
Friday, 28 October 2011

Jurassic Park

Ello for you. It do be me, Marlee. I ope you dint forget about me juss cos I wasn't here for quite a long time. I am ere a bit now by accident really cos it has been a bit of a dramatic week for me.

On Sunday, we did go and see our pals Pam, Tony, Nirav, Ishaan and Sahin in Harpenden. They haz been our friends since Willium was born almost 14 years ago. We did go on a pawsome walk wiv dem by the river but mum was worried that I was lookin a bit slow an draggin behind everywun. Owever, I am quite well known for this and dad just ang about at the back wiv me and encourage me along. He did  notis I was stoppin a lot and sniffin the airs wiv my snout. So far, no dramas.

We did leave Arpenden and got ome bout 7 o'clock and I was nappin on the sofa wiv dad and he notiss that I was pantin  a bit but he dint fink nuffin of it. We lied about wotchin telly until bout 9 o'clocks and then they was startin to get worried cos I was still pantin and stickin my snout up in the air and sniffin. Eventually mum decide enuff is enuff and she call the ermergency vet line and they did say me to come to mergency vet in East Molesey, wot be bout 10 miles away from our ouse.

At dis point all hell break loose and peeple is rushin about and stuffin the familee in the car and dad conduct high-speed dash across the county. Fankfully, it was Sunday night and there wuz no one on the roads excpet for some slow coaches who do soon see our rescue mobile flyin past.

We got to East Molesey Vets at bout 10.30 and who do you fink was waitin to greet me at the door?

Yup, they haz a border terrier to greet their payshunts. He was called Gaucho and seein him did cheer up the familee no end. I was taked away by the vet and when she did come back she say me that I haz a lot of flooids on my lungs and a heart that was racin too farst and I need urgent meddysin so I haz to stop over night. While she was doin some tests on me Gaucho did keep everywun entertained...

Game of footballs?
Pleez administer wuzzes if it make you feel better...

In the mornin, the familee come back and the nice lady vet, who be called Megan I fink, say that I haz had meddysin to take away flooids from the lungs but she dussnt yet kno the cause - is mebbe eart disease, newmonia or other fings. Owever, she dint be able to treat my racin eart cos she was worried bout lungworms and the eart meddysin might not have been good wiv dat too. She send me on my way wiv the familee to Ashtead to see our usual vet at the marvellous Ashtead vets...they is always so nice to me there.....

Home from ome
They did say me I seem stable and the other ospital done all the right fings but I needs to go and see sumfing called a cardiologist at a speshul ospital for chekkin out my eart cos it do not be lookin good so I am soon on my way to a pawsome vet ospital wot be called North Downs Specialist Referrals where they haz many clever vets....and they duz be givin me a MRI scan to see wot be the problem wiv me....

Cardiganologist at werk....
 ...and mum and dad do be waitin nervously to see wot be the verdic....

Here come the syence.....
...and the nice man, Simon, do say me I has a problem wiv my eart wot be called mycardial valve stenonsis....wot in English mean that one the bits of my eart do not werk propply and is not lettin enuff blood fru but I haz been born wiv it. This do not sound like good news to me. But then he say me that he haz also find sumfing else....I haz swallowed sumfing and I needs a operayshun to get it out of me and probbly in swallowin it the fing has mebbe scraped on my eart as it goin past and this is wot has made my eart go all racey and unwell....can you guess wot is the fing I haz swallowed?....

Yup, I haz swallowed a toy dinosore wot be ard an plastic and pointy. We dussn't know ow I haz done this cos I do not be a chewer and it do not be one of ower toys. We fink mebbe I haz found it in the park and eated it....but no one do explains how I has swallowed it ole (it haz no teef marks in it). Lola did not take the news well... Simon the Cardiganologist do say me I haz to stay in the ospital and ave the operayshun cos my eart is under controls wiv all the meddysin and he dussnt fink there be extra risks for surgery cos of my condishun. So I is avin the op but I dussnt be that appy bout it...cos it be my third op in a year after avin my teef done an also my cataracts in January

Again? Rilly?
The familee is very worried bout me and I see they duz be close to tears but also they is finkin the doctors and nurses do all seem very nice and they kno the operayshun is the only fing to do cos the dinosore is not comin out on his own and it dussnt be sensible to leave him case he do grow and swallow me ole...

Not operatin in time carry its own risks...

I dussnt really remember much bout the op but I do kno all my pals is finkin bout me and dad say me that I haz undreds of nice messijs from my pals and my speshul chum little Alfie (@alfielulu) did even send me some bloons to cheers me up....

..and I see from twitter that all my pals do be waitin and watchin over me from #marleysporch which is makin me feel safe an appy. It do be mazin ow peeple I dint never meet do be worried bout me.

The operayshun is a complete success and the ospital phones up to say I am doin well and tryin to stand up and I can mebbe come ome the following day. The nex day after the op mum and Willium come to see me and I manages to haz a snak...

Noms, for medical reezens
 ...and to wander outside for chekkin peemail....

Bit wobbly

...but I dussnt quite be up to leavin the ospital yet cos they needs to be chekkin my eart doesn't stop so I takes a  long nap overnight and before you kno wot is appenin I am on my way ome to see the familee. Even Lola do be pleezed to see me I fink. I am very glad to be back and I do send big fanks to all my pals wot did rally round and keep the familee feelin cheerful. Is trooly amazin ow much peeple is followin my antics. I ope I dint worry no one too much.

I am ome now and takin it easy. I dussn't be loud to walk or run or jump for two weeks and I haz a big, bald shaved tummy wot be cold in this wevver. But my problems be only tempry ones (apart from my weak eart which we do ave to wotch now) and some doggies got bigger issues to deal wiv. That is why dad is running 1,000 miles for raisin munnee for The Dogs Trust. Lots of luvvly peeple did leave him some munee when they did read bout my plight and if anyone do want to make a donayshun then there is a linky up on da right side of dis blog or click HERE aswell. It would make me appy to fink some doggies was elped wiv their problims. I am lucky and haz a familee wot got a ouse and muneee for lookin after me but not everypaw is so lucky.

I am goin now for my napz....

Marley...cheater of deff