
Tuesday, 9 February 2010


I'd like to thank my parents, the director, my agent and my PR and....oh, hang on a sec, I am gettin ahead of myself a bit here.

We have been given an award by our great friend Lexie (who is @dogstoyevsky for those who do follow us on Twitter). It do be the Honest Scrap Award.

See how nice it is. Lexie does tell me that now I have the award I muss pass it on to ten other of my friends but not before I ave told you ten things you may not knows about me an Lola.

Here goes:

1. I am scared of the oven and when it is on I do go an hide at the bottom of the garden. This is because it do make a horrid noise and frightened me when I was a puppy.

2. I was the runt of the litter. I know, who would have thought it bein as how handsome I turned out to be. Lola was also the runt of her litter, but only cos she was a litter of one. She say she do be unique, I say her mum decided not to ave any more pups after seein her pop out.

3. Lola can plays the guitar.

4. My mummy wot I do live with is a chicken but now she ave made me take down her pikture so you ave to trust me on this one.

5. I can tell the time. 6am? Time for noms. 7pm? Time for noms. See how it works.

6. I do be the brains and Lola do be the brawn.

7. I am an effective guard dog. See, I guard Grandma's telly...

8. I am a Michelin-starred chef. See what time I do spend checkin out the finest ingredients for you..

9. I can count to 9, yessir.

10. I likes to pawty

Now that the secrets is out the bag, I must pass this award on to some of our friends. We gives it to:

1. Arthur (who is @monkeysbrother) becuase he really is the best anipal photographer that there is and always make me laugh with his stuff. You can see his blog ere

2. Nex is my baboon chum @kolo_martin. He does not have a blog but he is on twitter and is always full of fun and has HUGS HUGS HUGS for me

3. Then we have Karen Wild, who is a doggie trainer who is very very kind to me and is always happy to stop for a chat even though she is very very busy and a slebrity. She is @wildpaw on Twitter

4. We also give the award to Shawnee the German Shepherd Dog who live in America. She is always readin our blog and I do be readin hers cos it is rilly rilly funny and she ave the life we is very jealous off cos she is hikin every day.

5. I give the award to d'Artagnan Rumblepurr but really I knot know why cos he is a pest and I give him a GIANT THWOCK for his pains

6. Also I phink we give it to Shauna and Mickey and Kayloo cos we do phink they show us how to run a blog properly on Fido n Wino.

7. I give little award to my hooman friend Cyber Emma cos I kno she is lookin for a new job so I phink my recommendayshun will elp with that. Also, she is always happy to chat wiv a little dog. But....she work in IT but have no blog. What gives?

8. I phink I give a little joint award to @sirbarley and also @sadiepetunia cos they is awlays good for some Schnauzer action on twitter an I likes to talk to nice people who say kind things.

9. I think @sidthecatahoula also deserves a menshun cos I talks to him and I learn about geography cos Sid lives in Chicago and we swap stories about our omes. Chicago is very differunt from Ashtead. One day, I ope to go there for a pizza an a long oliday.

10. Finally, I say an award for Ruffles who lives in Singapore an is @scottieterror on twitter. Who could resist this?

Anyway, that do be that. Me an Lola is very honoured to ave this award from Lexie. She do the most bootiful border terrier I kno.

Academy Award Winner Marley (an Lola).... woof


  1. Nice bloggie post Marley. Congratulations on your award. Wuzzes all round. Claire 'n' Ernie

  2. Congratulashuns on you getting the award and I do be so honorored that you gibbed me the Honest Scrap award! But since I has alreddy gotted it, it would no be fare if'n I eggsepted it again. I does not wants to be an award hog BOL. Here is from when I gotted it afore:
    Pee Ess - Owie on the stripping! No unnercoats in the snow? That be so rong.

  3. Lub your bloggie & your award/recognition - very nice to learn new things about you!

  4. Marley, you are an awesome writer and most fun friend! Thank you for lovely mention! Wuzzes and a PUNCE!

  5. Congratlashuns on your award Marley, u r luckie doggie.

    Hamish the Westie xx

  6. Scared of the oven are you....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... *evil laugh*

    Thanks for the award little puppy. You know I'm AWESOME.


  7. Congratulations & thank you SO MUCH for the nomination! Have a great weekend!

  8. Marley you are a lovely doggie, and i enjoys reading your blog"


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings