
Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter updates

We ave been avin a quiet Easter cos coffs an colds ave been makin people feel lazy an tired (not me of corse). So, we ave not much to say but if you do want to line up outside the door...Dr Marley will see you now...


  1. Dr Marley, I am feeling rather out of sorts and hard done to today - you see, it was Easter yesterday and I counted 22 eggs but did not receive one, not one I say.....Little2Legs have hidden them away now, what am I to do? Mummy2Legs points out that yes, I did have a superb slice of beef, which is rare as 2Leg food does not always agree with me, but I mean it was Easter, beef is all wonderfully well and good, but no egg indeed - Dr Marley, I am feeling rather out of sorts and hard done to today!!!(Barnie x)

  2. Well Dr. Marley, it's nice of you to open your doors up to all your blogging pals too. We have some oomans here who are out of sorts too. Maybe you could make a house call?

  3. Dr. Marley, Zack has a problem in that his humans pulled out all his hair on Easter Sunday!!!! He is anxious now there is going to be another snow storm!!!

  4. Dear Dr Marley, I have a THWOCK that needs treating. Here it is, see? *THWOCK*

  5. Dr Marley - I have a big hole in my back and am fearful that I am aboot to be destuffied. What should I do? BIG TED

  6. Dear Dr Marley - you are truly handsome ....

  7. Dr Marley,I have trouble sleeping at night and recently tried counting squirrels,this has worsened my insomnia as I visualise myself getting right up the trees to catch them.Last night I caught 250 of the varmits.Do I need therapy?


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings