
Saturday, 24 March 2012

Burfdee presents

Hurray, is typist's burfdee!! Appy birfdee to you, appy burf......wot? was last month you say? Oh.....well, today he ave finally got round to buying himself a present and he ave been testing it out on us....he ave got a new is no more same-old, same-old shots on da iBone for ave gone a bit David Bailee... might be your burfdee, but please do NOT interrupt I naps...
....was you not listening?...nap invasion do not be permitted...

....ave you seen Lola?....
...enuff! I need a pawz....
Lola:....nice one for @harryporker.... quite borin bein model innit?... one for @tedloveschicken....
.....rilly? You has been warned....
....*sigh*....k, you win....
...Yoga Dog, doin it right...
...the King survey I kingdom...
...I hear Monty barking up the road...

...huh? You is goin already?...
....*back to amusing myself....*...


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Monday, 19 March 2012

Super Bizee

Ello for you. I dint get time to do no bloggins recently cos I ave been super bizee wiv my plans, praps i best not to say wot my plans be for just yet but I be showin you ow hectic my skedyool ave been...

....two eads better than one for organisin......

....we ave been elpin get some kindling in for the fires...

...kindlin in the green box i am told   

....Lola ave been doin the washing up...

....washin up toast crums...

..and i ave been bizee doin testing of various impawtant plant & equipment in the house.....

...pillows: not correct size, pleez replace lights correctly located...

....I ave even taken my talents into the kitchen......

...espresso: freshly brewed for you...

....and we did elp wiv the DIY in the gardens.... deck need to be one dog long by one dog wide, fank you...

.....and we gibbin quite a lot of elp mowin the lawn....

....after which we was involved in elpin em check out stocks & shares in da Sunday papers....

......addin to portfolio, plannin for retirement....

...and Lola check for cracks in the ceiling.... leaks....

....and also consultin wiv Willium over diffycult technical issues in his omewerks...

...calculus?....easy peasy....

....and I take time off on Mothers Day to elp wiv ironin so mum can put few feets up...

....crease free blankitts...... that do be why i dint ave no time for doin my blog. I am sure you unnerstand.....must get some rest now...

....all productivity targets met....


Wednesday, 14 March 2012