
Monday, 20 June 2011

Marley's Country Club & Sports Complex

Some of my pals has been avin plenty of exercisin this week. Here you duz be watchin Zack playin in his tunnels practisin his agilitee..

....yuo can catch up wiv all his adventures here

.....and also my pal Mrs Magoo haz been doin some swimmin.... this got me finkin mebbe it was time we opened up Marley's Country Club again for the season....I is offerin free membership for the first 500 doggies and other anipals (and their pawsons of corse...) wot do be applyin by leavin a comment below or tweetin me on @marleyterrier...

For them wot is super affletic you can haz a go at terrier racin....I did this once......I was last.....cos I couldnt see the wabbit cos of my cataracts...

....and if you prefer ridin yore bike then we haz a spin class for you at 2pm every day....

....and the trooly adventuress can go wiv our fully kwalified guides up to the climbin wall at the bottom of the big field and ave a go at mountaineerin...

After you naps, we also haz a runnin club wot do meet regularly and you can swap tips and be chattin to other affleets...

...and if you is of a more hartistic bent then we have graceful gymnastiks wot you can do like the laydees in the Olympics...

After the compulsory nappin sesshun for those enjoyin full-board terms, we ave some off-road explorin for you to do in company of the STS (Speshul Terrier Serviss)....

Me an Lola tried that one....

Some of our guests, might need some elp from Zack in completin the basic agilitee corse...

....but we also haz tennis for them wot like to pass a more sedate afternoon wiv they friends...

...and we got swimmin for them doggies who like it (not me, I dussnt like gettin wet but I spect @dogstoyevsky might ave a go)....mebbe Mrs Mgoo will show you ow...

....or some gentle swingin for the older residents...

....and some orse ridin for the upper classes....

....wevver you is doin wiv a orse or wivout...

.....and of corse when you is done we got fully-ekwipped changin room facilitees...

....wiv mirrors for them wot haz to make theyselves bootiful afterwards...

....and some very comfortubble rooms and sweets for thems all-impawtants naps.....

I hope you haz enjoyed your stay at Marley's Country Club. Pleez come again....Marley (proprietor)....woof

p.s if you wants to emale me a pic of you enjoyin da facilitees i will do annuvver blog next week....peemail to marleyterrier57 at goolemail dot com.....fanks


  1. Wonderful as always Marley. please enrol Charlie for the summer season he needs to lose some weight..x

  2. Please can I join. The facilities are marvellous. I am only a humble Fell terrier though not a Border.

  3. Mika says she would love to come but feels she may stand out a bit ;o)

  4. *Packs gym kit into bag* I'm on my way @bridietheborder

  5. Ello Marlee, please sign Montee up :)

  6. Booking our flights now - can I book for the more relaxin stuff and the Goose can do the more fizzical exershuns.

  7. Hendrix would love to become part of the elite country club Marley. He knows you and Lola like him (well, Lola may have to do the bitey on him again as he likes sniffing her alot) so will give him platinum memberships x

  8. Brilliant. LOVE the sleepy puppy. Here's Ernie's offering to the sports events:

  9. Hello! Millie would love to join, she needs to get out after looking after this new baby all day long. Oh and good to see you at the terrier racing in Ellesmere Port, Millie's mum is a regular there :)

  10. This is brilliant - just what a busy dog-about-town needs! @borderpup would love to join. He'll start with a little agility and a gently swim, then watch the youngsters tearing around!

  11. well i is a pusskins cat but i would sure like to join your club for the summer, if you lets pusskins in to the club. It sure looks like fun love petie the cat

  12. That is a great gym I wouldnt mind to do a little training there. Hope they have a bar with lots of Baileys

  13. oh dear Marley n lola mummy n i iz still larfing wiv the BT doing climbing hiz hoooooman's larf was very contageieous hehehehe pleeeseeeasee sign me up! i haz bean practicing in de field wiv me ball todaeee!
    luv ya as always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. Wow! I'm just a little hedgehog so I can't do ALL those things, but I'd love to join! Maybe I can start the Hedgie & Flamingo croquet team?!

  15. wow, you have some top-notch facilities. I would like to join. I only hope you have lots of lettuce on hand after all that exercising. And you have to promise I won't be part of the doggie lunch!

  16. Mojo says please can you sign him - looks like fun!

  17. Can Bruno join please, he loves sport & lots of relaxing afterwards. Thank you. Bruno & Sam (@SamDavey23) xx

  18. Oh my, Marley. This is very exciting. I do many sports and exercise. I play soccer and I walk and I play chase-the-rabbits. And I like to hang out in the clubhouse afterward telling stories about how good I was and nomming to replace my energies. I think I would be a good club member, don't you? Sincerely, Maggie T. Dog. *wag wag wag*

  19. Put me down fur a elebenty minit massaj pleeze an a catnip fashul an a pawdicure. This iz a nice placze!

  20. zoe the border20 June 2011 at 16:21

    We can't wait to come. Wot an amazing place, and so conveenyent having everyfing under one roof.

  21. Does it have Swingball?
    Rox loves swingball.

  22. Woooweemeow! Fantastic bloggy post. It looks like you get it all sweety. Beautiful places to excersize n get fresh air. Thanx for sharin :)

  23. I sign up for membership. I think a deck chair and Pim'S is for me... Some one have to watch all the activity too...

  24. Ello Marley, I wud lyk to be in yor Countree Club. I likes diggin wot you can see in dis videyo @impibrdrterrier x

  25. Zack wants a time share at this fantastic resort!!! He'd be game for anything.

  26. Is it just for Border terriers or can Jack Russells join too? It looks pawsome. I like a bit of rock climbing and tennis meself. One thing missing - but this maybe because it is more suitable for an outdoor pursuits centre - is tunnelling & caving. Jack Russells favourite pursuits. I'll send you a pic of me caving via pemail.

    do you have rates for out of town members? Being that I live some distance away i'd be pleased if you could offer a discount?

    thank you sir


    Mr Inch

  27. I wud like to put my name down fur tennis ball dookin' and swingin classes pleese. I maybe sign up fur some more energetic classes after I check-in.

  28. Deer Marlee, ello dis is Jonty the Saluki dawg. I has got da puter for a minit and I wud layk to sy.. sine .. send Basil da Jack Wussell to yor Club. I miyt get sum kip then. Fanks.

  29. Dear Marley:

    Thanks for being such an entrepreneur and setting up such a great place for everyone. I would love to join. The running events look so fun!


  30. Marley: I has booked my flightz on British Airways or something like that, so I can come to the Country Club. Please sign me up; I will be arriving by end of the week!

    Hmmm, I was wonderin if there would be any fox poo rollin? Many pals seem to thinx its fun recreation and I has never tried it before (since we dont have foxes here). As always, I would love to pawticipate in the off-road explorin!

    *packing my bags* Oz

  31. Can Bonnie and Pickles join? They are mongrels as you know but Bonnie is very dainty and Pickles loves her very much, they'd make a good couple for any dog needing friendly company in between Country Club activities x

  32. Hello Marley I love your facilities ... I am not very good at anyfink (especially not wall climbing) but I am enthusiastic to learn & will study these videos so as to make me fit in. Lots of love reilly xxx

  33. CloonfourMegan22 June 2011 at 20:27

    Me and my sista love the club. Can we have a puppy party where we and the other yoof can bust some moves

  34. And for the evenings I could twirl the ladeez about on the dancefloor mebbe?

  35. @diamondbertie says this is a fun place to meet great many friends, I did like the squirrel chasing arena it's worth queueing up for and the food was good, did not go for the spa though, I get wet enough when I go swimming


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings