
Wednesday, 16 September 2009


Today has been a very sad day 'cos our friend Pepi has died. He did live in Australia and but was always talkin' to us on twitter and was 18 years old and a poster boy for Golden Oldie dogs.

People is always sayin nice phings bout him and he was very famous. That is because he was cheeky and 'ansome at the same time...

Here is 'is cheeky face pokin' out of his pram what he did use to get about in...

The bestest thing about Pepi was that he was always the one to get the fun goin' on Twitter for his younger pals. Even though he was ill he did take me for a super fast ride in his racin' pram this week and was pullin' wheelies an donuts to the last...

...and he was leadin the dancin' on #pirate4aday with his jig troupe and tired out all the young pups.

Even when he was poorly he was able to put a smile on all our faces...

and was able to get the ladies goin posin' in his speedos....

...or doin' his hair for a pawpawty....

Tonight we will be going for a special ride on Henry's truk to a meadow near the rainbow bridge to celebrate Pepi's life. The truk do not be full yet, but by 9 o'clock it will be bulgin' wiv frends that Pepi has touched wiv his wisdom and fun....

....and I ope we can remember the old boy in appy times like this...

If you is brave, then I say ave a look at this tribute page for Pepi what @frugaldougal have done. CAUTION: may induce tears.

Tributes are also comin in to Sanjee's page.

Rest in peace my dogggy chum. If you likes, you can light a candle for him ere. I have done one and so ave may of his pals.

Marley an Lola


  1. That was beautiful. It brought more tears to our eyes. We all loved our beautiful, wonderful Pepi.

  2. Dat is a byootiful tribyoot to Pepi. He was da bestest furriend. We will link to yore tribyoot at Our Rainbow Bridge page
    fur Pepi too so efurryone can finds it.
    Sanjee @HotMBC and tha resta tha Hotties and George the Duck

  3. I was sad to learn that Pepi is not among us any more. Everyone must cross the Rainbow Bridge and now Pepi is among new friends.

  4. That was really very, very sweet. Goin to light candle now

  5. A very sweet tribute. Pepi you are going to be so missed.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings