
Thursday, 31 May 2012

Pitbull Paradise

Now.....I know wot you is finkin....pitbulls, Marley, no fanks. Well I say to you you haz to check out my pal Corbin and you gonna change your ideas about pitbulls. He is a pawsome fella....and on 4th June he is invitin us all to pawticipate in his Pitty Post project can see ow to join in wiv Corbin on his blog.....we will be doin sumfing so watch this space!!

Marley (small terrier)

Monday, 28 May 2012

Phew, it be a scorcher.....!

Ello for you do see me n Lola ave been somewhat pole-axed by the warm wevver in da UK for the last few days.....

....bemused by sunshines....

...cos, as you do kno, we is not used to real summers in this part of the werld where the last few weeks ave seen rain, wind, sleets, hail and snows for some..........Claptun was offerin his advices....

.....might be a bit sticky on da furs of course.....

...and even dad did say we haz to be very careful on our walks and haz to go only where there be shades for us....

....shady zoomins....

...shady peemail updates from pals...

...shady nommin on the hedgerow buffet... was a nice walk and we did not be gettin hot and bovvered and my heart was not givin us any trubbles....but it was nice to get back ome and ave some "ME" time in the back garden....

...*insert own hot-dog jokes here*....

.....and we did ave some lazy times while Claptun did read to us for the Anipal Book Club....we is readin 11.22.63 by Steven King.... you sittin comfortablee? Then I do begin...

...Claptun did ave to read out loud cos there was no pictures for Lola to be lookin at wiv her small brane.....

...Lola and Claptun do some tannin....

....but i dussnt be likin the sun for too long so I go back inside to find a variety of places for slumpin....

hallway slumpin: not bad

lounge rug slumpin: better

comfy chair slumpin: best

...but there is only so much peas and quiet to be haz wiv Lola about......

...get up Marlee, sumfing be appenin

.....and akshully, for once, Lola be on to sumfing.....

...chewy sticks is bein anded round.....

....but even just chewin some rawhide be exhorstin werk in this wevver.....

Lola: post-chew slumpin.... I says to you all to be extra careful out there this week in the hot suns....or you will be like me and very "surprised" by the global warmin....

....dismayed by summer.....


Monday, 21 May 2012


My pal Dusty the BT over at LIFE WITH MY DOGS BLOG be hazzin a competishun for his 1st burfdee and I do be enterin it....

My entry do be my face....he laffin at the back

....appy burfdee Dusty my chum....woof

Monday, 7 May 2012

Cuzzin Tilly

On Sunday we ave been to see cuzzin Tilly at her house. We been there before but not when Tilly be livin there. Is just takin an hour to get there in the Limo...

..Nana greet us wiv a chew each: ere be Lola's...

...sneaky Tilly use distraction as excuse to get in my travel bed...grr

.....but rilly she only ave eyes and ears for one thing....

..frow da ball, frow da ball, frow da ball
..frow it agane, frow it agane
......she was pretty sure she was gonna beat me an Lola to it....

*winning ears*
Ha! Beated you....

...keep up slowcoach

I win.....

I win agane... agane pleez

I decide this be too much for me: all runnin an no winnin so i go for a sit down...

Is that Nana's cooking I smell?...

We had some delishuss lunch: chicken and veg mixed in wiv our kibble...

...*nom nom*...

 It was nommy cos Nana is the best cook. After lunch, i was finking that there was summing missing...

...i am sure there was 3 dogs before..

 ...Lola and Tilly been taken out on a walk but I dint be goin cos I did big walk yesterday and also running after balls so i was a bit pooped...

..Tilly chasin sticks....

...where ave she gone?....

....our visit be over too soon but Tilly ave smooch for me before we go...


....and for them wot like news of Clapton, ere be the highlights of his week...

...supervisin I noms...

..chekkin up on da news...

eh? wot?.....supervisin drum practiss


....relaxin wiv bacom sammidge on Sunday...

....seein you all on twitter...

Ok, dat be it for us. I wish you a apply week. Woof.....Marley

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

News of The Werld

Ello my pals. Today, i do be bringin you news of #flatmarley. We dussnt usually use dis blog for that, but we put it ere today in case you dint find your way over to #flatmarley HQ wot be HERE

It ave been a pawsome start to da #flatmarley season. Furst off I do say many fanks to all them wot ave donated munnee to Dogs Trust. As I do be snoopervisin the typin of this entry we do ave raised £188 for Dogs Trust and same agains for Terrier Rescue. Hurray!! You is all very kind.

And so to pal Smudge ave grashussly allowed to me to goo of wiv his mum an dad to Doobai to sellybrate mum's a good job too cos the wevver be savagein da UK...

...dry-wevver terrier...
....but we was soon able to relax in our furst class seats and kick back....

....better fasten seat belt for take-off
...and after a long and groolin flight wot better than to relax in a shady pool wiv my new pal Keef...

....where's Mick?....
...before headin out on the town to take in da sights...incloodin the werld's biggest bildin....

....peemailed..of corse

I do ope Smudge be sendin me more fotos from Doobai as da week progress.

Owever, that do not be all for #flatmarley. He has been bizze wiv his pal Tim @extratrainer ...we ave gone up Norf to start wiv...

southern border gone Norf....

off to Blackpool for sightseein

.....before elpin to open a new otel nearby...

....and anuvver in Liverpool.... wets your appytite for comin back to see wot #flatmarley be gettin up to he ave been promised quadbikin in Doobai, trips in da canoe wiv Jed Bramwell, a shoppin trip to LA wiv BT pal Ennis from Poland, many trips to da Olympics, some visitin in Canada....a pint or two of Guinness in Dublin and mebbe some slebrity pawties!! And no doubt much more as his pals get bizee wiv their printers....(we haz one request for a life-sized model! BOL).

Appy days.......Marley at #flatmarleyHQ