
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Friday, 26 October 2012

A funny old week...

Ello for you....

...yore corryspondint....
It ave been a funny old week my chums.....I haz had repawts that Autumn (or fall as my pals overseas mite be callin it) ave arrived in earnest....

....trees sheddin their furs....
 ...I did not ave chance to meet earnest...but i fink we can see that there is definit signs that Autumn is here at last after a few weeks of mostly warms order to proove da case on way or the other i haz sent Lola out for investigatin....and owin to her small brane I have also sent the typist wiv her to gavver evidence......

...Lola is goin out...she may be some time..
 ...I haz remained in the command-chair to receive her repawts on her return.....

...urry up, werld is waitin for wevver updates...

 ...and eventualee she ave managed to relay some informayshuns wot I have rearranged into this comprehensive repawt for you.... terrier, wearin winter furs....

....even tho it ave been presented to me in the usual unpawfeshunull manner.....

....and now we haz advice for you based on our paw-diction for Autumn....

....remain in snuggly blanket, if possible, until lunch time....

....always consider wolly jumper if anyone even menshun goin outside...
 ...Willium have scoured the intermutts (TM: Frankie Furter) for app to translates Lola's woofins to see if any impawtant seasonal-related data ave been lost in her teeny branes....

....*tryin Mongolian*....

.....all I kno is that Autumn sure means werk for some furs around these pawts....

the big tree: the gift that keeps on givin....


Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Little bruvver

Ello for you...this week we do be handin over our blog to our pal Scrappy Nelson (he do be @scrappyN on twitter) becos he ave done some very pawsome werk indeed.

Furst I fink he ave brort a little bit of appiness into everyfurs life wiv his very profeshunull demonstrayshun video for his new boots.....

...i fink he do ave them for his oliday...he must be gettin a week at Covent Garden....

But dussn't despair at poor Scrappy's plight. Our border terrier pals on twitter ave rallied round and given him a big pawty for his furst burfdee....

..there do be a lot of the border terrier represented there...and I fink you mite haz spotted #flatmarley in amongst the guests and also uvver flat pals who ave followed our inspirayshun to be able to attend...

We send a big fanks to dear Scrappy and his familee for hostin us all for the day. Appy burfdee pal...


Sunday, 7 October 2012

Milk & Marshuns

Ello my pals....we haz big news for you from dis weekend....

....furstly, my appytite haz been a bit off cos I did increase my digoxin tabblits and they do play avoc wiv my eaten...but my dear pal @alfie_BT and the pawsome folk at Feelwells doggie food company did say me I could try goats milk cos it be very nootrishuss and also dubbly we haz gibbed it a go...

....mmmm, goats milluk...look Alfie, we haz finished it all!!..

...previously contained milluk.....

...nom nom....

...*slurp...nom nom*...
 ...Saturday did start off wiv some slight logistical problems wiv da sleepin....

...ahem, is near the warm radiator....

...and poo patrol was out early scopin & scoopin...but wiv some argy-bargy gettin back into HQ...

...hey! Quit bargin...
...and so I did ave to send Lola off to Ashtead Common for a walk while I got some peas & quiets at ome...rumour haz it that Lola was not born but only found in a forest clearin....

...woodland creeture emerges from undergrowf...
...and it appear that the peeple from her plannit haz come back to claim her....

*spooky 5-note theme*...walk into the light Lola...

 ....but fings was not quiet back at HQ....

...there was sun to be collected....

...biskits to guard....

....two missin you say? no no no....i fink you do be rong....
....mail to be chekked....

 ....even Willium did benefit.....

...omewerk?...nuffin too much trubble....

...keepin typist company.....

...haz nose for where elp be needed...

 ....and come dinner time I was agane called on to provide valuable elp & guidance...

....*slurp*.....mite need more salt?...

...pleez check pans....dussnt want burned foods....
 ....which be a good fing cos I did find that typist have cheffed up Lamb & Rice for Lola and noodles & white fish for me....

.....eats your eart out Nigella...

.....taste testin......

.....savourin all flavours....

...Terrier Approved....
 ...and dat was followed by dessert .......

er....bamboo shoots....

 ....sadly, I haz to repawt that all this attenshuns and food bribery was prelyood to the humans sneakin out later and leevin is behind....

...night in wiv Lola and Radio 4 not rilly wot i was lookin for...

....and they typist had the cheek to come ome smellin of steak and red wines.... i showed him my disappointment...

...pleez keep still, terrier sleepin here.... least I had Sunday to recover....

....sensible sun-puddlin.... dog wiv brane, one dog wivout...
Woof...ave a great week my chums...Marley

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

A Sunday of Colossal Hecticity

Pals...i do bring you all da news from our Sunday....we haz only edited highlights tho beclaws there was so much goin on and so little time to get it all down in paw-print here.....(ps: i do say you that "beclaws" is my new favrit werd which my pal Frankie Further did introdoose me to so i am sayin it once here to honour Frankie (and his brofur Ernie))....

....i was elpin the typist around the kno, checkin all the furniture be level and that sort of fing....

....correct angle for human seatin.....
 ...when there duss be a noise and I haz to investigate wot is appenin.....

....wassat? Haz disturbed maintenance team at werk...
 .....and it appear tha the typist ave decided i am asleep and he is off to do hiw own fing he needs to do impawtant work on the pooter no doubt updatin I blog etc....but i soon snooter him down  is able to rejoin the labour team.....

....i am comin on to your lap....make room, dockin is immynent....
 ...and he can go about implementin the rest of our plan wivout fear of checkin the football results fallin behind skedyool resultin from interruptions from da pesky dawg werker shortages...

...types wiv other wot it be for...
 ....and werk is soon hummin along at the rekwired pace and i am almost asleeps agane doin my pawt...

...arm of chair safe to rest coffee on....
 ....and we haz checked our offis phone line regularly in case any fur to wish to repawt urgent dooties wot require attenshun....

....talks to the paw, dog ain't listenin.....
 .....and even Lola be out doin some minor tasks sooted to her tiny brane sekurity snooterin and monitorin offis peemail inbox...

...while i did attend to the cleanin and tidyin....

and that was us right fru Sunday....we is doin the werk so you dussnt ave to.....

Team Terrier: always on dooty....

Woof....Marley (haz Monday off, pleez leev message at da beep)....