
Tuesday, 7 August 2012

For Frankie...

I duss be postin this pishure for my pals Frankie & Ernie cos I kno they do rilly like fallin waters...

Frankie, these fallin waters do be at the Olympic Park in London....and we kno ow you loves da Olympics....we took it yesterday when we was wothchin the Limpics wiv da familee...

...meanwhile, I am suppawtin Team GB in my most-patriotic manner...

Go Team GBzzzzzzzzzzz.....


  1. I LOVE it... THAT is a beautiful Falling Waters thingy. THANK you 87 times over.

  2. All those Olympic events are tuckering you out, Marley! You're gonna be knackered...or cream crackered...however you say it over there across the pond! BOL

  3. cool, lucky you getting to visit the Olympics

  4. Such a shame they don't have gold medals for napping in London 2012 but then they do in Teddy Olympics so you can still win Marley.

  5. Love your union jack 'blanket'!

  6. You is so clever, I will ave to support team GB in a similar matter and go for a snooze!


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings