
Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Saturday, 18 August 2012


Ello for ave been a scorchin few days ere in the sowf of Engerland....and me an Lola been wiltin in the eat....we was discussin it this mornin on twitter wiv our pals and sumone did point out that our pals at Lilys Kitchen ave said in their cooks book that is good to ave nice peanut butter flavoured ice cubes for nommin we ave sent the typist into da kitchen to ave a go...

.....we dint see the ressy-pee but we fink is just some peanut butters dissolved in water and bunged in the fridge....

...closed-curcuit security for da noms....
.....and then we is waitin for hours and hours and hours for the floopin fings to be freezin....

...haz been long enuff?
....and eventuallee they is ready and i be summoned in from my shady spots in the garden for testing....

.....wot you want?...Haz you set trap for me?

wass in da bowl then eh?....

...smells of PB.....*sniff sniff*

hmmmm....just test a tiny bit....

Er......well......fing is....

I dussnt want to urt your feelins DISGUSTIN!!

I lets Lola haz it....


Monday, 13 August 2012

BT posse in sesshun...

We is bringin you news of #flatmarley today my chums cos there was too many border terriers in our latest update to keep it from readers of dis blog....

Ello my I do be bringin you speshul news of a gatherin of border terriers wot do be our pals from Twitter. We was very onoured to be invited along to #BT8812 ....a meetin takin place on 8 August 2012....see what they did there?... ome wiv Jack n Molly choosin snaks for da meetin...
....lets get movin pals, we dussnt want to miss anyfin!...
...vroom, vroom...
....and also wiv Harvey, bein introdoosed to Percy wot ave come to live wiv Harvs
 .....doggies was comin from all over da UK to meet up and exchange tips on nappin, nommin and walkin.....and here be the munee shot..., from left to right and back to front there be...Scrappy Nelson (@scrappyn), Jack (@jackandmolly3), Spot (of @pepperandspot), Isaac (from @realjoannek), Pepper (from @pepperandspot), Scruff (@maria7scruff), Molly (@jackandmolly3), Rohan (@rohantheBT), #flatGimli (who rilly be @gimliBT), Barney (@barneyBT), nuvver Barney (@cornishbarney), #flatmarley and Harvs (@bunnersandharvs)...

...Jack, mebbe noms under here...

...flat peemails?.... and Harvs be fursty....

....flanked by da two Barneys....

...swappin stories of Cornwull wiv Cornish Barnee...

........and of corse we duss not just be eatin and nappin...oh no....wot you fink we is?....border terriers?... racin openin ceremonee...Sir Paul out of shot...

...winnin the dog-racin convincingly....

....Yikes....almost edged out for Gold by Scruff....

....replensihin afleets bodies after exertions.... control facilitees for the meddullists.... was a pawsome day and we was very appy to see our pals enjoyin their can see more pishures of their day if you is checkkin out #BT8812 on twitter...and we is also appy to repawt that other pals was getherin in London this weekend for #grogpaws to welcome @wallasekatt to London....

...elpin @borderpup wiv admin for the event...

...wiv Lexie @dogstoyevsky attendin to grog dooties..
...I fink they did also ave a great time......woof.


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

For Frankie...

I duss be postin this pishure for my pals Frankie & Ernie cos I kno they do rilly like fallin waters...

Frankie, these fallin waters do be at the Olympic Park in London....and we kno ow you loves da Olympics....we took it yesterday when we was wothchin the Limpics wiv da familee...

...meanwhile, I am suppawtin Team GB in my most-patriotic manner...

Go Team GBzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Werdless Wednesday - Olympics

...*bizee bizee*....

.....*bizee bizee*....