
Friday, 1 January 2010

It do be a New year .....apparently

Larst night the humans did all stay up late and were celebratin somefink called the "New Year". I am led to believe that this is because the old year has been finished with and a new one is ready to use. So, this mornin we did go out to see if anyfink have changed. I thought it would be a good idea to go somewhere that we did know well and see if it was different and so we got in the car and went to Headley Heath near where we live cos the sun was shinin.

Normally, the car park has a few cars in it but today it was very full...

Cos it was a new year, some people had come out for a walk without their dogs but with some new baby humans that had arrived in the night. You can see them in the distance here...

This has not made the field smell or look any different mind you, so we had to go further afield to look for clues that the year really was new - we had decided that a little bit of snow was not really enuff evidence for that. We very soon saw a great big dog who did give Lola the tradishunall greetin....

...and he was followed by a couple more who did say hello for me and did run up and down a bit...

A noise behind me did make me look round and I phought we had been visited by a New Year Alien, but it was only mummy wearin a big hat....

It did seem at this stage that there was nuffink new at all about 2010. I had a sniff at the floor and it did seem very much the same...

We had a look down all the usual paths and they was all there in the same place and pointin in the usual direction. One of em had a few extra horses on it but I phinks that perhaps they was also just out lookin for New Year...

Even Willium was behavin as usual: laggin behind and arskin how far it was and woz we there yet...

I had decided that there was akshully nothing different at all compared to last year. We did see a dalmatian and a beagle who did climb up a tree for treats (and I coped him and got a bikkie) but the camera did run out of battery and we did only get a picture of him on the floor...

After one hour we had seen not one thing that was different to yesterday and so we did sit in the car park and watch the humans eat lunch from the food van and barked at some other dogs for sayin hello. None of em had seen anything new so we decided to come home and sit by the fire.....which was just the same and just as we like it.

Anyway, even if phings are the same we wish for peas on earth in 2010 like the humans do...

Marely (original model)....WOOF


  1. I am Mr Mo (a border terrier) and my Mum found you on blogspot - I do like your postings, they are really great. My Mum is my typist and she has made me a blog When she has got a few minutes she's gonna put my new year post on... Dad is nagging her to take the indoor tree away now... licky lick for now Mo

  2. Sounds like your New Year started off just right! Fanks for sharing!

  3. Just as I thunked, niffin diffrent bout 2010 over on this side of the pond either. Welcome back from your howliday at the farm. I missed you two!!!!

  4. What an adventure and a great start to da new year! YAY!!

  5. Happy New Year! Peas on Earth to you too ;)

  6. love the terriers...we have four!!!
    good blog

  7. Hi Marley and Lola
    Brilliant Blog - we are very proud of you!!! With lots of love from all your friends at Cidermill Farm in Newdigate. xxx


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings