
Monday, 16 December 2013

Christmas Feast

Hello my friends…..I had such an adventure at the weekend…..

…on Saturday morning I found myself with Miss Lola and the typist at the station waiting for a train….

…Miss Lola has not been on trains very often (unlike me)  and she was very keen to look around….

…..we watched the scenery go by….

…it seemed that we were rolling into London!!… exciting…..

…Miss Lola was a bit less impressed than I was….

….we arrived at Victoria Station and had to be careful of the crowds…..

….we walked for a while….it did not seem that news of our visit had leaked to the press in advance…..

….we found ourselves in a place called Pimlico….I thought that name sounded familiar from a famous Blog that old Marley wrote a few years ago….

….and sure enough I was delighted to find ourselves outside the Lily KItchen Santa's Grotto!!….

….you can read all about it and Lily's Kitchen here …..Miss Lily is a lovely border terrier who has her own dog food company…and she had opened up a fine dining experience for her customers……she did the same a few years ago too and old Marley  was lucky enough to meet her in pawson that day…he and the typist have never quite been the same…..

….I was almost tempted to go into the shop next door …but I thought I might need a hand getting up into the seats! BOL!...

….and I quickly decided we should get inside in case the typist got any funny ideas about using the local transport….it's not good for him….

…the lovely staff were immediately on hand to let Miss Lola have a festive "mince pie" (*doggie friendly recipe)…..

……...Miss Lola was also given a full helping of Lily's Christmas Dinner to try….….I believe this poor German Shepherd never did see her portion….sorry Miss Shawnee….

….and our great pal Mr Seb was also in attendance….he spent most of the day behind the till with the staff helping to soak up the heat from the fire and eat all the scraps  serve customers….

…the Christmas Dinner was excellent I was told, so I immediately set about cornering the market in it….

…...I also volunteered to help with local deliveries….

….while Miss Lola asked the staff if she could sample any of the Christmas treats on display….nice hat!

….I did my own stint in customer service…..
….leaving Miss Lola free to menace Santa for snacks discuss with Santa if she qualified for presents this year….

….he and I exchanged beard grooming tips of course…..

……..Mr Seb was altogether better behaved and got an appropriate reward…….

…….whilst Miss Lola may have helped herself to a second serving of Christmas dinner….

….and I attended to stock take to ensure the doggies that came after us had enough to eat…I think they are open for another week at least….

……...oh dear……..

…Mr Seb and Miss Lola had one final raid on all the snacks behind the counter session helping the staff…..

….and once we had finally been ejected by the weary staff done all our shopping we went next door with Mr Seb to have a coffee...

….typist making a rare and ill-advised appearance in front of camera…..

…..Mr Seb was the pawfect gentleman and enjoyed his day in The Big Smoke….

 …but the fun was all to quickly at an end and we had to get back on the train to go home…..

…..I stood guard over our bag of shopping…..

….but Miss Lola was not at all happy about sitting on the floor….

…and was soon up on typist's lap and requesting that other passengers tweet out the important happenings from our trip…I expect the BBC were waiting for updates…..

…we made it home safely and this is our loot….we even got some fish skin snacks which The Colonel will be allowed to eat when he comes on Tuesday for his festive retreat with us….and also plenty of snacks for Miss Islay who will be here too...

….but the excitement was not over….look what arrived in the post! Its the #BTposse 2014 calendar….and look who is one of the cover stars!! Me!!…..

If you are in the UK, Europe or the US and Canada, you can order a copy of the calendar HERE   ….100% of the proceeds are going to support charities which are dear to our heart: Border Terrier Welfare and Terrier Rescue. For any of our pals in other parts of the world (Mr Bodie, I am thinking of you down there in NZ) who would like a copy…just leave a comment and we will see what we can arrange. We hope that many thousands of pounds can be arranged for doggies…I think we have sold nearly 400 already but there are plenty left.  The calendar is full of border terriers…..we think it will makema perfect Christmas prezzie for your family….

…and all of this was just a warm-up for the Border Terrier Posse Christmas Concert which took place on Twitter on Sunday night. That deserves a blog all of its own later this week….

*YAWN*…Clapton, Border Terrier HQ….


  1. What a fabulous trip into London, Clapton! It seems that Miss Lola enjoyed herself fully (or made herself fulled up with everyone's meals). And oh! So great to see typist in a rare moment in front of the camera.
    I hope you all will have a terrierific holiday!

  2. OH CLAPTON.... THIS was a FABULOUS tour. Have you ever been to Paddington Station? Our mom used to read the Paddington Bear stories to her students and they LOVE them.
    WOW Lola really did score some Super LOOT ! Everythingy looks delicious.
    WE loved the Train Ride Video!!!!

  3. What a fantastic adventure. Lilys foodables!! I wish I could ride a reindeer, BOL

  4. What a great outing you had. Bet you all were really tired out by the end of the day. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  5. *eed blog wide eyed* Dat gwotto look sooo pawsum Clapton! We wish we cud av vistid! Anx fur lettin uz al see wot it be lyk!

  6. Wow wot a pawesome trip! I glad to see dat Miss Lola taste tested all da noms for da other doggies.

  7. Miss Lola looks awesome and cute........

  8. http://smallbrowndogs@blogspot.com22 December 2013 at 17:50

    Mmmmm foodables. We dont have a bt calendar yet for 2014 so mum says how can she get one. She has given me sole charge of her plastic money as we use it the mostest anyway. Bodie.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings