
Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Paradiddling paws….

I promised my friends that I would post a re-creation of my performance at this years' border terrier Christmas Concert ….so here it is: Paradiddlin' Paws…!

So you can get warmed up… is what a paradiddle looks and sounds like….

…yes, its a lovely rhythm to play on your drums or just tap long to with your paws…..

Now follow me…wack your right paw down, then tap the left and double tap the right  #BTXmas...

....look here....see the Single Paradiddle...right, left, right, right...

Lets build up some speed….WACK, tap, double tap….#BTXmas …sounds like par-a-diddle yet?

Er….no need for anything fancy for this…WACK, tap, double tap…#BTXmas

...pick up speed....wack and tap a little bit harder......

Are you playing along at home…just slap your legs….or a kibble box #BTxmas 

Once you’ve got it…buy the t-shirt! #BTxmas

PARADIDDLIN’ PAWS !! Goodnight…#BTXmas

…you can check out all of the other paw-some performances from all of the border terrier posse on Twitter at #BTXmas…..thanks to @thomasaterrier and his amazing team of helpers who staged such a wonderful event…

Clapton…..*tap, tap, double tap*…

1 comment:

  1. Typist used to be in a marchine band, playing the side drum and she used to be able to paradiddle. Does that qualify her for a t-shirt?


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings