
Monday, 16 May 2011


Ello for you. I spect you haz notissed that I haz been neglectin my blog for a cupple of weeks. I do say sorry for dat and I ope you be enjoyin this story of sumwhere we did go a few weeks ago.

If you is on twitter you will know that last weekend of April was #borderfest, wot be a gatherin of border terriers in a campsite at a secret locayshun in middle of England wot only kwality peeple and dogs was invited to......and Lola...

I was burstin wiv enthusiasm for it.....

"wake up dog"
....well I was more burstin wiv enthusiasm after I had my brekkfast and we had packed all I noms into bags and we got into the car to be eadin off...

Are we there yet?
....we did get there bout lunchtime and we did mediately see our pals wot be there.....

...cos they was all sittin in  big circle and chattin and someow @eddietheborder did recognise me and we did go over and say ell for him and @brunotheborder and Poppy wot be @valentineslady who was all sittin wiv they mums by the big caravan. We did all ave a sniff to say ello but Lola was gettin uppity and did start some scraps so we decide to let everyone calm down and ave they own space and we did go an sit in some shade....

ello neighbour
We did sit down near Scooby, who was  a very polite dogggie and was the only terrier there who did not need to ave his lead on cos he always do as he say. We did gib him a biskit to say ello and we did chat wiv his mum. I fink he was one of the border terriers wot did come from facebook cos it was their pack who did all of the organisin...

Facebookers.... can see that there was quite a pack .....includin our old pal Claire from Wrexham who be @clairemarie_85 but she did not be able to bring Molly an Jack wiv her...and the nice peeple wot did be organisin fings did be avin a raffle....and we did win sumfing....

Wot is it Willium?
.....but I did need elp from Lola to get it open.....

.....and then we won AGAIN.....and we did ave to get all #destructogang on it....

"retired" wrappin papers
....which was a good job cos @teddytheterrier did come by wiv his offishul #destructogang badge on checkin up on the members....

....and then we won AGAIN!!!!!........

Lord almighty, mini bones!
After we did ave our lunch we did ave a chance to get to kno our pals a bit better.....I did ave a chat wiv Eddie....

Boys chekkin out girls

....and Teddy and Broono did ave a punch up dance .....

Take you pardner by the hand...
.....but of course, I was keepin a eye out for new arrivals.....

This is Marlee reportin from #borderfest
and so we did ave our pal @licklepickle wiv us and she had brort my old pal Hendrix to say ello...

Endrix an Willium compare twigs...
....and then TARANTARA (*sound of trumpets) I am telled by dad that my dearest pal Lexie do be comin and I do get very excited and rush up to her for sayin ello wivout givin due considerayshun to ow to treat a lady...

Queen Lex sticks out the royal tongue
....and I got short shrift and a little bitey was applied.....but then we do get some time to get quainted....

....and before long we is gettin along famussly and we did get the update on fings wiv Atlantis from Justin an Wendy....even if I did ave to keep checkkin that my bodyguards, Lola an Eddy was not to far away.....

Please keep close
...and it was firsty work keepin up wiv all the goins on and I did stop for a nice cup of tea....

Haz you put sugar innit?
....and quite revived by snaks I did gib some of my own back to Lexie....

I got tongue too Lady!!
Later in the afternoon we was joined by the lovely @clairetweet and George and of course @ernietheborder

"Giant" Ern
....who was fact everyone was bigger than me an Lola and we did look quite the weeds....
and George was keepin us all entertained wiv his chat....oh....and some of Claire's delishus peanut cookies....

George, mysteriously popliar
It was a very ot day and we was finkin bout goin ome about tea time but not before we did manage to get a nice shot of all our pals sitting together.....

Ern, George, Lora, Endrix, Willium, Lola, Me, Typist
We was very appy to meet some of our pals in the flesh but we was sad we did get so little time wiv each one and ardly got to speak wiv @valentineslady and did miss @marthethewestie completely in the hurlyburly an also I do be gibbin the typist the glare cos he was doin rubbish werk wiv da camera and we did get ardly any good fotos on the day. We pologise bout dat.

Before we left we did go and see if we could find Lexie.....but we did find her royal apartments was vacated....

leevin peemail
....but Wendy did give us some delishus sossidges for the journey ome and we did rasshum then and we is still enjoyin little bits when we is on our walks.

Woof. We do ope we can ave another #borderfest nex year.....Marlee


  1. thanks you for sharing your pix Marlee, that duz looks like a fun aventure an you gots to meet so many grate anipals!

  2. So glad to see you back online! Lovely to see all the stuff we missed before we got there. Hope you have all recovered. We are now resting after our exertions keeping Ern off all the squirrels and bunnies at CentreParcs...and relax.

  3. What a great day you had! I thought the photos were just fine. Y'all look very handsome/pretty as appropriate :-)

  4. ello Marely n Lola i iz sorrz i iz not ave time to woof wiv u too mum an i woz a bit in awe of evry fink too luv your repaw - ting photo fanks for checkin my blog out too much tail wags n licks Poppydog aka ValentinesLady xxxx

  5. Wow, you iz very lucky to have such a thing as borderfest- what a great thing - I don't reckon there are that many border terriers in the whole of Canada!!!

  6. Oh, Marley, that do look like a pawsome good time. It do look like all of Inglund be overtaken by the border terriers, BOL. I is pikshuring myself at a shepherdfest - can you imaginashuns it? Fun times, I tell you! And that Lola - you can dress her up but you cannot take her out. Sigh.

  7. Whoa, Marley. Borderfest sounds like it was a ton of fun!!! I wish I did live by yoo so I could go to Borderfest. I would have dressed in disguise so no one would no I Cairn. BOL
    Cairn cuddles, Oz

  8. Welcome back. Looks like Borderfest was fab fun. Lovely pics of lots of lovely Borders

  9. Those pictures look lovely. Looks like the borderfest was a lot of fun for all you guys. Thanks for sharing! :)
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  10. Sounds like a great day Marley! So many gorgeous dogs (I am complimenting myself here as well, as they all look like me). Is nice to see you an all my ovver twitter pals together.

  11. wow, Marley a border fest and the right kinda border too. The places we hang has lots of those black and white borders and I stand out a mile. And yeah, the Goose is my bodyguard too, just like Lola is yours. Is it a girl thing??


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings