
Monday, 21 February 2011

Silent Pond

We haz taken advantage of Willium bein away on oliday to go for a nice walk cos sumtime he do complane about avin to walk too far. We did look in our favrit book for findin new walks....

A good book.....if you live in Surrey
We decide to go to place bein called Silent Pond wot be near village called Shere which do be bout 14 miles from our house.

Star of the walk was by a bizee main road but we was soon out into open countryside and typist is settin fast pace so I am strugglin to juggle peemail and keepin up wiv pawty....

Hey! Wait for me, I only got little legs

Owever, typist is soon slowed up my mum demandin a kiss from him at each kissin gate....

Funny peeple wot be in charge of the walkin did ave sum funny ideas about wot rules was necessary. I say to them they should ave rule about snoggin at the gates. It duz not be needed for peeple wotchin that when they is out doin walks...

No kissin either pleez....eeeew
We did find a stream and a bridge but Lola decide to take short way across to the other side....

Dog wivout brane

Just after that we did see a funny man guardin some plants. I dunno wot he was doin but he dint say much. I tried barkin at him but he was not replyin. Mebbe he was asleeps.....

We came to another river in village of Shere but I say for Lola not to try crossin dat river by swimmin cos they ducks was lookin like they haz the place sown up and I dussnt be messin wiv local gangs...

At other side of Shere we did pause by war memorial to remember Grandad Joy who did serve on Western Front in WW1 from 1914 to 1919. He was one of da lucky ones wot made it ome alives but sum peeple from dis village did not...

Village idiot: identity protected

From there we go zoomin cross the fields and I find some very interestin readin materials...

We did go across a bridge wot be high up in the air above the rail tracks and we did look for the train but there wasnt one. You remember dis view because we comin backs to it later...

I did see some cows grazin in the fields and I show you a picture of em cos my friend @sidthecatahoula do like seein cows....

And I got speshul treat for Sid.....Cows in action!!!

We then did follow a path through a edge and we did come to wot my pal Shawnee do call a "seeniks"...

Bootiful seeniks for bootiful Shawnee
The we ended up in some more woods and we did find a place where we fink typist do live...(you might has to click on pic to looks at bigger version to be gettin our joke)...

After ten minnits of peeple makin jokes at his expense we taked typist to this place where he was allowed access to beers (well, just a coke in fact) and a great big elpin of steaks and kidney pie wiv chips.

King William IV pub in Albury
They woz hazzin very nice noms and they gotted a website if you finkin of goin there. It was packed wiv doggies wot was made very welcome...
I am under your table wotchin your chips...
After lunch we did go on second half of the walks and we did ave to cross a railtrack ....and guess wot?....look wot bridge we could see back along the tracks...

If you biggify this picture you can see it better

We went fru a woods wiv ainshunt twisty trees.....

...and over another river.....wot say no fishin......but I dussnt fink fishes can see the sign if it not be underwater...

....and anyway I fink if we is bein grammatical it shud say "no swimmin" cos fish is nown.....back past the big church....

...and then we did see the field near where we ad parked our car.....a field where the moles had made their ouses all in a row....

...and we was suddenly back at the car and our walk was done. It taked about three hours includin stop for lunches...

....which was quite enuff for me..

Marley the Wanderer....

p.s. we is doin big hike on Toosday cos is day off werk for sum peeple....we choosin another walk from book


  1. Oh dat does look like a fun day, Marley, an it does be very beautiful where you walk! I iz glad dat you an Lola dint try to take on dat gang tho, as dey did look vishous. Perhaps you wuz a bit mean makin fun of typist, it is not his fault if you are superior to him. I does also haf to be xtremeely payshunt wiv my humans who do be dumb as da proverbial doorknob. I just try to remember dat dey control da laptops an can openers.

  2. You went for an interesting walk Marley it looks very good. We went for a walk to but I must have missed the steak and kidney pie and chips how come I didn't get any of that?

  3. Dat did luk like a good walk Marlee. We duz have an book like yoors but for Kent. We haz onlee dun two walkz out of it but mum sey we do more in summa wen it not so muddy evrywhere. I duz fink we shuld do walkiez with pubs wot welcome dogz as well. I duz alzo fink mum shuld gibe me stake and kiddly pie for my noms tonite.

  4. Marley, Dude, you walkied all the way from that one train bridge to anudder wot I had to biggify to see? Keeping up without that Willium slowing you down and hasing to leave p-mail and waiting fur smooches (ugh) and Lola and all? AND, snagging a seenik fur me? AND hasing LUNCH? That be highly impressive! I do think tho that your cows be skeerier than ours. Your cows move rilly fast. Ours be slow and I be skeered of them coz they do always gib me the stink eye. I dussn't trust them.

  5. Well Shawnee, the walks was only 4 and alf miles so I fink we must ave been quite slow cos of all the fings we was doin

  6. I did really love the cow action shot Marley I is wonderin if there be a book like dat for Birmingum!!

  7. What a fantastic walk! I bet you were really tired after all that sniffing & hunting out chips! Hope your walk tomorrow is just as good.

  8. Now thats a WALK !!! the pics are great as I am sure Lola has a brane!!!

  9. Wowo dat be a nice walk and I love the caption..."i be watchin your chips" I hope ou got some cause you must have been hungry afta a 3 hour walkie...looking good, oh an Lola in da water ...hysterical.

  10. That's one long walk Marley. Hope you've got enough time to rest before the next one. If the typists be doing smoochin, then that jess gives you & Lola more time for sizing up the ducks and leaving peemail. Win win.

  11. Hi Marley
    We've just got your message and Mum says to say we are all fine, the earthquake is in the South Island and we are in the North. We are trying to find out if our friends are okay but the phones are all busy. Thank you for asking about us. woof

  12. Oh Marley...yoo gets to go on such great adventures! I'm glad yoo stayed away from da ducks; they can be quite rood here but I'm bettin they rood everywhere!

    I can't wait for your next adventure! Oz

  13. I love hearing about Marley's adventures .. in woods, fridges and 'behind the pink cone of shame'!! My sweet BT Elie went OTRB 7 years ago. And my soppy rescue lurcher Sam joined her in July. Marley's blog reminds me of what a blessing in our lives dogs are. Even those with very litttle brane ....

  14. What a fantastic walk. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I love the picture of you under the table watching the chips. I do hope you got at least one chip in return for your guard duty.

    Love and licks, Winnie the Greyhound


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings