
Saturday, 31 January 2015

Just enough, not too much

Hello my friends....apologies for another unforgivable gap in our blogging schedule....poor typist has been furry busy at work and we have had to ration our activities just the teeniest bit....anyhoo, we are back now for an update...

...Miss Lola has been sadly neglected in the grooming stakes....she got to be looking a bit like a wookie...... we took her to the the middle of winter.....brrrr....but doesn't she look smart?..... has made her "naps by the fire" a lot more comfortable.....

....but has gives rise to the need to wear her hated coat when out on our winter walks.....

....the typist and I went to Wimbledon to do some no way have you caught us in a bike shop...nothing to see here...move along please..... really needed a cup of coffee after all our hard work!.... was busy on a Saturday afternoon but I got my own seat on the train on the way home.....

....but OMD...we arrived home to find that Miss Lola had missed an intruder..... we took her to the woods for some squirrel training.....

....we conducted a full debriefing on the way home via the rearview mirror!.....BOL

.....she put everything into least, that's what she claims.....

...*sigh*....we had the awful news that another of our border terrier pals had been stolen this week so we staged a protest about this on Twitter with our #BTPosse pals....we want @findginny brought back to her family where she belongs.....the whole of BT  HQ joined in....

....on Thursday we got a little warning of the weather ahead.....Miss Lola was out on her walk when it started to hail....

A video posted by Marley Terrier (@marleyterrier) on

...she seemed to be enjoying that...although she did rush home...... it was no surprise today when we woke to find snow.....the Colonel insisted on going for a walk.....

...Miss Lola was a bit uncertain....she does not enjoy cold wet paws.....

....she kicked up a fuss!....

....the Colonel was at home in these conditions...he enjoys a challenge....

...Miss Lola had to run to keep up.....

...when she wasn't snootering that is......

....the Colonel did not mind the cold....even on his felty paws......

...and enjoyed being able to survey from the higher ground.....

...."terrier located"....

...we hope you are all well and we look forward to catching up with your blogs and stuff this weekend.....wooof

Clapton, snowy BT HQ....


  1. What a nice blog post, Clapton! Pictures of Lovely Lola made it especially great! The videos of her have just.made us smile! Thanks, Hurley

  2. What a nice blog post, Clapton! Pictures of Lovely Lola made it especially great! The videos of her have just.made us smile! Thanks, Hurley

  3. Bwill blog Clapton! Da Lola did moov fas in da ail! Glad see da Colonel keep eye on opwayshunz - den we no Lola in sayfe paws!

  4. Hi there gorgeous Lola. Your new haircut is beautiful. He he it s a good thing you have a nice jacket to wear tho when going on a Wilkie!

  5. I'm glad you found Lola in all those furs. You couldve had an imposter lurking in there and who would've known!!!

  6. Nice to see you back. Missed you!!


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings