Ello for you....my pals at Pedigree the dog foods company has been peemailin me to see if I needs any elp wiv my joints now that I am an older dog! Floopin cheek....i duss be 5...and if anyfing my legs is my best feature...it do just be my heart wot be a bit broken.....anyhoo....the nice lady there say she do like me anyway and can I elp her wiv her project....so of corse I do say yes....and a few days ago a nice pakit did arrive in da post....
.....correctly addressed...
.....so I sent Lola out to gib it some sekurity-snooterin to check for suspect materials....
....all clear in Patio Sector....
....and we haz given the all clear for openin up da bag to see wot ave come for us.....
...blah blah project...blah blah rools...
.....more promissin....
Hey! You duss not ave permishun to inspect any consoomables Lola...
.....I haz issued orders that Lola only be allowed to deal wiv any toys and activitee-related content of pakkit on order of my caridganologist...
Marley, pleez dont over-do bee do bee do it...
....altho this run this risk of confusin her poor wee brane....
...balls, balls, balls, balls, balls....
...frow it, frow it, frow it, frow it.....
....chase it, chase it, chase it, chase it....
Wot I do nex?
...*sigh*...destined never to be used again....
....and then the unfinkable appen...i haz turned my back for one second and typist have got confused about his instrukshuns...
....wot be this then?....
...is smell interestin....
...i fink we is allowed to hold the ends.....
.....is too heavy for you?....
...I takes more of the weight then.....
....WHAT DID I SAY??????....
...i fink in the future we will leave the activitees to cuzzin Lily.....\
Oh deer oh deer, our poor blog ave not had much attenshun lately wot wiv one fing and anuvver....anyway I duss be back in more general circulayshun now and I be opin to be back to gibbin you updates....we did get back from our oliday wiv Cody wot i told you about last week....and it was a very peaceful few days.
You remember when da volcanoe did explodes cupple of years ago and there was no planes in the skies and every fur did say ow peaceful it be and ow the sun did shine and the werld was better place for a week? Well...it was like that round here....cos Lola still be at the farm when I did get ome...so i did mostly be nappin...
...glorious "me time"...
...or torkin wiv Calpton....
....is quiet is it not tiny pal?...
....or avin more naps....
....but of course these fings cannot last....and eventualy some pawson who do no longer be in my chrismuss listins ave fetched her back....
...canine 747....darkenin the skies...
....leadin to inevitable trubble...
...I was here furst...by the radiator...
While I duss be avin to "re-educate" Lola bout familee peckin order etc. Clapton ave been enjoyin the cyclin on the telly and he ave done a little movie for you...
...leevin me to more impawtant bizniss...
...and before I do go I bring you some evidence of the rise of my people...
....yes, we is com in for you...
....finkin man's terrier....better than drink in man's terrier...
Ello for you...as many of you do kno i haz anuvver blog HERE where we do play a game called #flatmarley for elpin to raise munnee for Dogs Trust and Terrier Rescue....we is also postin here today's #flatmarley blog cos it was such big news and we fink you might all like to hear bout it...
Dear pals....we bring you huge news
today.....yesterday #flatmarley was trendin on twitter in the UK
.....lookey lookey we got evvydence...
...clicks to biggify and look on left...
amazin stuff and do take us by surprise....we do take it as drawin
power of dear Bunners who was star of yesterday's blog....and we do pay
tribyoot to our deal pal @piprufus1 whose idea it was to play
#flatmarley last year....we haz raised almost £1,500 for doggie
charitees so far and I do ope there be more to come...is testymint to
all of you who is playin the game, donatin your munnee and readin our
blog....see what we can do if we werks together...
...and as you can see, i haz been hard at
werk at ome of Dogs Trust snoopervisin staff and makin sure that fings
be runnin propply...cos it do not pay to rest your butt on your
....you haz money? I haz place to put it...
....and I finally got chance to meet up wiv @kelsoterrier from Dundee to discuss success...
....he wuz tiny bit smaller than I was expectin...
.....and i just say
might be a small break in the blog for the next 10 days cos I do be goin
on olliday...i looks forward to seein you all when I gets back.
Woofhoo.....*appy dancin*.....Marley
p.s. i ope my pals on this blog can join in and play #flatmarley too. All da rools and regs for the game is on the other blog and be very simples...is no winners, just fun and elpin doggies.