
Friday, 3 September 2010

Anipal photo hunt

Iz time for doin another installment of Cokie's great anipal photo hunt. This week is about ower favrit toys.

My favrit toy used to be my my blue kong toy wot Grandma did buy for me....but I lost anyone kno where it is?

I fink mebbe Lola has stoled it.

Also, I do fink I did a blog bout my toays last year....yup, erre it is TOYS

Marley Pan....woof

Over peeple wot is joinin in:


  1. Did you check under all da furnichures? I ushally find lotsa toyz underneath stuffs

  2. Marley, do you see the look on Lola's face in dat picture?!? She is eyein that toy-toy of yours somethin fierce! I bet she grabbed it when you werent looking and is keepin it for herselfs!

  3. Don't you just hate it when someone takes your things. It really makes me mad.

  4. Is that a wubba toy?? I think I have it! I don't know how that happened, but if you want it back, I'll mail it to you!

  5. If'n Lola duss not has your bloo kong, then I would think it be safe to assoom that Busy Buttons has it.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings