
Sunday, 25 May 2014


Hello my I am turning the blog back over to old Marley as he would like your attention please....

...ello for yoo....

Ello for you my it do be summer game we iz finking if yoo do want to john us in playin #flatmarely .....If yoo wants to play #flatmarley we haz made it simple for yoo. Yoo just be clickin on one or bofe of the fotos of I ansome chops...below ....and then you is savin a copy and printin it out. just click em and it gib you big versions..........then when you has printed takes em wiv you where you be goin (like on your oliday or to the shops or to the Lympics) and yoo do be takin a foto of wot you is doin wiv #flatmarley pishure in it and then you eever be postin em on twitter wiv ash tag #flatmarley or you be sending em to I by peemail  to ....and then we do be putting them all on I blog wot is ERE.... If it be ard to unnerstand them rools then you can just be lookin at blog posts wot yoo find iffen yoo follow dat link and yoo will get da idea...i will be trying to update the blog every day when we do ave new fotos....ere is pawsome eggzample....

...iz I wiv sum liddle doods in Africa frum wun of I ventures larst yeer.... ere I do be wiv I pal @mrsebbt in France wiv sum grapes....
...anyhoo.....ere is where yoo get da #FlatMarley ekwipmunt....

.....wun posibilitee fur yore #flatmarley

...nuvver wun.....
...juss clik an print my pals.....

MOST IMPAWTANT: is a fun game but we do like to elp out doggies less fortunate than we is by asking that every fur who do be plain do makes a donayshun to watever charadeee they likes wot he elpin doggies (or cats if yoo haz nuffin better to be doin wiv you're munnees)...

....we dussnt mind ow much you is no minnymum...if yoo do be short of ideas den yoo can see I fundraisin page on da main blog....but dis year we fink is better if yoo make da choice....

IMPORTANT ADMINS ISHYOOS: if you do not haz a printer and do not be able to get the pishures then just be sending me a DM or peemail wiv your address and we do send one to you for nuffin...

TOP TIPS: last year our pal @alfielulu did make some lammynated #flatmarleys and they was pawsome to use.....

I ope you do be enjoyin our game. If you has any questions, just send me message and i do my best to answer...

Woof....appy playin my pals

pee ess: ....I dussn't care where I be goin....the more countrees the better as far as I is concerned....the more the we say...

Fanks for readin my pals....


  1. are things OTRB? I am happy to see you doin' so well, my friend. Another round of #flatmarley would be fun. I sure hope friends join in and play. I always love seeing where you been!
    *high paws*

  2. Wel weez no goin nower vedi zotic Marley - but we wil be taykin yoo to owr Brisol tweet up in July - nd donaytin to Bristol Dogs & Kats Ome. Shayme bowt da kats but der yoo go!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings