
Friday, 29 June 2012

All in da familee

Yesterday was a big day....Lola was goin to the groomers to ave her furs removed cos she was in a disgraceful state...


...wookie and border terrier make friends...

.....the groomin was to take place in Witley wot be a village near us.....and we haz advised them to be takin precorshuns cos Lola is known for avin a low tolerunce for groomin and mebbe puttin on the bitey.....

...area sealed off, all children remain indoors...

......the groomer who did her last time ave not been seen since and files remain open....

.....probbly just too much mowin....

....the whole fing was too much for mum and she did go off to see our pals who do be lookin after my sisfur Islay (@issiebisey)....

...Islay so fast she be blurry...even sittin stilll...

....and Rocky...who be my dad....

...ansome is in the genes....

....while she was waitin for the summons to collect Lola....or just until she hear sound of sirens....wotever be furst...

....checkin every pile of fur for cloos....

....owever, she need not ave worried cos Lola is said to be nice as pie for the lady....mebbe because there was two big poodles puttin the growly to Lola.....

...holy mackerel! Is it Fu Man Chu?...

....this is what a border terrier should look like....ansome, sleeks, even beards

....not like no longer Victorian age you kno...... this....modern, a little sumfing coverin the legs....

....see the contrast? Beardy Pin Legs (foreground) ......Ansome dood (background)...

 ....and then we is also notissin that Lola may ave "gained a few pounds"....*snigger*....and the roly poly middles was not fur after all....and she is on immediate more fresh foods for her....only kibbles.....

...the shame of the obese terrier.....
.....model dog.....

....circus mutt..... that do be our news for now. We haz to get Lola out doin some runnin an walkin at the weekend and try and shift her extra ballast....stand by for countryside blogs....

....ordishuns for Lola: the Movie....

wooof.....Sleek Marley....

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Werdy Wednesday

Altho it be Wednesday we haz to use some werds......recently our great pal Gretchen the Boxer from the other side of the werld did pass OTRB. She was a great pal to us on twitter and we did meet her fru her sibfurs Ginger an Mac who do be border terriers like me an Lola. Gretchen did ave a speshul place in our heart and was a friend to borders everywhere...yesterday we did get these pishures from their familee wot do show Gretchen and #flatmarley avin fun times last we do light a candle and say werds of fanks for our dear pal and wish her well runnin free at the Bridge...

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Ello for you. As you do kno, i dussnt do a lot of long walking no more cos of my heart so last weekend we ave let Lola  clear off and stop whining take the family off for a long walk so she can stretch her legs....

Lola wiv her probayshun officer pal Isabel

....snooterin along at top speed...
does you notiss her new Halti harness wot ave stop her pullin?....they did go wiv a group of pals to do a reccy on the root that the boys' Duke of Edinburgh award hike will take in a few weeks and practise map-readin skills....

...Shawnee Shep seenik from top of Leith Hill....
...furst part was up the hill to the highest point in Surrey (we been there before, see blogs passim)...from where you can see the whole werld...or so it seem....there is a castle at the top wiv a nice cafe for cakes and drinks...

...Lola snooters a stray muffin whilst her ello...

.....but once they left the top of the hill they was into unknown country...

....dussnt need map: follow me...

...and bein careful at all times to watch for local wildlife...

...startled teenagers might charge: Willium at full speed...

....and makin sure enrgee levels be topped up...

....snaks for enrgee...

....careful consultins at each check-point to ensure measurements is taken and compass readins is accurate before goin on to the next stage....

...snooter compass say LEFT!!...

.....and even tho they was in the country they had to make sure they was following the rools of the road....

....beep beep, comin thru...

...hai, ow is the peemail down that way?

.....and makin sure not to get left behind or lost...

...I smells Postman Pat and Jess? Is that their van?...

.....and surveyin all possible roots for viable paffs.....

...doin it wiv style....he he....geddit?

...indian file.....

...makin full use of all available cover an camouflage....

....long grass leapin....

terrier trenches providing safety and cover...

.....walkin a whole six miles before reach the village destinayshun at Abbinger Common....

...Abbinger: home of underage drivers... last, LUNCH!!

....and a successful day all round for every paw....incloodin me, who got a long nap at ome....and a visit from Mavis for snaks and laps...

haz chips at this pub?...


Thursday, 7 June 2012

Award season

I haz been tagged by two pals .....

Furst, my dear kitteh pal Pandora ave made me the reesippyent of the Sunshine Award....

....fank you to her. She ave asked me to answer sum questions bout myself....

What be my favourite number - hmmmm, I fink we is gonna ave to choose nummer 1 becoause this year our football team did finish number 1 in the English football league for the furst time in about 1 hundred years.....we loves to relive the moment when that did appen...

..pssst...if you is on iBone and cannot see dat viddyoh then you can haz it here on dis linky...

What be my favourite non-alcoholic drink - that i fink do be an easy one cos we do say it be Hank's bacon beer wot was invented by our dear-depawted pal Hank the Doggy....


Duzz I prefer Facebook or Twitter? - pffft, this cannot be a real kwestion. Is no contest....twitter.....Facebook, is that still a fing?

What be my passion - ........nappin...natch. take practiss....

My favourite pattern - can i nommynate the pattwern on the inside of my eye-lids? No? Hmmmm, den it be the patters of my tweetin pals from the twitter....

....ello for you

What be my favourite day of the week?  Well I do say it be any day wot involve naps, walks and snaks.....not necessarily in that order...


What be my favourite flowers?I haz to say it be the power flowers in my favrit treat from my favrit Border Terrier....Lily at Lily's Kitchen...

...flower power....

I am sposed to pass on dis award to some uvver bloggers and haz them answer the same questions. Well I see most of may pals do already ave the award so I just say to you dat if you is readin this then why not join and and elps yourself to an award. Yiu is all winners to me!!

Second, my pal Nayomee ave tagged me in a games of Why? So here is my Whys?....

Why do peeple ave to go ungry when there is food to feed the werld?

dear Lords, pleez send noms....
  Why is tins so small?

...and tongue so short?

Why is peeple makin such a fuss bout opposable thumbs?

....snooter bread disguise.......

Why do Lola fink she is the boss of me?

Why you call me turtle?

...Again I do say to you to ave a go at doin some Whys? yorself. Is fun.....
