
Thursday, 26 April 2012

A Very Speshull Nouncement

Ello for do be me, Marley.

your correspondent.... i duss be bringing you momentous news. As you kno, i duss be livin ere wiv Lola and sumtimes i do fink it mite be nice to ave a little brofur to play wiv instead becos Lola be a hoomnguss pain in da butt is entitled to her own space and tonite Lola do say she ave spied sumfing in the dining room....

do it be friend or foe?.....

...OMD, look at this ansome chap who ave come to visit wiv us....i wonder who he do be....

hmmmm, he seem to ave a beard like mine...

....Lola gib him a proper snooterin to be chekkin owt who and wot he might be..... manners...

....he be a little bit shy so i dussnt want to scare him so i say him to be writ in his name for us...

....doin it old style....

.....he say he do be called Clapton...and he ave been sent ere by the luvvly lady at 21stCenturyBears cos she ave eard that we ave pawfect facilities for border terriers....i do immediately fink we has to make Clapton feel at ome and so we present him wiv a gift....

...chew of peace....

....and we do lend him da iBone so he can be phonin back to his pals to let em know he be arrivin safely...

*ring ring*....ello? Is that Eric? I ave arrive...

...and becos i fink he be tired after his long journee i do offer him some noms...cos i dussnt mind sharin...

...elp yore self my chum....

...he say me this is a small porshun....

....after dinner he do say me he want to be fully paid-up member of da familee and dat mean doin his share of chores.......

....doin squizzle patrol in sector 3....

...takin dooties very seriously indeed.....

.....and he do such a pawsome job that we is immediately appy to be sharin wiv him all da Marley Secrets.....

....urry up, mum's comin....

.....I do fink we is goin to be very apply avin Clapton to liv wiv us.....and of corse we do ave to deal wiv the most impawtant step in his induction....

...wot be this Twitter of which you speak....

...and we do be announcin that you can be speakin wiv Clapton on @claptonterrier .....and i do say HURRAY for brofurs...

...even ones made of kinittin....
...*appy dancin*......Marley


Ello for you....I just wanted to let readers who do not be on twitter kno that we is playin our #flatmarley game agane this summer and opin to raise some munnee for the Dogs trust.

If you would like to join in den all da details are on the #flatmerley blog wot you can see by clickin HERE

Is very simple....even Lola can unnerstand it.

Anyway, that do be it....I leev you wiv free pishure to keep you laffin...

*cat sleep mask*

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Werdless Wednesday - the many faces of Marley

*listenin to your joke face*

*i is laffin at your joke face*

*is so funnee i gib you smooch face*

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Wot you haz to lern about fings

Ello for you. It do be me, Marley. I fink mebbe if you is reading the blog reggly then you do kno it be about 97 pawcent about me and 2 pawcent bout general informayshuns and 1 paw cent bout Lola (accidents do appen). Today, i do be bringing you a blog wot do not be about me cos today we do be talking about animal rescue. I fink most of you do kno that rescue be an impawtant find for animals in trubble or who ave had a change in they circumstances wot ave taken em by surprise.

Today, we do be focusing in mostly on poor spessymins who needs rescuing from theyselves....for eggsample, wot you fink we can do for this dood?

....i fink Newton's pal ave lost his mind. He ave been redoosed to finding a gurlfrend for his squirrelly pal....

....and it ave all gone to Newton's brane and he fink he be king of da universe .....

Wake up Newton's pal!! You has been lost to us but we will rescue you....

Now, ere the boot do be on the other paw....and it is Price da Beagle who need to be rescued from an intrusive exammynayshun by his dentist....

...and this puss ave a very pawsistent pawdicurist....

....and a hairdresser who ave decided not to take noes for an answer....

Readers: rescue dese pals from rood staff.

Some animals is forced into life of domestic slavery....hooverin


...providin entertainments for your parties...

....rearin yore children's....

Rescue animals enslaved by modern life.

I fink that do be snuff for da weekend. Back to normal bloggin about impawtant stuff (me) and everyfing else (Lola) later.

Woof.........Marley....the forth mergencee service...

Monday, 16 April 2012


Last night i was at ome nappin on da sofa when i was woked by gasps of outrage from all coners off da livin room....

This will not stand Mr will not stand i can keepz your slimey dude and his nylon shirt and his lame dog...

Pleez vote (pssst, its over there ------->) or leev comments below....or bofe...he he....Marley

Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter updates

We ave been avin a quiet Easter cos coffs an colds ave been makin people feel lazy an tired (not me of corse). So, we ave not much to say but if you do want to line up outside the door...Dr Marley will see you now...

Friday, 6 April 2012

Easter testin: dog & foods

Ello for you. It do be a sunny Easter weekend in Ashtead and we has been bizee wiv two types of impawtant testin.

Furstly, i has been back to see the cardiganologist for a quick check up....

Cardiganologist: quite appy wiv progress

...and he ask me to put on my eart monitor for 24 hours for collectin data....

I has been werkin on my pecs: you fink i look buff? so the masheen ave been doin its elektric fing since yesterday....

all informayshuns point to good result... do not stop me goin for a fact, Simon do insist i be doin normal fings....

.....akshun dog balance of three

....but I am quite glad it ave been taken off now....

Six Million Dollar Dog....

....and now that ave left the afternoons free for testin some noms wot my pal Alfie the Border Terrier from Feelwells ave sent to me..Alfie an me as bonded over our love of noms and also cos we is bofe perceycuted by havin a sisfur called Lola....he feel my pain....and as you kno i am easily bribed into eatin noms always apply to do consoomer you dussn't ave to...

Alfie an Lola supervisin packing of Marley parcel...

Alfie drivin deliveree van....

...and fanks to his dedicayshuns, the parcel did arrive safely at its destinayshun...


...the first ones is nommy Liver treats......full of nice fings incloodin extra bittymins for makin me elffy.....despite his new camera, idiot typist ave got bag in shadow, cut off the brand name and obscured ingredients....DOH! i do say for you they do be hazzin no nasty colourins or preservatives in em an no wheats or glootin...and i see list of scientific looking minneruls wot be good for dogs is baked into each one....

Heart-shaped goodness: cardiganologist approved...

....I haz waited for two seconds....we will call this "trained"....

...and the kind peeples at Feelwells as also send me (not Lola, me) and second bag of nommy Chunky Dog Treats...beef flavoured...(I say you this cos you see the typist ave agane obscured all consumer informayshuns in name of arts)....

Baked Nommyness....

...rilly?....we is waitin agane?....*sigh*

..Lola duss be waiting not one second more...

Beef flavours wiv oaky bouquet and woody nose...

...and these ones is hypo-allergenic so i fink that mean Hippos can eat em....sumfing like that anyway...i does not kno much bout syence...

Dr Marley say fully tummy lead to sense of spirrychool well bein...

Feelwells: natchurull goodness fact the snaks is so good that typist say we do ave to do em justice and arrange for formal dining experience....this be high class foods...

We'll try em wiv da Cabernet Sauvignon pleez....

....but typist is to clever for his own good and some of the treats has been left on the garden chair by the waiters.....

Hygiene inspector Marley say "FAIL"
Better clean up....mum be back soon....

Crunchy and delishus.....

....fank you, that do conclood my report....i shall be enjoin the sun for da rest of the afternoon...

Appy Easter for you.....wooof....Marley (full) x.