
Monday, 22 September 2014

Ten HUT...Colonel on deck......

Good morning my pals...we awoke this morning to the sad news that our dear pal @teddypett lost his best friend and housemate Miss Beau last night....Mr Teddy has the best pictures we know in the #BTPosse and he left us with this touching memory of Miss Beau.... free Miss Beau....arooooooooo

..back in the day to day life at BT HQ....we have Colonel Rocky in residence this week...he has arrived to conduct his annual inspection of the troops.....

oh eight undred owers, barracks...haz inspekt yore shoes....iz disgrace....polish and repawt bak ere in 10....dismiss

..oh nine undred owers, HQ surrounds....haz fownd appulls on yore lawn....pleez remove....small wun wiv core taked out deliver to Colonel's Offiss for testin.....

 10 undred owers....under attak frum sun....if I not return to allied trenches by leven undred owers then fetch I wiv reinfawcemints.....

....12 undred owers....skwizzle patrol instigate....enemee sited.....

.....fawteen undred owers....trap in kitchun by enemee naps....
 ....during his visits, the Colonel has had a strict regime of exercises and manoeuvres for HQ staff...

.....fifteenn undred owers....wun of da posse lost in akshun.....pleez continyoo to leev her noms owt for few days as mark of respek....

...Toosday, seven undred owers....hup too free faw...hup too free faw....keep up at da bak.....

....snoopervisin pakkin of da rashuns fur later....cannot bild militaree strengff wiv insuffishunt calorees in yore belly...

.....10 undred owers, BT HQ.....cover I Lola...i iz goin in to retreev pemails.....

.....ard days soldjerrin is reward wiv ard nights nappin.....a posse marches on its naps....dat wot Nap-olyun say...

.....yoo haz igh grownd...but I haz FMD...flatyoolence of mass destrukshun.....

.....dis punee human is konkered for terriers......

Epsom Downs....iz enjoyin da plains....can see da skwizzles for miles.....

...he might be 10, but the Colonel stays in good shape.....

.....haz to show Private Lola ware da burds iz.....

....Miss Lola is enthusiastic but I think not quite as efficient as the Colonel would like....

...lunch owers, BT HQ canteen.....wot haz dere?....

....fawteen undred owers.....gard dootee.... tole to pay for lezzure....gib I wun biskit an yoo can begin yore RnR...

.....breffkfust reconnysunce, Wednesday.....single file, low to grownd pleez troops....

.....afternoon, timin not disclose for militaree reezuns.....

.....Fursday....i sensin enemee incurshuns....must dubble gards...LOLA!.., yes I no it be tecknicalee illegal fur me to be down ere but haz to mek shire iz no foxes invading da compost....

....fifteenn undred owers....chekkin sekurity yoo haz I? ....

...da Colonel's kit haz to be kept spik an span at all times.....

....haz gib dem walkers da bee-hind enemee lines....

....haz got dis wun in a tite bind....paw over yore biskits or da ankles get it....

......ateeen undred owers....jektiv acheev.....begin scowerin area for pikniks.....

....stash of crums discover behind da weird fing....

.....wot is dis fing doin in da HQ Transpawt?....stay rite dere... only remoov on I spesiffik orders....

....haz told yoo eatin befaw da Colonel....and over wot be left pleez...dat be an order....

.....iz all a peer ship-shapes an Bristull bak nex year of corse....pleez ave Kwarter Master bring stoke for final checks....

...phew, I think BT HQ passed its inspection.....*whipsers*...we love having the Colonel to stay....

Clapton, Sapper Furst Class....


  1. Aww! We luvs weedin bowt da Colonel! Da Lola alays look api wen e wown to! Bwillyunt blog pal! Sooo sad bowt paw Beau!

  2. That's a strict regime alright. So sorry to hear about your friend
    Lily & Edward

  3. We are so SORRY to hear about BEAU. That is a wonderful picture to remember Beau by.

    OMD what a GRAND post ... we love the military precision and the Fabulous Inspection... and oh the RULES and REGULATIONS.

  4. That Colonel runs a tight ship. Lola fits right into Ten Hut.

  5. BOL.., "FMD...flatyoolence of mass destrukshun"!


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings