
Monday, 30 January 2012

Bone Zone Crisis

Ello for be me...Chancellor Marley...I dint be doin much this last week or so cos I been a bit under the wevver agane so insteads i do be bringin you up to date wiv da finanshull crisis cos it be affectin the price of your noms.

I fink you all duz kno that no matter where dogs is in the werld we do all be enjoyin a common currency wot be Noms (or the Nom, as we call it in hai finance)...

A Nom: denommynayshun one Bone

A longs time ago, all the dogs did agree dat no dog would be takin too many Noms for theyselves in order to protect the value of every dog's Nom....

Braney dog say "gets only wot you need"

...and they was makin rools wot every fur had to follow in order to keep some order to fings...

Always in faver of sensibull rools

 ...but nature bein nature not every fur was playin by the rools (probbly cats...or squirrels)....leadin to some doggies mebbe tellin fibs about wot they been up to...

Munee? I dussnt got your munnee....

...and this was bein ignored by peeple who find it convenient to look da other way...and becos some doggies was werkin hard....

Ello for you...welcome to Noms Inc....ow may I be of serviss?

....and able to prodoose a lot of stuff and be sellin it....

......this make peeple fink that all doggies was welffy and so they did be lendin even more munee to dogs wot could not rilly afford to be borrowin it.....

..but you dusnt be able to blame just banker doggies cos ovver doggies was askin for lots of Noms at the same time when they dint rilly ave munee to repay it....

Wot? Just a few essenshull items...
Oh, 0% finance....k?
Is Bulgari dahlin...

....and them doggies did be gettin a bit fat an lazy and wasnt werkin for wot they got....

Hai.....pull up a chair.....boss is out for a meetin....

Bizee....another doggie will serve you...

...and this lead to the bones you once had....

...bein werff a bit less than you fort they was.....

Down to last bone..pleez send elp...

...and now dogs is avin to do wivout access to lots of Noms....

...and is losin they jobs and wonderin where they next meals is comin from....

*....hummin Redemption Songs.....*

....leadin to sivil distrurbances....

Fair Noms for Fair Werk....

...and cuts...

....the ugly face of cuts.... other sort of cuts....

Haz cut I noms....

...and to occupayshuns of public places...

....and disiloozhenmeint wiv pollytiks...

Dis nuffing....I iz reddy to poop...
....and that be where we is now my pals. I brings you up to date. I dussnt kno where it be goin from here but I do kno it probbly take a long time to be gettin fings back to normal....and will definitly involve every fur payin his share...


  1. Very smart Chancellor Marley! Now I know what's going on with the noms! My dad particularly enjoyed this since he's a nom-conomist!

  2. Brilliant blog post Marley my pal- the munny market should take note. Just off to check the state of our buried bone stocks.

  3. Brilliant Marley, now I understand it all. BBC should sack that Robert Peston chap (no loss) and employ you as Chief Economics Terrier.

  4. Iz sorry you haz nawt been feeling good Marley. It sownds like you haz been using yer time produktivly but Iz like to mechunz that kitties iz nawt respawsnubulz fur not enuff noms az we iz vurry dayntee eaterz. Jusht meowin'.

  5. Anova BRILLIANT blog well done you!

    I does not like the sound of not enough noms, as it is noms that make the world go round!! Good job we has a dog like you on the case to keep us all in check! Marley for president!!!

    As your bone stash is so low I has got typist to put a little somefing in the post to elp you out at this tricky time!

    Keep safe Love D x

  6. Anova BRILLIANT blog well done you!

    I does not like the sound of not enough noms, as it is noms that make the world go round!! Good job we has a dog like you on the case to keep us all in check! Marley for president!!!

    As your bone stash is so low I has got typist to put a little somefing in the post to elp you out at this tricky time!

    Keep safe Love D x

  7. Marley,you should not be worrying about the state of the Nom,it is not good for the heart and it can turn your beard grey! We BT's here in Scotland also have to worry about independence and what that will do to the state of our Noms.
    If the worst comes to the worst you could always sell Lola.
    Take care
    Anne and Bonnie x

  8. Thank you for explaining all that complicated stuff to me so that I can understand it. Now I feel a lot cleverer.
    I hope you are feeling better soon. I recommend hourly snuggles :)

  9. Oh, Marley, you did such a nice job eggsplaining that so I can wrap my brane around it. Not that I is happy about the nom shortage and stuffs. But after reading about it I is furry hungry now. Sigh.

  10. Deer Marleee. We are so glad you are ower furiend to make us larf in times ov nom crisis. Dat Cardiganologist must be givin ya sumfink to make ya wiser and wiser. Step aside George Osborne... Marlee is in da house! Lots of licks frum Maisie and me. AnnieB

  11. Ello for you Marley. Glad you're up to blogging again ... you hit the nail on the head with your clever nom measures! Watch your backs Osborne & Co

  12. Marlety that was really a great post, our paw friends are very busy in their own endeavor and I'm glad that they are doing great, i love those photos :D

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Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings