
Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Squirrels - a lesson from history

Ello for you. Today we is takin detour from little stories bout wot I been doin to bring you WARNIN about a mennis in our midst. My pal Bridie did bring this sinister notiss to my attenshun today...

...grrr squirrels not behavin theyselves as usual...I fink some of you do not realise that squirrel population is growin at alarmin rate of knots and will soon be finkin they haz the run of our countryside and be takin over our gardens and stealin our noms...

Comin to a garden near you....
...and dussnt be complacent becos they is showin you they cute ears and fings....

Not cute...not even a bit...
...dussn't be fooled .... they is armed and dangruss....

Black Jack Squirrel....

Osama Bin Squirrel
....they will try and infiltrate your towns and villages by adoptin disguises.....

Secret Squirrel...

Squirrelly Hendrix

Familee squirrel
....but I say you that they is livin dissolute and disrepyootubble lives...




Roody behaviour...
...and they will be appy to turn on their own kind wivout no fort to morals or decorum...

Geroff me nuts....

Gone to the Dark Side...
...and they will be usin their superpowers not for GOOD but for EVIL...

Preparin for EVIL...
Swoopin in in EVIL fashun...
...and they has designs on your familee...

..and usin em for evil purposes...

Fotograffin em...

...and puttin em on the internets...
...they will be whisperin in the ears of yore pets...

I am yore friend chickky...(aside: I am not yore friend)

Consortin wiv mortal enemees
...only to further their quest for werld dommynayshun and cornerin market in nuts...

Lessons from your anipals

 ...even tryin to turn YOU to the dark side my chums...

He said he would be my pal...
...dese fings cannot end well...BEWARE!!!!...

...but the future is bright my chums iffen we juss stay vigilant...and pay attenshun to advice...

...takin note of approved tactics....
Infiltrate em...
...they will be snoozin on the job...

Stick em up nut-nibblers..
...we can make sure they is incarserrated...

...bend em to our will...

...and if they dussnt behave...well....they kno wot is comin...either:

Back where you belong...

Lernin they lessons..
Au contraire...I'm da man...


This ends this public service announcement....Marley....woof.


  1. ROFL! The lightsabers?!?! Snort. Wheeze. Giggle. Absolutely brilliant post!

  2. I din't reelize wat a horribul menniss they skwirrelz iz, I jus thawt they looked fun to play wiv an chase but now I unnerstand teh ebil amongus. I hope we can avert teh coming krysiss by using your sneeky an intelijunt plan!

  3. I cannot get ofur the fact that they all is majorly in need of pawdicures. Just woofin.

  4. I do hates dem squirrels!

    But i did lub dis post it wuz funtastik!

    I be keepin ma eyes on dem squirrels fur sure and we be settin up a trap in our backyard to catch dem n take them to squirrel jail (akshully we gonna relocate FAR away from our city house) *shakes hed* STOOPID SQUIRRELS.

  5. I've heard that a squirrel has been secretly running News International for years.

  6. Zack says the squirrels here where he lives live in the ground in holes like thems bunnies.......

  7. Fabulous!! Diesel aggrees they are a menace, his sight, hearing and smell are waning with age - but he is still doing his bit, like dads army!!

  8. Ha ha Jed loves a Squirrel chase. Matter of time before he either gets one ore learns to climd the tree

  9. Hi ya Marley!

    Yeah, those squirrels are not to be trusted! Never turn your back on those cute little monsters!!...snicker...

  10. OMG - I'm laughing hysterically at this bloggy today. it's so funny. Ummm, I means so terrible. I'll have to have M do something about the nasty little buggers that hang out by our house. M really has to stop feeding them if they are going to take over the world!

  11. This is a seriously funny, I mean seriously public nouncemint - thanks Marley for warning us of squirrels overtaking our planet.

  12. Brilliant post Marley

  13. zoe the border18 July 2011 at 22:47

    Marley, dis was bof sooshally responsible and rilly funny. Well done as always my pal!

  14. ozzietheborder18 July 2011 at 22:48

    Oh my god we are crying laughing at this. Totally Pawsome Marley!

  15. I love squirrels, but now I love them a whole lot more after seeing all these cute poses. They are better models than Kate Moss!

  16. oh that is fabulous...we had not read this one before..thank you for re-posting/sharing :)


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings