Now that I am allowed out again we is tryin some walks but I duz only be allowed to do short uns until Dr Simon ave checked me out one more time. So....we decide on Satday that we would ave a little bimble up in da woods behind the ouse where we do go all the time...
I may ave dodgy eart but i too quick for you
.....and the sun was shinin and the leevs was on the ground makin everywhere very Autumnal and i was appy trundlin along sniffin everywhere and mindin my own biziness and not finkin bowt too much...when just then nature decide to surprise us wiv some magic trees...
Magic trees emittin lite
....and we stop and look at the magic trees cos we fort they might be alive or on the march like the woods in Lord of the Rings....
yup, sunshines ere too
....and we did go into the field where the farmer be normally ploughin and fings and the sun was shinin there too and everywun was takin off their coats and talkin bowt ow ot it was for November...but these fings is beyond the forts of Farmer Marley.... i was too bizee checkin out my crops to see if they was gonna grow into sumfing nice for makin bread wiv (wot you can use to make bacon sammidges...dont menshun all part of the serviss) was a very nice walk and we did enjoy avin the sun on our backs for alf hour.....we enjoyed it so much that we did decide to go out again on Sunday....but on Sunday the ole werld was covered in fog! Huh? Where did our sun go?
Wait for me so I dussnt get lost in the fogs
....but we decided to drive to Headley Heath and see many of our old pals who do go walkin there....but it was a funny mornin and the landscape was spookly....
Spookly trees
.....and Lola was so spooked that when we did meet Rosie, anuvver border terrier, she did fink she was a ghost and did put the bitey on her. Red faces all round. Lola dusssnt be doin that normally and speshully not to sweet girl Rosie who liked avin belly rubs from dad. I fink you notiss by now that there do be no pishures of Rosie cos we did be too embarassed to take any...and Rosie did go back to her car limpin a bit...uh oh....we do say sorry again to er for wot Lola dun...
Ghostly meadows: scene of da crimes
....eventually the sun did poke fru a bit and I was able to climb a large hill to survey my lands from the top....
King of All He Survey... appy was nature wiv me that it did shine a eavenly light on me from above...(I do be angel compared wiv Lola of corse)......
*choirs of angels sing*
...Wot you mean you dussnt fink it be me?....Look ere I am a bit biggified....
Baved in eavenly glow....
...and dussnt be takin no notiss of dad who say he fink it was lights from a poleece elicopter lookin for me an Lola....
....I makes my getaway just in case.....and just to prove that nature do be bountiful in all ways this weekend we ad some duck for our dinner cos Willium dint be eatin all of his porshun....
Cannot old pose for long Mr Fotograffer..., it sure was tasty and all the walkin and trottin and eatin had fairly done me in but I fink was good in long run for my recuperayshun....
CSI Ashtead: case of the severed leg
...and at last we do be able to report that Lola has been able to rejoin the rest of the familee from her hairy wilderness...yup, she ave been to the groomers and has had her fur stripped again...she do not look like Groucho Marx/Chewbacca anymore...
Trorma over....
...and no groomers were killed in the makin of this dog......which frankly do be a miracle...
Is me! Honest!
Pursonally, I fink she ave chaned her appearance to ide from Rosie's peeple wot is bound to be lookin for her high and low for crimes against soshubillity.....
I haz to introdoose you to my new best know im as the Cardiganologist....his coleegs kno him as Simon Dennis BVetMed MVM CertVC DipECVIM-CA (Cardiology) MRCVS, European Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Cardiology.....but I do just be callin him Simun cos the rest of it do be too difficult to pronownse...
Chekkin for problims
...he was doin my check-up after my op and eart problems....and I kno he ave all dem letters after his name but I dunno wot he expect to find out this way...
No access to the heart this way...
...he did say me he was appy wiv da ways fings was goin and the flooids did be gone from my lungs. He now ave me on free tabblits... Prilactone, Furosemide and Hypercard...appawrently they is meddysins, even if they do sound like the names of the new generayshun of Ninja Turtles. They duz be elipn me and in a bit I duz ave some more checks to see if they is werkin. I know I duz be feelin much better and I be in good ands at NDSR where all the vets and nurses and other staff is very kind and be lookin after my like royaltee. I say ello for them...
You is probbly now finkin that all is well in my werld. Well, I got up dis mornin to find this in the kitchen...
....I spect that pishure will ave given Simon a eart attack of his own to deal wiv...well he dussn't ave to worry, its only a nommylishuss chew sent to me by my good pal @henryandfriends...Henry did write me to say "this wun dus av all nachrul ingreedeeunts an dus be low in fat an hy in fyba an elps kleen teefs aswel an it dus be wun undrid persent vejjetareeyun aswel. i dint no them fings but that wos wot it say on th boks they wos in in th pet shop an i did ryt them al down so yoo wud no".
No.1 chum...
So, Simon, I fink that is Ok and dussnt be doin no arm to my ticker. I am gonna eat it later, but not in one go...
Oh yes...and before I go...I just also menshun that dad did show me this article wot he saw in a magazeen when he was waitin for me at NDSR....pleez click the pishure to biggify it if you needs to read it...
Ello for you. As you do kno, I haz been takin it easy for the last few weeks on account of my run in wiv dat dinosore and so I haz had to turn my forts to less henergetic pursoots. So....I did fink bout other peeple who had mebbe gone past their primes and wot they be doin now to make ends meet...
No dogs ere...
...YES! I haz resurrected my career as supermodel....I understand that I haz all the kwalificayshuns: primarily, I duz be notoriously ard to persuade out of da bed in the mornin wivout the right amount of compensayshun....
Pleez discuss terms wiv my agent...
...and I do point out here that in no way is dis decision linked to typist's recent acquisition of an app for the iBone wot allow him to take moody black and white shots of everyfing....risk wiv dis would be hazzin to look at too many shots of Lola lookin slack...
Is Lola...but which end be which...? eh?
...and comin to shoots wiv her air an eyes not done.... here somewhere...
...I is forgettin nuffing and is always ready for my close up....
...but the wind was blowin in my face and not elpin wiv the shot.....and sumtimes they did not rilly give me enuff warnin they was shootin...
Hey! You make my nose look big in dis one!
...and other times typist did lose controls of his masheen....
....inadekwate direction from director... I haz decided to go on locayshun to far flung parts of Surrey for extra orfenticitee...
where is limo?
.....altho some problems do persist even in glamruss forrin parts...
You haz me in focus right?
...and I was not entirely appy wiv some of the fly-on-the-wall aspekts of the day's proceedins
I'm in da baffroom, duz you mind?
...altho the on-site caterin did ave a few fings to recommend it....
I do be "takin five"...
...but I did find that sekurity was a bit lax straight after lunches...
Lola and Pip...quein for ortograffs....
...and I did ave to do some barkin at the pawparazzi to ensure my privacee was respected...
Get orff moy laaarnd....
....but eventually after some disagreements bout the subject matter of certain fotos..
I duz not do bondage shots fanks...
...I fink you will agree that I did finally gib dem wot they need....
The Face that lornch a thousand squirrels....
...and I was able to retire back to my spensive otel for some nappin....
Massage paws pleez....
...and I did allow em to do one "charitee" shot of Lola, who fink she be da Queen of Sheba....
Ain't nuffing but a ound dog....
Dat is wot I haz been doin to fill in my time while I am on low exercise raygeeme and regainin my strengff...
Woof....Marley Evangelista....
p.s for thems wot is wantin proof that I do be live and well, ere is some behind-the-scenes footage...
Ello for you. I dussn't want to be borin on bout ow poorly I haz been or nuffing...but...well...not much else haz been goin on cos I been under strict instrukshuns from da boss to not do I been nappin a lot....
Nappin...under doctors orders....
...and I haz had to ave the dreaded cone on to stop me lickin my wound....
Cone: approximayshun of actual events
....I haz to do this in case I do break my sticthes by chewin em or lickin which case I might haz to go back to ospital...
Wot you mean I broked my sticthces?....
....for more invasive poseedures......
Is you kwalified?
...I dussnt want to be doin that cos last time I was there they did find the dino insides me....can you see it?....
Dinosore interior feature
...or as the clever peeple at the ospital be sayin is akshully a pelicosore...(click on the pishure to biggify it for proper lookin)....
I dunno why Blogger won't let me ave this right way round....
...the pelicosore was so big they haz made a big ole in my tummy to take it out and has amused themselves wiv some topiary while they was doin it....
Zip-up dog
...and bleev me this was the best pishure we could find of it for publik akshully much bigger than it look and has metal staples all down it.....grrrr
I haz had to keep up my strengff while I haz been restin and I haz done that by eatin foods from my great pal Lily who do run Lily's Kitchen who do ave the best doggie foods in the werld...
...I did meet Lily once last Crissmuss and she is a pawsome and bootiful doggie...and you can see her foods here ...we do recoomend em for all doggies not just them wot be ill.
Owever, I do be seein fru the windows of the ouse that not all is well wiv fings in the outside werld. Squirrels in our village is gettin lazy and complaysunt while I do be confined to barracks... I am pressin my snout up to the glass as a warnin ....
Do my nose look big in dis?....
...and opin that Lola will elp out by doin some mincin about in the garden by the hedge....
....while I am doin some doctor-mandated recuperayshun....and dreamin of better days...
...and in the meantime Lola is cheerin me up by lookin stoopid wiv her eyebrows...
Grouch Marx
p.s. rilly I am doin much better and feelin quite well...