
Monday, 19 December 2011

Border Terrier Xmas

 Ello for you. I ope you duz be all warmed up for Chrissmuss and in da festive spirit. I am bringin you some oliday cheer wiv da elp of my border terrier pals from around da globe...

At the front of da parade we haz Smudge (@smudgeBT) who has rilly "gone for it" a good way..

It rained reindeer...geddit? not be fooled by the glum look on his chops, he is quite appy and haz brort us news that he has managed to paw off last year's Chrispmouse jumper on his pal Archie..

Dog of a diffrunt stripe..

...and as you can see Archie do be appreciatin up is Alfie (@alfie_bt) who haz looked for his prezzents but could not find em...

Is dis right?

...Alfie, mebbe you is lookin in the wrong seems his sisfur Lola has found em...

BT sisters called Lola takin charge...AGANE!!

....if Alfie do not be back from the snow soon we might haz to send out the Elf Rescue Teams to look for him...

it's Ted an Isaac (@realjoannek)

Leo and Mikey (@leotheborder)

...or better yet, our intrepid mountane rescue dog Bella (@krguidedwalks)...who is no stranger to snows...

....of course some of the posse haz been takin fings a little easier...

Bertie usin the royal transport (@diamondbertie)

Bonnie, ardly even up yet...

...and while thems two lazy bones shake the sleep from their eyes, other doggies is already on their way to see their rellytives...

Hetty is stayin for the ole festive season..(@hettyandfriends)
Zoe, can't see da road, but insist on drivin...

...thems wot be stayin at ome is of corse buzee wiv cards...

Rohan (@rohanthebt) adds his pawtograff
Lexie may ave done one too many  (@dogstoyevsky)

...many of my coleegs is also volunteerin to elp Santa deliver yore prezzunts...many doin the ard werk pullin the sleigh...

Bunbury and Harvey decidin who is Dancer and who is Prancer? (@bunnersandharvs)

Zoe (@zoetheborder) again...multi-taskin
Monty (@adelesiddall) rapped up warm against polar winds

..I haz asked Scruff (@maria7scruff) to elp out in da kitchen......

How duz you cook Turkee?..
If in doubt...nom nom

...while others tell the stories and jokes to da old folks nappin in the lounge...

Zoe (agane!!)...stories from front lines of shoppin

Ozzie (@ozzietheborder) andin out the Werthers Originals...

...and of corse we do haz a small army of Santas to make sure dems who has been norty (mostly Lolas) and dems who haz been nice (everywun else) will be gettin their gifts on time..

Pepper and Spot (@pepperandspot)...deliveree for you!!

Jilly! Our cutest Santa...

sumwun called Lola, appawrently

Monty lookin regal..

Murphy (@no1border) is Santa Smurf...

Grissom (@grissom-walker) is da pawty spirit..

...we gots a tree for Santa to put the prezzunts under...Wee Mungo is guardin it wiv a cupple of doods we dussnt kno......

Hee hee...its rilly our chums Da Griff an Ollie (@thegobros)

...and altho he is not technically a border terrier, we is bringin you a famile foto from my great pal Arfur (@monkeysbrother) cos he takes da best fotos.

Small white border terrier and two monkey terriers...

...and last, and by no means least, it be me!!..i say you the vuideo do take a few moments to load but it do be werth it....*sniggerin*....

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Dat speshul fillum made by our special pal Mr Pip (@piprufus1)....woof..... and before we go we do haz a speshul woof to say for our pal Ben (@macandben) who has been very poorly and did ave a big operayshuns on his back and is making a slow and steady recovery. Appy crispmouse Ben, da whole posse be finkin of you dis oliday..

Owly Images

Anywun who would like to join the BT parade haz only to get in touch via twitter or peemail and we will do a follow up for all the stragglers....we kno it can be a bizze oliday for you dawgs...

Hetty....too much Xmas...

p.s if i did forget anywun who sented me a foto, I do pologise and say you to bark at me on twitter


  1. That was really nice to see Marley. I liked the video too. All seem to be ready for Christmas now.

  2. Aww! Merry Chrustmas Marley Lola Nd Typist
    love from Paintedrunner and Jed xxc

  3. Meowy Chrispmouse Marley an Lola! All you furrendz iz rill fotojennik, that Monty duz haz horns just likes a raindeer, an Hetty reminds me of Paddington Bear, cuz her haz a sootcayse an hat just like he. Santy Paws better pack a lot of joosy bonez in hims slay this yeer I thinks *purrrr*

  4. Marley we dus love this so much! We has never seen so many amused, err, I mean unimpressed BTs. Inclooding me...and me agane...and oh, there's me agane...

    Zoe the Diva

    P.S. - I can see da road just fine!!! ;-)

  5. So much pawsomeness! Happy Christmas to you Marley and to all your family xx

  6. Marley,you are top of the bloggs this Christmas and we think all the BTs are stars.
    Silly typist,you really should be on the stage.
    What a fantastic way to start the day,catching up with Marley and all his forts.
    We were wondering,if perhaps Lola would be addressing the nation this year,as Queen of all she surveys?
    Wishing BTs everywhere a merry Christmas and happy New Year,although we have heard rumours that the Chinese are going to celebrate the year of the Squirrel next year!!!!!?

    Bonnie and Anne x

  7. Merry Christmouse Marley n Lola n Typist n Mum n Willum. We don't have our Santa hats on this year thank dogness, but we did help win the Pimp my Pod competishun by posin as Dancer n Prancer!!! WOOF

  8. You BTs sure duss has the howliday spirit! Wassup with Lola, she would not dance with you, Marley? I suppose when one is too bizzy being noggty... Happy Howlidays to you and your fambly!

  9. Marley, your blog certainly brings joy to the world. What a lovely celebration of border terrier pawsomeness! Merry Christmas to you, Lola, the Typist, Mum, William, and border terriers and friends everywhere!

    Nicola x

  10. Hello Marley
    Thanks for including me and my monkey terriers in your bloggings.
    Merry Christmas to you. Lola, typist, Mum and William.
    Wishing you a Happy Healthy New Year for 2012.
    Thanks for being my pal.

  11. Zack sends Christmas wishes from Canada


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings