
Monday, 29 November 2010

I been to see England

Today we haz got two stories for you. We was only expectin to ave one but then sumfink excitin appened on Sunday and we did not want to wait for tellin it to you.

On Friday, I did net get nice surprise cos dad haz decided to ave the day off to sellybrate weddin anniversary. He dint say nuffink bout it but I presume he talkin of weddin to mum cos I dint see no other wives round ere (and I check in both sheds outside too in case he been stashin em there). Anyway, we done some lookin on the computer for fings to do - I say him that he do the typin and I do the finkin.

After a bit of fort (and I spect some pre-plannin for sumone), we haz decided to go to Hascombe to go for a walk which do end up at the White Hart, wot do be a pub wot has been recommended by our pal Millie the Border Terrier at We is drivin there after scrapin frost off the car and packin up our warm weather gear (gloves, at and scarf for peeple, nuffink for dogs). Although sun was shinin, do not be fooled - it was chilly.

We is runnin right off up the path after a long discusshun about correct angle for parkin the car wot I do not understand. You see how me an Lola was in danger of gettin lost in the brown leaves...

We walked up the hill for a bit to a place where we once did some mushroom pickin. At the top we did meet a nice local lady an her dogs, one of who was Hettie the border terrier. She is gibbin dad the sniff test to check he is ok (she tell me she do be smellin fluff, biskit crums, bettin slips and Old Spice)...

All the time we is walkin we is hearin funny clukkin noises and away off across the fields we is seein men firin guns. I was a bit scared cos I dussnt be wearin any no-huntin-me orange clothes as my pal Shawnee do recommend in huntin season, but I do keep my eyes open and my ears peeled for trubble...

We come across a lake, but it was frozed up and mum was yellin at me when I freaten to walk off across the ice.....I remind her I dussnt see so well wiv my catctus eyes....

Countryside is very bootiful and we is enjoyin the smells and fings of a new walk.....

After a bit, we do come across a path wot is lined wiv hundreds of oles. Lola go rummagin off in the bracken and the next fing we kno she is face to face wiv a rabbit but Mr Rabbit is very sensible and he take off across the field at high speed wiv Lola gibbin chase. 

She dussn't catch Mr Rabbit and she comes back but as she does so she is disturbin a pheasant in the bushes and now we know wot is all the clukkin we haz been hearin. You see Mr Pheasant in the sky cos dad was quick wiv da camera......

We walks for about hour and a half and we was lucky to catch this pawsome photo of where we was. Wot you dussn't see here is hundreds of fezzants wot was everywhere and do be jumpin out of every bush (usually followed by Lola) and makin mum jump....

I did try and catch up but I was always at the back of the pawty makin sure all the smells had been smelled and catalogued.....

Even the horses was enjoyin the sun on their backs but I fink mebbe their lunch was a bit frozen....

To complete our safari, we did see this horsey on his own hidin in the bushes. I fink mebbe he had finded some nice soft grass to eat....

Eventually, we did make our way to the White Horse and did make ourselves at home in the bar (they also haz a big restaurant but wivout doggies in it)....

The pub had two doggies wot did sneak about in the bar gibbin me a wide berth until dad did sneak a doggie treat to this nice lady who did eventually come over for belly rubbin and fuss....

Dad did say me he had best fish n chips for his lunch and he do say the food was very good. I check in wiv him to see if is any left wot he do not be able to finish....

Pub owner do say me I dussnt need to be bovverin dad for scraps and did show me dis....

Walk we done was walk no. 13 from this pawsome book....Footpaths for Fitness: Surrey by David Weller...  and I fink you see we is recommendin it for you.

*Trumpet fanfare by Willium*

Now we has some very excitin extra news for you. On Sunday, mum was sellin her Marley&Lola At Home doggie stuff at a local fair and a nice lady and gentleman did come over to say ello and they did recognise our names cos they do read our blog! How pawsome is dat? Well, I say for you is not as pawsome as wot come next: they sayin mum that they has adopted Rocky who do be my dad. Rocky has finished bein a *ahem* stud dog and lovely Julia at Cidermill Farm did fink he might be appier wiv a nice family to look after him so they haz adopted him to give him a furever home. Then Kate an Christian (the nice peeple) is runnin ome and comin back wiv....guess who?....

Yes, is my dad Rocky and also he is wiv Islay who is half-sisfur to me an Lola! Hurray for Kate n Christian and ello and woofs for dad and Islay. I fink you is seein where I do get my good looks from. We is also sayin ello for their doggie club wot we do unnerstand is also readin our blog.

Now we is very appy and we is goin for a nap....and we is dreamin of meetin up wiv Rocky and Islay for playin..

p.s. we haz been avim some "issues" wiv Blogger wot is bein norty wiv formattin our blog so sum of it might not look neat today. I be puttin the bitey on Mr Blogger and I haz it fixed ASAP for you.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

A Great Journee

I fink I did manage to give some peeple the impresshun that I do haz a easy life here in Ashtead. This could not be further from the troof. I show you ow ard life is for a bizee dog...

Last night, mum has put out my new cusshun in fron of the fire so I goes to lie on it. This can take several seconds of effort an concentrayshun which do vary dependin on wot part of the house I wos in before I start. Anyway, i do get to the cusshun only to finds that some lazy butt is lyin on it....

Well, I haz wasted that efforts and so I complete the long trudge....manee miles....across the livin room to get up in my comfy chair....

....only to find it already occupied by dad and Lola. I am pretty exhausted by this second leg of journee and so I do be gettin up there anyways and me an Lola is wrigglin about til we haz made dad more comfy for sittin on...

...but Lola will not keeps still and I is losin valuable restin time wiv her snortlin and wrigglin and so I do haz to set off again (wivout opportunity for replenishin energy levels wiv snaks) to the other side of lounge where sumone hav booted out Willium....

....and I say you is not beyond bounds of possibilitee that I had to drag that beanbags over dere you is seein ow hard I is workin over here.....while Lola do simply carry on snoozin and doin nuffink to elp....

....which is why vet has putted her on strict diet to lose weight.....every cloud ave silver linin....I let you kno later how traumatic evenin has affected me....

zzzzzzzz.....Capt. Marley Oates.....

Sunday, 14 November 2010

A Gentleman in Pimlico

Ello for you. I iz doin my blog toonite cos I do ave some very excitin news for you wot haz just happened to me.

We was suprised very early this mornin when dad do take us out for early walk. We dussnt usually be out at 8 am for walkin so we kno dat sumfink was appenin. We was worried that they was plannin to go out and leaves us on our own all day. Owever, we did only be back from our walk and juss had the mud wiped from our paws whem dad is rattlin the leads again and sayin me we goin to London, wot do be the capital city.

I get in the car and cos it is 20 miles we do take our bed. Is we goin see the Queen? No? I leave her peemail instead then so she duz know we was in her nayberhood.

We gets to London and first we do go and see our friends in Shepherds Bush. This do not be too unusual and even tho has been rainin I catch up wiv pals wot do walk these streets...

Oh yes, we is hazzin a nice time there but after only one hour Lola is standin by front door whinin and sayin this cannot be wot excitment is about an we gots to get off and do sumfink else....

So we is drivin across London. This is mostly wot it do look like.... also dad was cross wiv the Queen cos she has left red christmas lights at the end of every road and dad do ave to stop and look at em until they is goin green and he get bored. We drivin for a bit til dad say me we is in Pimlico. Is highly posh part of town and we is on our best behavious....until we do see this..

Wot? Lily's Diner? Lily's Kitchen? Wot do be run by our border terrier pal Lily from the twitter?...

Oh My Dog! It do be Lily....and we duz be makin a fuss of her. And then a pretty lady do come over and say "Who do we have ere?". Dad say is Marley and Lola and I tell you I is blushin cos of the lady, right down to ends of my four paws. And then the nice lady say "Not the famuss Marley from twitter?" and I is blushin to the tips of my beard. Then she say me she is readin my blog and followin my tweets and she has a treat for me...

*mum wearin paper bag on ead again!*

She haz laid a table for lunch!! Wow, i dussn't usually get no lunch so I am very excited that I do forget my manners a little bit...

But is Ok cos I see Lily doin same fing.....

and when we haz finished we haz a look round the shop at all the pawsome noms wot Lily has got in her shop....

We did see some sophisticated London dogs who was dressed in the latest fashuns...

Phew, there was a lot and we did run around and be very excited. There was all sorts of doggies in there hazzin a look about and the treats was free and we did try wun of each sort. Then I am a bit tired and Lily did say me to try the Snooze Area...

....and while I am doin that Lily is stealin belly rubs from dad...

...and I fink she is sayin "I gib you 6 out of 10 unless you is rubbin a bit harder Mister Typist"....

...and then one of the other ladies in the shop do ask me if I would haz a belly rub on the speshul belly rubbin couch....wot is a dog to do?...

...and they was such pawsome belly rubbins that I let Lola haz a go too...

We was very sad to be leavin the ladies in the shop who was all very nice and friendly to dogs and obvioulsy they duz kno how to treat a border terrier....but we dussnt leave wivout fillin up a bag of swag to takes away wiv us for later.....

You can imagine wot do appen later when we do be gettin ome for our dinner....

...and it was so good i haz to check that there is none left at all....

And we do say you sum fings bout Lily's Diner. It do be at 30 Pimlico Road in Pimlico in London. They is open every day until 23 December from 10am to 6pm (unless you is goin Sunday when is 11am to 4pm). You can see they menu and details ere

We is recommendin you is goin, espeshully if you is a dog wiv a appetite. We do ope the nice lady wot was lookin after us will put her names in the comments so we can say ello. We did forget to arsk her when we was there...

Marley Blumenthal....woof

Friday, 5 November 2010

A bizee week

Ello for you. Wot do be appenin? tell me later.

Last weekend we done two fings I tell you about. First we went to Wimbledon where peeple be playin tennis. But we did only go to a park and not to the big tennis place. However, some peeple was playin tennis in the park and we did watch em....

...but sum of them woz not very good so I lefted some advice for them on the message board....

On the nex day we did go for a walk on Headley Heath, where we do go most days. Only the day before, I had been tellin my pal Shawnee about the cows we do see there sumtimes and then look wot we did see as if by magic...

....we did watch em for a bit but we ad to leave after a few minnits cos they did start the roody fings...

....after such a bizee weekend, we was very tired and me an Lola did relax by the fire and play at "Centipede"...

...but I wasn't finkin and I did get the wrong the next day I did ask dad if I could share his curry... now I haz the "ammunition"  for next time we play an I make sure I get the right end...nex day was excitin one cos we was sendin  Dad to London on a misshun to see one of our best pals. He follow usual trip to werk but he did see this on the bus... was a misstery and no one was willin to move it even tho the bus was packed. Sumone say me it might haz been a German tourist reservin their seat for later...but I say nuffink bout that.

Anyway, dat afternoon he did go to Hyde Park where he did meet bootiful dog-about-town @bridietheborder...

...and she did show him how to find squirrels in the trees there. She did also bring a very nice present for me...

....she say it was also for Lola, but I fink that was a mistake and she dint mean it.

As if that wasn't enuff excitement for one week, next day was Willium's burfday and we did get for him a copy of new book by our great pal @henryandfriends...

...and he has not stopped larffin bout it yet. He was also given speshul massage dog.....and i may haz borrowed it for testin...

....and it has werked and so I did end this week's blog wiv a little nap...

..and I do be seein you next week I ope.

Bizee Marley....woof