
When the rain did stop we did look everywhere for Grandad. We did look in the maze....
....and we fink we did sense him all about...
After we got ome I did try and play ide and seek wiv Izzy and Alice...
....but they did find me pretty quick...
...and i was fated as a god....which I do be in these parts. We did also visit Auntie Christine's house. Lola did say ello for the ducks and chickens wot do live nex door...
I dunno if that is her best side....We woz also expectin to see Sparkle the wabbit but we woz sad to ear that she did get poorly and go over the rainbow bridge.....but we did ave a good look for her anyway...
All in all, we did ave a very excitin and tirin time at Grandma's ouse...
....and then we did ave to jump back in the car and head off for the second bit of our oliday in the Lake District...
....but we gonna ave to leave that for another day cos there do be a lot to tell you bout.
Well, just when we fink the ub-ub about coats had died down, we did get this photo of our pal Archie.......
...and that do be absolutely the very end of dis discusshun and we dussnt want anyone else sendin us any more pics like dis one. It alsmot give me art attack. And yes, Archie do look "very street".
Ello for you. Well sume of you haz taked up the gorntlet wot Hamsih did from down yesterday and did send me some picture of yous in your coats.
First up do be my much-missed chum Riley from the US of A, who did go over the rainbow bridge last munf (and we do miss him). Ere he is in his "snow coat" looking ansome...
I iz helpin is litle bruvver, Titan, who is juss a pup.
Also we did hear from Sir Barley who did send us dis pikture of him and his little bruvver Doogal in their matchin outfits. I would expect nuffink less from such a smart doggie...
And look, little Blind Maximus has also been adoptin some darin fashuns
But best of all is the following picks of my pal Hendrix who do live wiv his mummy Lora who do talk to me on twitter. It was these pics I did see last year wot got me finkin bout raincoats....
Oh deer, my little pal. Wot ave yore mummy done to you? I fink we hadz better call the fashun police to ave a word wiv her....
Today, it do be rainin all day in Engerland and we dussnt have nothing to do so we woz talkin wiv our pal on twitter.
My friend who do also be called Marley (@allaboutmarley) did send me this funny pikture wot was im wearin his raincoat...
We finked it woz funny so we was askin if anyone else did ave similar fings wot they was (very wisely) keepin from publik scrutiny.
I finks you kno wot be comin....ere is my little pal Rocky...
...and we decided it was ok even if he wasn't strictly wearin a raincoat. Then come Amy in her girlie number and ber bruvver Bobby also in sumfink fun...
I fink we also needs to give onorable menshun for Bertie...
Bertie was wearin a familee heirloom. Little Jonty also was in touch, and he do look rilly smart...