
Monday, 28 October 2013

Stormy weekend....

Hello my friends...this weekend was supposed to be the weekend of the Big Storm in the UK so we were very careful about what we did...

....we got supplies in from the shops in case we were cut off from civilisation by fallen least that it was the typist told me....this is the full extent of his culinary skills....

....Miss Lola said we should snuggle together to share body warmth if power supplies were cut.....

.....and she said we should try a practice run at fitting into very small spaces in case we had to flee to the Emergency Shelter at the bottom of the garden....

....I kept a firm eye on our sophisticated weather-warning system....leaves still on all the trees....

....I helped the typist to improve his mind by reading to him from this lovely book by @lucyinglis who is part of the staff of @bridietheborder our friend from London....

....I took pity on the typist and helped him make some emergency sandwiches.....ham, cheese, mustard, mayonnaise and tomatoes....Yum

....we thought about taking Miss Lola for a walk....but i said it might be best to stay close to the house and so we just did a virtual dog-walk.....

Miss Lola said she would need to go out for short breaks......

....I made sure that I had a good view of the whole garden in case she needed rescuing......

We decided that Miss lola might be a bit smelly if we had to spend any significant amour of time in the Safety Bunker and so we gave her a storm-bath....and she made sure she was fully dried off afterwards....

We went to see Cousin Tilly very briefly to see if she had anything we could use in the bunker.....

...she had only a vital tennis ball for exercising during prolonged periods of isolation.....

..and Miss Lola was eventually sounding the Wind Siren....

...and we were soon down below making the best of the primitive conditions....

....hardly room to swing a cat....a very large cat....

.....and this morning we emerged to Wind-mageddon...!!
I do hope our friends are all OK and safe and well and without any damage to their houses. We know this storm stuff is no laughing matter for many....

Woof...Clapton, BT HQ Secret Bunker....


  1. Wel dun Clapton! Yoo iz obvusli a vedi gud wesorse in times of merjensi! Az yoo fawt bowt cunsultansi cwisis manijment?

  2. We have been Wondering and WORRYING about our furends in the UK... we saw some of the destruction on the news HERE in the USA. Glad that you are all OK...

  3. Yikes! That is a scary storm

  4. Well Clapton you are never knowingly under prepared!!

  5. Hunker down and stay safe, you have good planning there Clapton

  6. Looks like you did a good job of looking after yourselves. We didn't have much wind here but we had VERY wet rain and LOTS of it. I was very wet after my walk :-(

  7. Bless Miss lola and her floofy bum - so cute!!! Glad you are all safe!!

  8. Beautiful Borders :*

    And OH sausages!!!


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings