
Friday, 29 June 2012

All in da familee

Yesterday was a big day....Lola was goin to the groomers to ave her furs removed cos she was in a disgraceful state...


...wookie and border terrier make friends...

.....the groomin was to take place in Witley wot be a village near us.....and we haz advised them to be takin precorshuns cos Lola is known for avin a low tolerunce for groomin and mebbe puttin on the bitey.....

...area sealed off, all children remain indoors...

......the groomer who did her last time ave not been seen since and files remain open....

.....probbly just too much mowin....

....the whole fing was too much for mum and she did go off to see our pals who do be lookin after my sisfur Islay (@issiebisey)....

...Islay so fast she be blurry...even sittin stilll...

....and Rocky...who be my dad....

...ansome is in the genes....

....while she was waitin for the summons to collect Lola....or just until she hear sound of sirens....wotever be furst...

....checkin every pile of fur for cloos....

....owever, she need not ave worried cos Lola is said to be nice as pie for the lady....mebbe because there was two big poodles puttin the growly to Lola.....

...holy mackerel! Is it Fu Man Chu?...

....this is what a border terrier should look like....ansome, sleeks, even beards

....not like no longer Victorian age you kno...... this....modern, a little sumfing coverin the legs....

....see the contrast? Beardy Pin Legs (foreground) ......Ansome dood (background)...

 ....and then we is also notissin that Lola may ave "gained a few pounds"....*snigger*....and the roly poly middles was not fur after all....and she is on immediate more fresh foods for her....only kibbles.....

...the shame of the obese terrier.....
.....model dog.....

....circus mutt..... that do be our news for now. We haz to get Lola out doin some runnin an walkin at the weekend and try and shift her extra ballast....stand by for countryside blogs....

....ordishuns for Lola: the Movie....

wooof.....Sleek Marley....


  1. Quite an EVENTFUL EXPERIENCE that was.

  2. Efurryone duz look pawsome after teh horrors an fur stealing

  3. OMG you mean, Lola, is... a ....Dog? Jeepers, for she is even more handsome than me and now has less hair! We really loved your post today - BOL!!!

  4. Lola, I can see you need me to THWOCK that brother of yours... happy to oblige... *THWOCK*

  5. Ugh me hates the groomers, So glad Lola came out of it okay, Im off next week! :o

  6. Marley you are a genimouse. You should write a book, never mind a blog. :)

  7. Cracking blog Marley. You should have your own Comedy Roadshow. P'haps Lola could wax that tash!

  8. Zack never grows a big coat, I think it looks so cute. Either way all borders are adorable, foo manchu must ache and all LOL!!!! AND OMD THAT BULLDOG IS HUGE

  9. So glad the fur puller outer laydee survived. But a mustache on Lola? She be a gurl not a dood. Mebbe that woz to keep some cushioning around her mouf just in case she decided to put the bitey on. Pritty clever akshually.

  10. Oh no Lola now the secrets out. We tried to smuggle my fats under my furs too, but eventually it gets scientifickly discovered.

  11. ello sleak Marley, you is going to have to elp with Lola becoming more streamline, this mean you as a very responsible job, you as to become top nom eater so that she is not tempeted! BOL I fink you may be doing lots of walks wiv backwards throwing ball - I wish you luck my pal!

  12. Oh, poor, poor Lola! A funny mustache AND no more disguising of the belly... *tsk* Maybe she SHOULD have put the bitey on the groomer!

    By the way, your comment on my blog made me BOL! I hope you got home to your supper!


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings