
Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Wordless Wedensday


...well, not entirely wordless....we is on oliday for two weeks so you dussn't be earing from me for a bit....I dint want you worryin I was not saying anyfing....

Thursday, 14 July 2011

I haz award

Fank you ...fank you.....*applause* ...pleeez....*applause*....stop now...enuff ....*applause*...I would like to deddycate this award to my familee....and my agent....*sniff, sob*

I haz won a dear pal Pandora has gib me a stylish blogger award.....

....I say fanks to her for her kind what I haz to do on receevin this award is tell you seven things you mite not know about here goes...

1. Since I had my cataracts operated on last year, I can see much better fanks....

Needs to haz nap to recover....

2. I like eating vegetables....

I fort you ask would i like "salary" ?

3. When the fan oven is on I gets scared and hide in the garden or downstairs or underneaf the typist...

Evil masheen make noise agane dad....
4.  I is always tellin you about my walks on dis blog....but my favrit obby is akshully nappin...

Walkin...not nappin....walkin...
5. I was not named after that dog in da movie...I was born before he...but I was named after Bob Marley who be singer....

I nommed the squirrel...but I did not nom his depyooty..

6. I am akshully a little below average size for a border terrier...

I is NOT on tippy toes....jus mezzure

7. I am a designated food tester....and kno my noms like Gordon Ramsey....

Is a elffy porshun....but pooter say insuffishunt smells...
Now I haz to pass this award on to seven of my papls who do also haz blogs no partiklir order I do gib it to....

*drum roll*


......Mario da Cat....

......Berkeley Bear....


 .....Millie Dog.....

Haz fun my pals.....Marley (*academy award winner) ...woof

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Squirrels - a lesson from history

Ello for you. Today we is takin detour from little stories bout wot I been doin to bring you WARNIN about a mennis in our midst. My pal Bridie did bring this sinister notiss to my attenshun today...

...grrr squirrels not behavin theyselves as usual...I fink some of you do not realise that squirrel population is growin at alarmin rate of knots and will soon be finkin they haz the run of our countryside and be takin over our gardens and stealin our noms...

Comin to a garden near you....
...and dussnt be complacent becos they is showin you they cute ears and fings....

Not cute...not even a bit...
...dussn't be fooled .... they is armed and dangruss....

Black Jack Squirrel....

Osama Bin Squirrel
....they will try and infiltrate your towns and villages by adoptin disguises.....

Secret Squirrel...

Squirrelly Hendrix

Familee squirrel
....but I say you that they is livin dissolute and disrepyootubble lives...




Roody behaviour...
...and they will be appy to turn on their own kind wivout no fort to morals or decorum...

Geroff me nuts....

Gone to the Dark Side...
...and they will be usin their superpowers not for GOOD but for EVIL...

Preparin for EVIL...
Swoopin in in EVIL fashun...
...and they has designs on your familee...

..and usin em for evil purposes...

Fotograffin em...

...and puttin em on the internets...
...they will be whisperin in the ears of yore pets...

I am yore friend chickky...(aside: I am not yore friend)

Consortin wiv mortal enemees
...only to further their quest for werld dommynayshun and cornerin market in nuts...

Lessons from your anipals

 ...even tryin to turn YOU to the dark side my chums...

He said he would be my pal...
...dese fings cannot end well...BEWARE!!!!...

...but the future is bright my chums iffen we juss stay vigilant...and pay attenshun to advice...

...takin note of approved tactics....
Infiltrate em...
...they will be snoozin on the job...

Stick em up nut-nibblers..
...we can make sure they is incarserrated...

...bend em to our will...

...and if they dussnt behave...well....they kno wot is comin...either:

Back where you belong...

Lernin they lessons..
Au contraire...I'm da man...


This ends this public service announcement....Marley....woof.