
Thursday, 24 February 2011

Big skeery walks

Ello for you. We got a long story to tells you tooday but we is startin wiv sayin ello for our new pal, Jimmy. We did meet Jimmy on Toosday and we do say his mum that we would put his picture on our ere he is...

Jimmy bein, not so much

We did meet Jimmy at the ends of our long walk so now we haz to retrace our steps and be tellin you the story of our ole day from da beginnin.

We do start the day not lookin that excited.....

Wot you want?

But then we do remember that Toosday is typist's berfday....and he looks quite excited about it.....

Typist: life size

We decide we elp im to open his see if they is cotainin foods....

Cake (not pictured) inside....sniff sniff

Then he do say me that we is goin for a big walk from our favrit book and he has chosen a speshully long one cos he be takin day off werk. We is goin to Devil's Punchbowl near Hindhead wot be one of the most seenik bits of place near where we do live......

Oh deer, is grim and rainin

We drives over there and on the way clouds do get grey and rain do start fallin. Mum is fussin and sayin me I might get cold cos I been stripped


...oh, the umilliayshun......owver, we do keep walkin and is goin down some steep parffs into bottom of punchbowl....but is so misty and wet we can not see any seeniks. We is wading fru mud (wot I do not likes)...and then we do see this....

Skeery animal: unknown origin
....wot ave done this.....

....but typist say me that they is just cleanin up new pine trees from aynshunt forrist and rilly is a good fing and is bringin out natural old look for this place so we dussn't be cross....we is goin up and down and fru gates and over rivers....

Lola models a bridge
...and even dog wiv no brane uses the bridge....but I do surprise whole familee by goin fru the river (wot I never usually do)....

We is goin fru the woods agane when we do come to bit where guide book say is like Scotland.....

Monarch of the Bowl
..and I fink you see is true and of corse we is appy dogs cos Border Terriers is originally from English/Scottish borders wot do look like this...and then we do come to some fields...and wot do you get in Scotland? That's right, Highland Cattle. Ere is one for my pal @sidthecatahoula who is very keen on cows of all types..

.....he did come right up to the fence and bring wiv him a orse who was also in that field. We all look at each other from a few feet away but I dussnt bark so typist can get a good shot....we walks on a bit longer and after about two hours we gets to a pub wot we haz been to before with my dad, Rocky, and sister, Islay and is called  Three Hoseshoes an is in Thurseley

They has delishus foods and nice peeple. The man wot was werkin there gib me a biskit when we come in and he has saved me spot by the nice open fire where we can dry off our paws. Typist ordered a speshul lunch.....

After lunch we is walkin on agane...until we see this....

Yikes!! Guidebook say is area where armies is doin trainin and we could ear elicopters circilin overhead in the clouds so we keep to speshully designed terrier tracks so we is hidden from soldiers....

Bravo Company keepin low
We had to behaves like proper army....


Humans get worried and is keepin us close wiv treats and stuff....

...we makes it out alives but then we is goin up mahoosive hill to find the ridge to walks back to the cars...

Wait for me.....
Lola did take pity on my old legs and waited for me....

I is a lion. Ear me roar...
Eventually, we did make it back to the tip top of the Devil's Punchbowl and fankfully the wevver had cleared up a bit and we was able to catch some of the view on this little viddyoh...

.....and then that's where we did meet Jimmy....

Ello Jimmy!
That was full story of our 8 mile walk wot did take us from 11 am to 4pm to completes (inclduin hour for lunches). We go ome and typist collapse into coma wiv cup of tea and bit of cake.

Woof.....Sgt Marlee...

Monday, 21 February 2011

Silent Pond

We haz taken advantage of Willium bein away on oliday to go for a nice walk cos sumtime he do complane about avin to walk too far. We did look in our favrit book for findin new walks....

A good book.....if you live in Surrey
We decide to go to place bein called Silent Pond wot be near village called Shere which do be bout 14 miles from our house.

Star of the walk was by a bizee main road but we was soon out into open countryside and typist is settin fast pace so I am strugglin to juggle peemail and keepin up wiv pawty....

Hey! Wait for me, I only got little legs

Owever, typist is soon slowed up my mum demandin a kiss from him at each kissin gate....

Funny peeple wot be in charge of the walkin did ave sum funny ideas about wot rules was necessary. I say to them they should ave rule about snoggin at the gates. It duz not be needed for peeple wotchin that when they is out doin walks...

No kissin either pleez....eeeew
We did find a stream and a bridge but Lola decide to take short way across to the other side....

Dog wivout brane

Just after that we did see a funny man guardin some plants. I dunno wot he was doin but he dint say much. I tried barkin at him but he was not replyin. Mebbe he was asleeps.....

We came to another river in village of Shere but I say for Lola not to try crossin dat river by swimmin cos they ducks was lookin like they haz the place sown up and I dussnt be messin wiv local gangs...

At other side of Shere we did pause by war memorial to remember Grandad Joy who did serve on Western Front in WW1 from 1914 to 1919. He was one of da lucky ones wot made it ome alives but sum peeple from dis village did not...

Village idiot: identity protected

From there we go zoomin cross the fields and I find some very interestin readin materials...

We did go across a bridge wot be high up in the air above the rail tracks and we did look for the train but there wasnt one. You remember dis view because we comin backs to it later...

I did see some cows grazin in the fields and I show you a picture of em cos my friend @sidthecatahoula do like seein cows....

And I got speshul treat for Sid.....Cows in action!!!

We then did follow a path through a edge and we did come to wot my pal Shawnee do call a "seeniks"...

Bootiful seeniks for bootiful Shawnee
The we ended up in some more woods and we did find a place where we fink typist do live...(you might has to click on pic to looks at bigger version to be gettin our joke)...

After ten minnits of peeple makin jokes at his expense we taked typist to this place where he was allowed access to beers (well, just a coke in fact) and a great big elpin of steaks and kidney pie wiv chips.

King William IV pub in Albury
They woz hazzin very nice noms and they gotted a website if you finkin of goin there. It was packed wiv doggies wot was made very welcome...
I am under your table wotchin your chips...
After lunch we did go on second half of the walks and we did ave to cross a railtrack ....and guess wot?....look wot bridge we could see back along the tracks...

If you biggify this picture you can see it better

We went fru a woods wiv ainshunt twisty trees.....

...and over another river.....wot say no fishin......but I dussnt fink fishes can see the sign if it not be underwater...

....and anyway I fink if we is bein grammatical it shud say "no swimmin" cos fish is nown.....back past the big church....

...and then we did see the field near where we ad parked our car.....a field where the moles had made their ouses all in a row....

...and we was suddenly back at the car and our walk was done. It taked about three hours includin stop for lunches...

....which was quite enuff for me..

Marley the Wanderer....

p.s. we is doin big hike on Toosday cos is day off werk for sum peeple....we choosin another walk from book

Thursday, 10 February 2011

I been tagged

Ello for you. My pal Nayomee wot do tweet as @tattooed_mummy and who do look after Diesel an Jeep have set me task. It is on her blog.....

 Rules iz rules so ere they are:

1. You must proudly display the graphic wot Nayomee haz created. She say me it is orrifying! But its presence in ower award celebrayshun is crucial to the memetastic process she iz creating here.

2. You must list 5 things about yourself, and 4 of them haz to be bold-faced lies. I dussnt old wiv lyin unless is for dumpin Lola in it wiv the pawsons

3. You must pass this award on to 5 bloggers that you  kno

ere is my fings:

Wun: I am rilly well behaved and did come top of clarss at puppy skool when I puppy...

Sit yourself....

Two:  we go everywhere by planez cos I am fully kwalified pileut....

Fanks for flyin Marlee Air

Free: I makes my livin by sellin stuff in my shop......

Top-shelf material

Four: dad did want to names me Frank Zappa but mum say NO! cos he wud look silly shoutin it in the park...

You hum it, I plays it.....
Five:  I was once arrested by poleese for terrierist offences, but dad is lawyer so he get me off wiv no jail time....

I haz been framed I gotta pass it on to sum other boggers.....I do nommynate the followin *opens gold envelopes*....ahem....

Shawnee the Shep wot do live in New Joisey in America cos she is best dog blogger we do kno and also appy to join in wiv games (...psssst, Shawnee, I ope you dussnt mind....)

Little Amish cos he haz not done his blog since Crissmuss and I encourage him to do sumfing cos he is very funnee

Twiglet cos he is new to bloggin and I fink we will be very good at it and of corse he is border terrier....

Bodie an Mrs Magoo cos they is always rilly funny....

Lexie cos she do be lazy and need a boot up the patooty to do her blog....wot is usually bout boats

Woof. That be it. And I do say ello for Diesel an Jeep....

Ant n Dec
Of corse, if you haz a blog and i dussnt name you then just join in anyway.....
