
Sunday, 30 January 2011

Stop Press!!

Ello for you. I did blog update this mornin (you scroll down a bit to see it) and then I done find anuvver luvvly messij in our peemail inbox from the peeple at Stone Lion Vet Ospital wot dun my eyes.....

Whis dem peeple wiv me I ear you arsk....You is lookin at Tessa and Louise the nurses and Frankie the border terrier and Lottie the border terrier x jack russell. Tessa did say me they enjoyed my company lots and were very pleased I came to have a sleepover at Stonelion. I do say same for them an also I do say speshul fanks for all the staff there wot did be lookin after me an my pals. I do be seein you all on Monday and I do say you tell mum to take off da cone and take me for walkies....

Hurray for Stone Lion and hooray for my new eyes....

Marley....friend of vets and nurses.....x

Two weeks of nuffing

Ello for you...*sigh*...I been doin nuffink......*sigh* say me I am not allowed to do anyfing cos of my eyes which might fall out or explode or sumfing if I so much as breeve too we been doin a lot of this...

and then when dat gets borin we do this.....just for a change.....

...evenetually peeple did say me it was Ok to go into the garden....but I got to take my cone wiv me an also wear stoopid harness so typists and ovver helpers make sure I dussnt be runnin or jumpin or nuffing....

I dussnt like I close my eyes and pretend typist is not there......

[Typist note: we suspect Marley was having difficulty dealing with the light because his pupils were still quite dilated at this stage]

.....he fink he kno best....and this generate row between me an Lola....wot I do win.....but I end up not talkin to the Dog Wiv No Brane.....

...and I send her inside to do time ......and finks about her crime.....

...but even tho vet did say me it is impawtant to look after my eyes I am gettin might bored of it...and I do say that dog services is cancelled on this line for the rest of the day and animal replacement service will operate in both direkshuns....

....whilst I continue to look like a dog's head in a popcorn bucket....

Boooooo......Bored Marley.....x

p.s. Cone is orange....not pink.....definitely NOT pink

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Jeepers Peepers

Ello for you my pals. First, I do say fanks for all dem nice messages wot peeple has been sendin me since Friday when I did go ospital for my cataracts operayshun. I haz been overwhelmed wiv everyfing peeple woz sayin and I ope I haz managed to keep up wiv you all. I do apologise if you din't hear from me.

Anyway, I was taked to vets on Friday afternoon cos they do like you to sepnd the night there before the operayshun....... called Stone Lion Vets and is in Wimbledon. I fink you see where it get its name from....but, uh oh, before I go mum say me she is worried I might get all my fur in the way of my eyes so she strip me...

....but she is only doin my ead and not da rest of me so I am not appy....grrrr....anyway, peeple was worried in case I do spend the night in a cage wiv no foods and no loves but the nurses say me I am too luvvly for that and they keps me wiv them watchin telly on Friday night....and I fink you see wot sorts of peeple they is and wot sort of meddysin they is dispensin there... I am recommendin em quite highly.....and operation is on Saturday and is great success and now I haz two new laser sights fitted and them squirrels is gonna be gettin some of they own meddysin when I get ome...

....mum and dad pick me up Saturday evenin and I do be very wobbly and duz not rilly know who I am or where I be....and I haz to be wearin some fancy boots to stop me scratchin my new eyes...

...but they dussnt last very long cos I be chewin em say this is cos they is dark blue (Chelsea) and not sky blue (Manchester City)...but I get ome to find lots of very nice cards and fings....includin this one from my pal Enry....

...wot do make me feel better....altho I dussnt fink I am quite wiv it yet cos dad say me Man City is top of Premier League so I am assumin the vet has overdone the annasfettic...I do spend the day snoozin tryin to shake of the effects...

...and hazzin to wear cone of shame cos I did bite off my boots....and I do not fink is my best look...

..altho I fink you see I did eventually get outside for a walks in the garden in my comy new harness...I iz not allowed to do any exercise or barkin or playin or fings like dat cos pressure on my eyeoles can undo good work of the nice vet wot did fix me up...I am not sure I am too appy about dat....

....but at least I am gettin to sleep upstairs wiv mum and dad in the big bed so they can keeps eye on me an Lola dussnt be gibbin me trubble or tryin to lick my face or anyfing...and also I am gettin plenty of nice Lily's Diner noms cos is very helpful to ave me take tablets (pain killers and auntybiotics) and also as bribin for avin eyedrops wot I do ave to ave 16 times a day....pfffft.

Today I do be feelin much better and haz gots my mojo back. I soon be back on dooty  and squirrels has already decide to go ibernatin cos they know is trubble ahead for them.

Marley Austin...Six Million Dollar Dog.....woof

Friday, 14 January 2011

This one's for Lou

Ello for you. My luvvly pal @lou_brooke from the twitter haz been poorly and did ave to go into ospital for operayshun and is now not feelin too perky so I did telled her I would write a blog for her and Molly an Pixie her border terriers so she got sumfing to read in bed. Well....ere it is Lou. First I do demonsterate for you the correct recovery position after your op....
...belive me, I is expert at the comfy......Big news of da week was Sunday's visit to see Rockee and Islay who do be dad and sisfur to me an Lola. We be visitin em near Godalming and first fing Lola do is charge in and start sniffin out Islay's toys....
....ow rood.....and Islay was avin none of it and did chase her about and put the bitey on her for sure.....then Rockee did decide he was comin out to find Willium in the car and he fink he might ave a go at drivin it hisself....

...but I telled him he was facin the rong way and we decide was too complicated and run off into the garden to do sum sniffin....and Islay put the bitey into Lola and gib her the bum's rush for a bit (and in kno way was I larffin at this wotever it might say in local papers). After a bit when the humans had been drinkin tea we decided we would go off and see wot peemail we could find in the woods...
...Islay and Lola do chase each ovver and put the bitey on each other and generally do behave like pups.....Rockee quickly find the treats in dad's pocket and he get in there so superfast that we gotted only picture of his nostrils pressed right up against the stash....
....Islay and Lola was zoomin bout all over the place ruffin and tumblin and generally puttin the bitey on each other. Islay so fast this was the best picture we could get of her...
...cos she am like a whippet but wiv little legs....evevntually we did go to Thurseley village and we goin in the pub for some noms. Dad decided he would take a photo before so we got in posishun....I'm at the after really you go first...
...hey I'm sittin ere  not you....
.....rilly, do you mind? I'm on the right and you at the back....
.....Ok, dat will do
[Lola, Marlee, Rockee, Islay....bitey not pictured]
 ....and on the way ome we was good and sit for treats.....after a bit of fuss...and some more fuss...and a bit of runnin about..and Lola and Islay tryin to put the bitey into all comers...
....and dad did fink he was avin story time....Jackanory Jackanory....

We did run ome and the pawsons did ave some cake and we did  run about and Lola and Islay did put the bitey on each other for a bit longer.....and Rockee did sit and wotch the young pups playin.....

.....and dad did hipnotize him wiv noms.....
We had a luvvly day and it was nice to be catchin up wiv my dad and wotchin Islay puttin the bitey on Lola for about four hours wivout was almost the perfect week til mum decide she would strip me before I go into ospital on Friday for my eye op......she did my ead....then she stop.....gee, fanks mum....
I say you dat stoopid Blogger has been makiin it difficult to do dis blog tooday and we got some viddyohs of our visit wot we would like to be postin but Blogger will not let us. We do update on Munday when we get fings fixed.

Fank you.....Marley....big uggs for Lou

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Wot appen at Chrismuss

Ello for you and I do ope you got them new ears wot everyone do wish for you about now. We ave been avin a bizee time since we did last blog just before the Chrismuss and so I do juss be gibbin you some highlights of wot ave appended to us.

As you might be expectin, I did prepare well for the oliday period and make sure I did haz some quality naps before it started so as to be redee....

...and I fink you see that I woz travellin first class....Chrismuss Day was a blur, but I did make sure I got a paw in each present wot was open....

It was such a bizee day that poor old Lola was killed by excitements.....

To make sure that it was not all loafin by the fire and eatin fings (altho wot do be wrong with dat I do not know) we did go to Wimbledon Common for walkin and sledgin.....

[Editors note: in no way is this a pic of me beggin biskits from sir]....We wents wiv our pal Lottie wot was bein cared over the olidays by our pals in London. She sure was cute....

The next day we went to see our pal Folly in Beaconsfield and we did chase about in the garden and ave some bones (Folly's bones of corse). After about 20 minnits, Folly was askin to go back inside to escape for her terrier cuzzins....

There was no rest for the wikkid tho, and all my modellin skills was bein put ot the test demonstratin our beds wot we did give to Folly for Chrissmuss..

After that we did rush up the motorway for seein Grandma in Chestefield for Noo Year. But oh oh oh, Grandma has got a new pawson livin in her ouse wot do be Dayzee the C.A.T......

....but we dint get to meet Dayzee in case I did try and ave her for lunch...

Grandma did ave a nice present for us......

....and I did ave a Chrismuss conference wiv Rudolph to review the season....

...and I did try and recuperate from all da excitement....and after that we did try and go and find our pal Ernie the border terrier.....but we did only find a few signs of him....

I tried to see if there was more presents.....

but eventually I did ave to gib up and go ome and get my comfy on....

We tried another walkies the next day and, yes yes, we did meet another of our sisfurs from Cidermill Farm wot be called Tilly. Owver, she was so farst and bouncy and did so much play boxin wiv Lola that dad did ave trubble gettin her on fillium... see us chasin after her while she pounce on  a little doggie wot come along...We also did try another of our nice walks from....

and did walk about Reigate Heath and did end up at nother great pub courtesy of @doggiepubs....

...where I did wait patiently to get I chips.....

....but only got carrots wiv gravy on for noo year diets.

I do say appy noo year for everyone and I ope I do see you soon. Meanwhile, I am takin up a new sport...

New Marley......woof