As you has mebbe heard, I do be runnin a constant war against squirrels in my neighbourhood. In recent times they haz become even more cheeky and haz taken to comin into I garden and stealin foods from the bird feeders.
I haz decided to take my campaign against this invasion to the streets....
....and evevn underground...
We do say NO! to squirrels...
Marley Saatchi.....woof
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Hey, watch out!!
Ello for you. I was avin a very nice day today cos dad did be at ome and we was chattin wiv our pals. Suddenly at 4.30 mum did say me to get my lead. Usually of corse this means we is goin walkies and me an Lola do run about barkin and makin a fuss. However I notiss that Lola do not get her lead and is juss me goin out wiv mum an dad. I finked that mebbe Lola had finally dun sumfink so bad she was not allowed out. She did make a fuss and stare out the window at us as we left in the car.
We did only go for five minnits and we did pull up here...
Uh oh you might say. Some doggies do ide and whine and makes a fuss when they is goin to the V.E.T.S.....but not me. I likes goin to the vet. We got nice vet. We wented in and we did meet a little Pug called Peggy wot was feelin a bit poorly and did not like bein at the vet and was gettin a bit stressed. I try and calm her down by bein friendly but she dint want to play for long and did sit on her mum's lap and make a fuss. She was gettin so stressed that we did let her go first cos I was avin the time of my life in recepshun. See how I was waggin my tail?...
You not believe me?....
Peggy was takin so long that I decide to do some window shoppin...
....but very sensibly the vets had put the cat food at floor level and the dog food higher up. A few more minnits go past and still no sign of Peggy so I sit on dad's lap to get a better view of fings goin on...see ow pricky up my ears is?..
We wait a bit more and decide to read a book....
.....very practical stuff....
Eveventually, Peggy did come out and she was juss avin a cold or sumfink. We dint get a picture of her cos we dint fink she was in the mood for it. Anyway, now we was ready to go in and see our nice Vet wot be called Sarah. She did say ello for me and then she start frowing a bit of tissue about. I watch it very closely but I not rilly understand wot is goin on. Mum and dad is talkin about my eyes and tellin fings bout me banging into doors and gettin lost on walks. I look at em as if to say "dussnt be sayin that, this is highly trained vet who dussnt wont to hear bout fings like dat". Then Sarah do be shinin some lights in my eyes and lookin at me close up. Then she be tellin my pawsons that I has a cataracts in my eyes probbly.
Wot? This in my eye?...
I fink that mebbe Sarah dussnt rilly know wot she is rilly seein wiv her light. However, then she say me she did read my blog so I forget about any mistakes she has made in my diagnosis. Then she get out the noms and gib I a biskit for bein good. I fink now you can see why I wags my tail at the vets. So, we go out into recepshun again to wait for our prescription for tick meddysin and the lady wot does say ello for peeple when they arrive did also get out the treats...
I startin to fink that avin a cactus in my eyes is mebbe a good fing! [Editors note: Marley is going back to the vets on Monday to see a specialist to check if the cataract diagnosis can be confirmed].
However, my lawyes has telled me that in no way must i milk the sityooayshun or use it to my advantage....spare a copper for an old blind dog sir? *tap tap*
Peeple was makin a fuss of me when i get ome. I get some extra foods.....but....
...wot is this? Is this your idea of a joke dad?
Marley Wonder.....woof
We did only go for five minnits and we did pull up here...
Uh oh you might say. Some doggies do ide and whine and makes a fuss when they is goin to the V.E.T.S.....but not me. I likes goin to the vet. We got nice vet. We wented in and we did meet a little Pug called Peggy wot was feelin a bit poorly and did not like bein at the vet and was gettin a bit stressed. I try and calm her down by bein friendly but she dint want to play for long and did sit on her mum's lap and make a fuss. She was gettin so stressed that we did let her go first cos I was avin the time of my life in recepshun. See how I was waggin my tail?...
You not believe me?....
Peggy was takin so long that I decide to do some window shoppin...
....but very sensibly the vets had put the cat food at floor level and the dog food higher up. A few more minnits go past and still no sign of Peggy so I sit on dad's lap to get a better view of fings goin on...see ow pricky up my ears is?..
We wait a bit more and decide to read a book....
.....very practical stuff....
Eveventually, Peggy did come out and she was juss avin a cold or sumfink. We dint get a picture of her cos we dint fink she was in the mood for it. Anyway, now we was ready to go in and see our nice Vet wot be called Sarah. She did say ello for me and then she start frowing a bit of tissue about. I watch it very closely but I not rilly understand wot is goin on. Mum and dad is talkin about my eyes and tellin fings bout me banging into doors and gettin lost on walks. I look at em as if to say "dussnt be sayin that, this is highly trained vet who dussnt wont to hear bout fings like dat". Then Sarah do be shinin some lights in my eyes and lookin at me close up. Then she be tellin my pawsons that I has a cataracts in my eyes probbly.
Wot? This in my eye?...
I fink that mebbe Sarah dussnt rilly know wot she is rilly seein wiv her light. However, then she say me she did read my blog so I forget about any mistakes she has made in my diagnosis. Then she get out the noms and gib I a biskit for bein good. I fink now you can see why I wags my tail at the vets. So, we go out into recepshun again to wait for our prescription for tick meddysin and the lady wot does say ello for peeple when they arrive did also get out the treats...
I startin to fink that avin a cactus in my eyes is mebbe a good fing! [Editors note: Marley is going back to the vets on Monday to see a specialist to check if the cataract diagnosis can be confirmed].
However, my lawyes has telled me that in no way must i milk the sityooayshun or use it to my advantage....spare a copper for an old blind dog sir? *tap tap*
Peeple was makin a fuss of me when i get ome. I get some extra foods.....but....
...wot is this? Is this your idea of a joke dad?
Marley Wonder.....woof
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Wot is you doin?...
Anyone kno wot Lola is doin? She been smokin sumfing?
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
The Unbearable Lightness of the Dog
Ello for you. It do be me, Marley. Ow is fings wiv you? Did you ave a nice weekend? Was the weather good? you have any trubble gettin here? you can see I iz killin sum time before you gets into the main part of dis blog entry be honest....there dussn't be much in it.
Want to play game? Yes? start......see wot I did there? A few more seconds wasted.
We got a few random bits roundin up previous news. You might remember that when we did go on our olidays we did climb up a big mountain but we dint get no picture at the actuall tippy top cos dad was too tired and his ands was too cold. Well, fankfully, mum was doin a bit better and she did take this one of us celebratin at the top of the Old Man of Coniston... also you can see how high we woz.
But I fink that do be it for news. The sun did come out at the weekends and so I did decide to do some gardenin...
...wot you mean? I is mowin the lawn.....very see from this angle I fink...
We went on a walk near Bocketts Farm but I dint rilly even try and chase the squirrels. I just give em a look which say "dussnt you come down here Mr Squirrell cos I might chase you". I fink it werked....
I did see some cows, and they did see me. It all look peaceful in this photo but bout two seconds later I did decide to bark at em and then there was a bit of an atmosphere...
We did ave a nap when we got back. I got half of the bed....and Lola got half....only split into two quarters. She say this was not the same as one half but I tell her I do maffs and is deffynittly the same fing when you add it up...
We sent Lola out to see if she could find anyfink in the garden....
....but she didnt find anyfink for us to do....but if you arsk me she did give up ravver easily....
So that do be it really. Not much this week. Soree. Mebbe I lie down and contemplate the meaning of life....current favrit is to teach squirrels a lesson....
I fink we try and do more this week.
Marley Procrastinatrix.....woof
Want to play game? Yes? start......see wot I did there? A few more seconds wasted.
We got a few random bits roundin up previous news. You might remember that when we did go on our olidays we did climb up a big mountain but we dint get no picture at the actuall tippy top cos dad was too tired and his ands was too cold. Well, fankfully, mum was doin a bit better and she did take this one of us celebratin at the top of the Old Man of Coniston... also you can see how high we woz.
But I fink that do be it for news. The sun did come out at the weekends and so I did decide to do some gardenin...
...wot you mean? I is mowin the lawn.....very see from this angle I fink...
We went on a walk near Bocketts Farm but I dint rilly even try and chase the squirrels. I just give em a look which say "dussnt you come down here Mr Squirrell cos I might chase you". I fink it werked....
I did see some cows, and they did see me. It all look peaceful in this photo but bout two seconds later I did decide to bark at em and then there was a bit of an atmosphere...
We did ave a nap when we got back. I got half of the bed....and Lola got half....only split into two quarters. She say this was not the same as one half but I tell her I do maffs and is deffynittly the same fing when you add it up...
We sent Lola out to see if she could find anyfink in the garden....
....but she didnt find anyfink for us to do....but if you arsk me she did give up ravver easily....
So that do be it really. Not much this week. Soree. Mebbe I lie down and contemplate the meaning of life....current favrit is to teach squirrels a lesson....
I fink we try and do more this week.
Marley Procrastinatrix.....woof
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Paws in the Park
We is so excited bout our visit too Paws in the Park that we haz got to blog about it when we get ome. Urry up dad, come on...
We did get there about ten firty in the mornin and did park the car. There was already lots of peeple arrivin...
There was a proper greetin for dogs...
...and we did find that they had laid on plenty of noms for us. These are bags of nommy fried pigs ears I fink...
We text to our pal Sox to see if they familee was there yet. But we dint hear from them straight away so we went in to the Dogs Trust mobile van to say ello for the man there who did also run the London Marathon wiv dad this year for the trust. He was very nice and did say us nice fings about how quick dad was doin the race. Owever, Lola did decide she dint like the fort of bein a dog wiv no furever home and she pulled us to to go and look at some other things...
Then we did see a funny queue of peeple and their dogs. We was wonderin woth they was doin...
You will nivver guess wot it was. Look at this!!
Wow, i fink they is rilly brave for doin that. We did see some other border terriers. In fact we saw lots but cos they was all wriggly and excited we dint get many good pictures of em. Anyway, we do say ello for Otto especially cos his pawsons did say they would look at our blog an also for Alfie and for all of the others too. I fink they woz about 10 in total (out of 2 million dogs)...
A very nice laydee did sell us some fudge which was for charitee for doggie rescue an also we did get very excited watchin the rilly fast dogs doin flyball...
We did get so excited bout seein em runnin about that we decide we wud ave a go at terrier racin. Here we are all nice and cosy and profeshunnul lookin in our start gate wiv about 7 doggies in our heat...
Now....I hesitate to show you the result......but I juss say in my defence that there was a lady at the side of the track wiv noms and i fort it would be rude to race past her wivout stoppin to try her foods. I send Lola on ahead for the familee honour...
After that Lola did ave the taste for success and so she did ave a go at the agilitee course for beginners...
....and dad say me she did rilly well. No one even bovver to try and take me on it cos I do not like urdles, I do not like tunnels and I do not like I dussnt be doin it. Instead I did go and ave a look at the undreds of other dawgs. We did see a English bull mastiff who was stripey and was as big as a tiger but dad was too scared to take a photo of him even tho he was nice and friendly....but he was not as big as this dude...
We did stop a cuppa for the hoomans and Lola did inspect their foods...
And at the end we did go shoppin for a burfday present for our pal Lexie who is @dogstoyevsky cos it do be her 6th burfday tooday. Happy burfday for you Lexie. We ope we be seein you here next year...
It was a rilly speshul day but we nivver did see our pal Sox cos they arrived about 10 minnits after we had left to go ome. Booo. We see em nex year and I do some trainin and win the racin.
Marley in the Park.....woof
We did get there about ten firty in the mornin and did park the car. There was already lots of peeple arrivin...
There was a proper greetin for dogs...
...and we did find that they had laid on plenty of noms for us. These are bags of nommy fried pigs ears I fink...
We text to our pal Sox to see if they familee was there yet. But we dint hear from them straight away so we went in to the Dogs Trust mobile van to say ello for the man there who did also run the London Marathon wiv dad this year for the trust. He was very nice and did say us nice fings about how quick dad was doin the race. Owever, Lola did decide she dint like the fort of bein a dog wiv no furever home and she pulled us to to go and look at some other things...
Then we did see a funny queue of peeple and their dogs. We was wonderin woth they was doin...
You will nivver guess wot it was. Look at this!!
Wow, i fink they is rilly brave for doin that. We did see some other border terriers. In fact we saw lots but cos they was all wriggly and excited we dint get many good pictures of em. Anyway, we do say ello for Otto especially cos his pawsons did say they would look at our blog an also for Alfie and for all of the others too. I fink they woz about 10 in total (out of 2 million dogs)...
A very nice laydee did sell us some fudge which was for charitee for doggie rescue an also we did get very excited watchin the rilly fast dogs doin flyball...
We did get so excited bout seein em runnin about that we decide we wud ave a go at terrier racin. Here we are all nice and cosy and profeshunnul lookin in our start gate wiv about 7 doggies in our heat...
Now....I hesitate to show you the result......but I juss say in my defence that there was a lady at the side of the track wiv noms and i fort it would be rude to race past her wivout stoppin to try her foods. I send Lola on ahead for the familee honour...
After that Lola did ave the taste for success and so she did ave a go at the agilitee course for beginners...
....and dad say me she did rilly well. No one even bovver to try and take me on it cos I do not like urdles, I do not like tunnels and I do not like I dussnt be doin it. Instead I did go and ave a look at the undreds of other dawgs. We did see a English bull mastiff who was stripey and was as big as a tiger but dad was too scared to take a photo of him even tho he was nice and friendly....but he was not as big as this dude...
We did stop a cuppa for the hoomans and Lola did inspect their foods...
And at the end we did go shoppin for a burfday present for our pal Lexie who is @dogstoyevsky cos it do be her 6th burfday tooday. Happy burfday for you Lexie. We ope we be seein you here next year...
It was a rilly speshul day but we nivver did see our pal Sox cos they arrived about 10 minnits after we had left to go ome. Booo. We see em nex year and I do some trainin and win the racin.
Marley in the Park.....woof
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Where ever I lay my butt, that's my bed
This week, my pal Cokie da cat wot do live in Los Angeles, do tell me to show pictures of my bed as part of his great anipal photo hunt. I do not fink he know wot he do be askin this time cos I do ave literally undreds of beds.
Most evenins, I do be found just here in a bed wot I do share wiv Lola (altho I always gets the biggest bit of it)...
Gettin in this bed do require a great degree of accuracy and sumtimes Lola do miss it completely....
Sumtimes Willium do let me up on to his bed when we do be on oliday and it do not be gainst ouse rules....
An also I do use the beanbag wot is in the lounge....
When is winter I do cuddle up with da hoomans on the sofa, where is comfy....
Sometimes we do jus collapse where we is standin.....
....and any pair of legs will do....
And I dussnt move from my beanbag when I do get in it (altho teknikally I iz banned from it due to certain peemail infractions)..
Sometimes we iz in your chair snoozin...
....and we do be makin full uses of your sofas...
Wow, after all dat bloggin I sure am tired out....zzzzzz
Marley Snooze.....woof
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Aye aye landlubbers
Friday, 3 September 2010
Anipal photo hunt
Iz time for doin another installment of Cokie's great anipal photo hunt. This week is about ower favrit toys.
My favrit toy used to be my my blue kong toy wot Grandma did buy for me....but I lost anyone kno where it is?
I fink mebbe Lola has stoled it.
Also, I do fink I did a blog bout my toays last year....yup, erre it is TOYS
Marley Pan....woof
Over peeple wot is joinin in: