
Friday, 23 December 2011

Border terrier chrispymouse update

Ello for you. I az some more border terrier doggies wot be ere to wish you a appy chrismuss from aound the werld..

We haz reserved pride of place for Timmy (@chilltrevor), cos he was ere on Monday but I forgotted about his pishure wot was hidin in my inbox...

BTs: gibbin Christmas the kiss of life

...and Kelso (@kelsoterrier) is here to elp you unwrap those difficult prezunts....

sellotape diet...

 ...and Shaba Rose do be all dolled up for posse pawty...

Too tinselly?...@shababt

......and the newest addishun to out twitter familee do be Ollie, who duz be from Cidermill Farm like me an Lola....and now do be livin wiv our pal Noah and his familee..we wish you all luck...

Ollie on da left and a brofur on da right...

...and Mac (@macandben) has taken his part in the Skool Natiffity Play very seriously...

Owly Images

...nice "Mary" there Mac....whilst Hendrix has been takin the Elizabeefan Christmas feme to extreme...

Sir Walter Terrier...

....which is an improvement on his fancy dress from the posse offiss pawty last year...

Hendrix? Present Sir! *geddit eh?*

...and he be joined under da tree by @yogi_BT.....

tree for Xmas....not for peemail...
.....altho some doggies dussnt be so payshunt as Endrix an Yogi and is already practisin their nommin....

Reggie & Rosie (@anniegolightly) cant wait for their new chew

....but Monty is takin it in his stride...

Resident Xmas Dawg at @essentialsmag

....altho our pal Lexie (the eldest of many BTs livin wiv @stillfunky) is mebbe takin matters into her own paws and urryin up the deliveries..

Haz you been norty or nice?

...wiv da elp of Donner & mean Ginger an Mac (@borders2)...

...and mebbe also Reilly (@reillycripps)....who cannot ave been good dis year if he ave such prominent orns!!..

....if he is doin that I ope he dussnt forget Hugo (@hugotheterrier) who is my brofur from Cidermill Farm...

Duz i got any prezzunts?

.....or Lottie who be wiv @perilious44.....

Santa Paws be LATE....grrrr

...altho Lottie's brofur Fergus appear to be waitin for the easter Bunny....

Not blessed wiv your border terrier brane...

Mebbe some elp from Marley would assist wiv quick deliveree....

Da ovver Marley...not me...dis one be our gurl Marley (@thebiggerpicture)

...or little Rory (@RoryBrderTrrier) ....

Santa Pups

...and i deffinitly fink that Eddie and Cav (@eddietheborder) will be good slidin up and down chimernees.....

Ello we are the Santa Krays...

 ....but I ave heard that your dachsund is wot you rilly need for them long, narrow spaces.....*pagin @alfielulu*....

Alfieeeeee....honorary border

Appy Crimbles from all da border terrier posse and appy news years. Owever you is celebratin, I ope you duz ave a less scary Xmas than little Barney...

@barneybt terrorised by prezzunts...

...and you dussnt forget anipals of all types...even the very littlest like my good pal @little_hamey...

A happy house....

And afore I go I do say speshul Appy Christmas to all da pawsome vets who be lookin after me this year and espeshully my pals at NDSR who is takin good care of my eart. Here I do be wiv Sam on Munday gettin my hear rate monitor attached...

The Assitant Cardiganologist was only for 24 hours for chekkin ow my meddysin was werkin....

Woof....elffy new year for everyfur...Marley

*run run*...phew, I is back agane wiv some late-comers to da pawty...but everyfur do be welcome

Amish, Moo spotty dog I dussnt kno

Annie & Maisie

...ello for @hamishthewestie....and @anniebella021


  1. *stealing chrispymouse* *leaving festive thwock* *leaving tinsel thwock* *leaving plum-pudding-with-thwock-center*

  2. that dus be brillyunt marly an al th terra .. i meen terryas dus look reely crissmussy. wewishis yoo al merry crissmus

  3. Hello my pals its Pepper ere, as Spot is STILL up on the bed nappin, we haz been (that @paleriderjo )and me in da fields with Archie pooh picking and thinking whilst doing da "jobs" what a great bunch of furriends we have made this year. Speshully yoos Marley and Lola. We missed you so much when you went on manourvers. And we all did snuglle on da porch for you when we erd your arts was a bit dogdgy and you got attacked interrnally by a huge dinsoar. ( we does still dine out on that storee). So THANK YOU Marley and all your support staff and typist and seshully the running man doing 1000 miles for us woofs. A very appy crimbo and a happy healthy new year from you cider mill auntie/cousin/sisfur twice removed!! Love Pepper x x Oh yes ok and Spot zzzzz @pepperandspot .

  4. Wait a second....Whots this about a new "Ollie"on the block? I don't know if I can allow it.....

    Ollie @TheGOBros

  5. Another great bloggy Marley! Thank you for making us all smile! Xoxo Robin (@Rchinaberr)

  6. Fank yoo Marlee for including me and Moo in yoor blog, a liddle fame goes sumway to makin up for lookin sillee at Krissmus.
    De uvver dog do be Dotty de Dalmashun wit do liv in de kitchin by the door. She duz be cry kwiet and nuffin like Moo. Happy Krissmus to you, Lola, Willum, de typist and the laidee wiv no face!

  7. OMD my spellin and granmer duz be gettin worst!


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings