
Tuesday, 14 May 2013

More Pride....

Hello my friends...I had a very busy week travelling around Europe with you-know-who so I am only just now able to show you the next installment of the border terrier members showing off their new badges with pride....

Mr Archie....@archietiddlypom....has his new badge on his brain at all times...
Mr Seb....@MrSebBT...and a mini-fur have scarf-pride...
Mr Dexter....@dexterBT...looks a bit forlorn for a doggie who has struck membership-gold
Mr Jasper....@jasperborder....the spitting image of his leader....
Mr Eric....@loraineive....overwhelmed by his new acquisition....
Mr Malcolm....@littlemalc....not quite ready for his close-up....
Mr Gus....@gus_border....administering a security sniff...
Miss Pepper...@pepperandspot.....a still life with badge....
Mr Baxter...@baxter_border....shouldering his responsibilities well....
Miss Maggie....@maggiemaybetsy....service with a smile....

Mr Spike ...@spikebirch.....having second thoughts about his lunch choices....
Miss Poppy ...@valentineslady....another gingham ensemble from Milan...
...whilst brother Basil has opted for a shade which matches  his eyes...(*may not match actual eyes)
Mac and Ginger.....@borders2...they do things a bit differently on the other side of the world....(*New Zealand)

Cerberus?, Mac and Ginger again
Scrabble F. Scruff....carrying it off nicely...
Miss Daisy....@houndogdaisy....considers the small print...
Mr giving old Marley a run for his money in the handsome dog stakes

...I am fairly certain there must be plenty of other photos out there that we have not even seen so if you have still not seen yourself here with your badge do let me know....

Clapton, Border Terrier HQ


  1. OMC - M is having a Border Terrier love fest. What a bunch of cuties.

  2. Pawsome photos today...Iz got my badge and Momz needs to take a pikshure fur me now

  3. What a brilliant group you have got! Almost makes me wish I was a border!! And typist loves MR Barney he is very dapper!

  4. Love all the pics. Finally zacky got his - check out my blog. Thanks for everything.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings