
Friday, 18 January 2013

A snowy day

I have been very excited since last night because the weather-man on the television said that there was to be snow today....

...i looked outside at 8 o'clock...but there was only a tiny smattering of snow and it was coming from the sky very slooooowly....

.....i decided to be brave and go outside to see if it was as cold as everyone was.....

...Miss Lola was having none of it and she curled up by the radiator and tried to ignore the forecast....

....but i found out that if you are patient that you will be rewarded....

 ...Miss Lola managed to make it out of the door but she was far from happy....

....and was soon asking to be let back in.....

....i refused to be do you like my Clap-gloo?.....

...I am going out...I may be some time....

....i thought it might be best to get up high to see useful landmarks....and the Christmas tree that we STILL haven't thrown away came in very handy....

...of course, it is not all just fun in the snow....we had to think about our we took a bowl of Cheerios out for them.....

....even Miss Lola came to see what was going on.....something to do with the food you think?

....its was somewhat difficult to tell if she was enjoying it or not....

...we had some nutritious fat balls with mealworms for the birds too....

...i tried to absail in to hang this one....but it was quite wobbly.... I shimmied along a branch.....

.....and found a way down using my paws.....


We hope all our friends in the UK are safe and warm...wooof.....Clapton, Border Terrier HQ


  1. Wow! Clapton yoo iz sooo bwave - unlike da paw Lola! Absalin nd climin! Yoo iz #btposse ansa to Akshun Man! Wer can we buy a Clap-gloo! Bwill!

  2. Clapton, it looks like you had lots of fun in the snow. Lola, on the other paw, not so much...though I think I saw her EAT some snow during the video. She is a one-track mind...FOOD! BOL

    Hope you're all staying nice and warm!
    Your pal, Oz

  3. You are very resourceful Clapton, shimmying up that branch! And I already said I loved your clap-gloo! I don't blame Lola either! Nice warm nap is good on a cold day! Glad you had so much fun thou!

  4. We can TELL that YOU had FUN... butt WE would have been inside,too.

    PeeS... did you know that the Word Varification thingy is turned on?

  5. Clapton you are a brave dawg...Gizmo would be about as excited about snow as Lola i fear...And you are very kind to make sure the birds had something nice for noms

  6. Well done little pal for helpin the birdies. You will be a lifesaver for them.

  7. You are quite the action terrier there, Clapton! ~applause~ What a brave role model you are for Lola! Well done for taking care of the birdies. Did you put some water out for them too?

  8. You're doing a great job feeding the birds Clapton. We jus does chasing birds , well the Goose does anyway. I'm with Lola, my vote goes to the radiator.

  9. Yep, I'm snuggled by the radiator right now. Mostly cos it's cold but we have NOT had any snow for me to go play in :-(
    I really enjoyed your blog, Clapton.

    PS for some reaon your blog isn't let me comment as The Twiglet but thinks I'm anonymous :-(

  10. Wow Clayton, you are such an adventurous little guy! And thanks for remembering the birds.

  11. Great bloggy! I dussn't like the snow neivver, Lola.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings