I haz been tagged by two pals .....
Furst, my dear kitteh pal
Pandora ave made me the reesippyent of the Sunshine Award....
....fank you to her. She ave asked me to answer sum questions bout myself....
What be my favourite number - hmmmm, I fink we is gonna ave to choose nummer 1 becoause this year our football team did finish number 1 in the English football league for the furst time in about 1 hundred years.....we loves to relive the moment when that did appen...
..pssst...if you is on iBone and cannot see dat viddyoh then you can haz it here on dis
What be my favourite non-alcoholic drink - that i fink do be an easy one cos we do say it be Hank's bacon beer wot was invented by our dear-depawted pal Hank the Doggy....
Duzz I prefer Facebook or Twitter? - pffft, this cannot be a real kwestion. Is no contest....twitter.....Facebook, is that still a fing?
What be my passion - ........nappin...natch.
..it take practiss.... |
My favourite pattern - can i nommynate the pattwern on the inside of my eye-lids? No? Hmmmm, den it be the patters of my tweetin pals from the twitter....
....ello for you |
What be my favourite day of the week? Well I do say it be any day wot involve naps, walks and snaks.....not necessarily in that order...
....multi-taskin.... |
What be my favourite flowers?I haz to say it be the power flowers in my favrit treat from my favrit Border Terrier....Lily at Lily's Kitchen...
...flower power.... |
I am sposed to pass on dis award to some uvver bloggers and haz them answer the same questions. Well I see most of may pals do already ave the award so I just say to you dat if you is readin this then why not join and and elps yourself to an award. Yiu is all winners to me!!
Second, my pal
Nayomee ave tagged me in a games of Why? So here is my Whys?....
Why do peeple ave to go ungry when there is food to feed the werld?
dear Lords, pleez send noms.... |
Why is tins so small?
...and tongue so short? |
Why is peeple makin such a fuss bout opposable thumbs?
....snooter bread disguise....... |
Why do Lola fink she is the boss of me?
Why you call me turtle?
...Again I do say to you to ave a go at doin some Whys? yorself. Is fun.....