
Monday, 4 May 2015

This is what happens when not much is happening...

Hello my dear friends...thanks for being so patient with me and waiting for weeks since my last blog...anyhoo, we have not been up to much but here is a little glimpse behind the scenes at BT HQ....

.....last week the Colonel found himself at the train station with the typist.....

....he sensed a trip in the offing and made sure that there was s top to fill up the stores...the BT HQ battalion marches on its stomach....

.....all aboard!...the Eurostar to Brussels....

.....helping typist with the clues for the crossword...a way to pass the time on the long journey all the way to Amsterdam by evening....

....stopping in Brussels only to change was bit windy around the ears....

....the Colonel is not sure where the typist is going to sleep...

...not that they and much time for sleep...up at 5am UK time to catch the train..... attend a very important meeting....inventing the bicycle?

.....but you don't get long and they were both back at HQ within 24 hours....

...a few days later William made us very proud by playing at the Royal Albert Hall in London....if you look closely at the middle of the picture that is him playing his bass at centre stage in the middle of the massed choirs...he is to the left of the white square at the middle of the photo....

...the grand finale to a wonderful evening....

...Miss Lola looks distinctly unimpressed...or maybe just a bit sleepy....

...anyhoo, she was much happier the next day when we bumped into our old friends @megandfrankbts on the heath....they all played very nicely...which is good progress for Miss Lola...

...on Friday we made sure the typist voted in the general election....the issues may not be black and white but everyone should make sure they vote one way or the other...(*we have a postal vote this year as he will be away on election day)...

...assisting with work...

...and most exciting of all we got exquisite packages in the post from our friend @mishelenous....

....look! It is a felt border terrier dressed in the spotty jersey awarded to the best mountain cyclist in each year's Tour de France...Miss Helen has done me the great honour of naming this item "The Clapton" and it is available on her Etsy shop with all her other lovely HERE  

..she even sent me my own cycling medal...she is so kind...and so very talented....

...Miss Lola...good job she had a routine appointment at the vet that day.....BOL....

...although I am not sure she was fully cured....

Enjoy your week my friends....we won't be around much as the typist has a long trip overseas and neither I nor the Colonel will be able to go with him....



  1. SOoooooooooo what you are saying is...
    When nothing ELSE is going on...

  2. You are a busy little bee
    Lily & Edward

  3. Looks like you has been pritty bizzy to me! Hey, I has a kwestion. The boy and the girl be going to Scotland in a couple of weeks, yes ofur there across the big pond closer to you! Do you knows of any good places fur them to go hiking in Scotland? If'n you do, you can send me paw-mail at shepshawneeATgmailDOTcom.

  4. There is nothing wrong with nothing much. A break now and again is good for all involved.

  5. Hey Clapton, Colonel and Miss Lola!
    Wow, I'm so glad to meet you...Frankie sent me over to see you! Looks like you have cool adventures and I love getting to see the scenery.
    BTW: We have a new furiend in Blogville and his name is Brom. He's a teddy bear from Norway and I thought you might become good furiends. He shares his blog with the kitty Miss Oswin and their peep Mara. thelifeofmara.blogspot if you're interested in meeting them.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, New Furiende

  6. Hi there, I was sent here by Sarge and I got so excited that there was another bear! I don't blog that often. Only when Mara and I go on holiday.
    I love your medal though: very pretty. Mara is going to make me a kilt for our next trip which will be Scotland and they wear kilts there she says!


  7. You seem to get up to lots even when nothing much is happening! Love that medal...

  8. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings