
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

A short commercial break...

Hello my you can see from that lovely badge over on the side of my blog...I am a trusted taste-tester for Wagg Foods at the special request of Mr Dalton, the Doggie CEO of that well-known pet food company.... can sometimes be a bit difficult to get Miss Lola motivated...... we are always delighted when Mr Dalton sends one of his exciting mystery boxes through the post.....we were very happy when one arrived for us at the weekend....I made sure I opened it so that we had a chance to assess the content before letting Miss Lola loose on it.....

....Mr Dalton is always very careful to send us detailed instructions and information with each box.....

...he told me that he is launching a new product next year which will be Kennel Beef and Veg....its a 22% protein diet for working and active dogs so may not exactly be suitable for any of the dogs who live her and will be absolutely perfect for us.... it has a range of vitamins to (from A to to E) and is pre-biotic. Most artificial colours or flavours....and not much fat for her Tubiness.......sadly its not suitable for doggies who have intolerances for wheat or maize....

...Mr Dalton also accompanied it with some of his treats which are Miss Lola's particular favourites....

.....she will do almost anything to get one.....

....and was able to wash it down with a nice cup of tea.....

.....I made sure that I read the ingredients thoroughly...... says here its also good for teeth.......

......this is what the boxes will look like in your local supermarket......

....and this is what it will look like in your local bowl.....

.....if you are lucky and have a very fast lens on your camera you may be able to catch a photo of your dog with it before she gobbles it up like its her last meal on earth....Miss Lola liked it because it is crunchy and she can't eat it too fast..... say thanks, Mr Dalton also sent us a tug toy to play with.....

...but Miss Lola is too dim to play with indifferent to the sophisticated charm of the tug....

...luckily Mr Dalton also sent us a nice box of his MMMMMMsss....mmmmmm....

....they are so tasty they can draw quite a crowd......

....after all the fun had been had and the science had been done....I made a spreadsheet to record our findings......

......its very tiring work being a fully-employed Food Taster.....
....I hope you find our work at Border Terrier HQ useful....applications for samples to @waggfoods please....



  1. Well Clapton...that is a mighty fine package you received from Wagg Foods. I am glad that Lola finds it to her liking. I must laugh at Lola and her non-terrier ways with that tug toy...good grief. Must I come across the pond and show her the proper way to play tug?!?
    *high paw*

  2. Clapton you did a super job of telling us all about the thingys that came in the box fur Lola. Everythingy looks scrumptious .

  3. That sounds like a very tasty product

  4. Pawsum wepawt Clapton! Weez temptid! Wagg noms mussbe dlited av yoo pwomote der noms - err - nd da Lola markitin der toyz! *wispa* mabbe she shud go on medya markitin corse?

  5. Pawesome work der Clapton, you definitely deserve a big nap after all dat!

  6. Another brilliant review - fanks pal!

  7. What a great job. Yum. Zack and Molly is drooling

  8. Your Borders look like they LOVE food! Like my Earl.

  9. What a thorough job y'all do. No wonder you are official testers!

  10. Clapton those treats sound delish - I'm always partial to treaties myself too. Maybe you could swing off the end of that tuggy and Lola would "get it".


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings