Ello for you. As you do kno, I haz been takin it easy for the last few weeks on account of my run in wiv dat dinosore and so I haz had to turn my forts to less henergetic pursoots. So....I did fink bout other peeple who had mebbe gone past their primes and wot they be doin now to make ends meet...
No dogs ere... |
...YES! I haz resurrected my career as supermodel....I understand that I haz all the kwalificayshuns: primarily, I duz be notoriously ard to persuade out of da bed in the mornin wivout the right amount of compensayshun....
Pleez discuss terms wiv my agent... |
...and I do point out here that in no way is dis decision linked to typist's recent acquisition of an app for the iBone wot allow him to take moody black and white shots of everyfing....risk wiv dis would be hazzin to look at too many shots of Lola lookin slack...
Is Lola...but which end be which...? eh? |
...and comin to shoots wiv her air an eyes not done....
Dog...in here somewhere... |
...I is forgettin nuffing and is always ready for my close up....
Huh?.....pfffftt |
...but the wind was blowin in my face and not elpin wiv the shot.....and sumtimes they did not rilly give me enuff warnin they was shootin...
Hey! You make my nose look big in dis one! |
...and other times typist did lose controls of his masheen....
....inadekwate direction from director... |
....so I haz decided to go on locayshun to far flung parts of Surrey for extra orfenticitee...
where is limo? |
.....altho some problems do persist even in glamruss forrin parts...
You haz me in focus right? |
...and I was not entirely appy wiv some of the fly-on-the-wall aspekts of the day's proceedins
I'm in da baffroom, duz you mind? |
...altho the on-site caterin did ave a few fings to recommend it....
I do be "takin five"... |
...but I did find that sekurity was a bit lax straight after lunches...
Lola and Pip...quein for ortograffs.... |
...and I did ave to do some barkin at the pawparazzi to ensure my privacee was respected...
Get orff moy laaarnd.... |
....but eventually after some disagreements bout the subject matter of certain fotos..
I duz not do bondage shots fanks... |
...I fink you will agree that I did finally gib dem wot they need....
The Face that lornch a thousand squirrels.... |
...and I was able to retire back to my spensive otel for some nappin....
Massage paws pleez.... |
...and I did allow em to do one "charitee" shot of Lola, who fink she be da Queen of Sheba....
Ain't nuffing but a ound dog.... |
Dat is wot I haz been doin to fill in my time while I am on low exercise raygeeme and regainin my strengff...
Woof....Marley Evangelista....
p.s for thems wot is wantin proof that I do be live and well, ere is some behind-the-scenes footage...
Hey Marley, you fit right in with those supermodels and should be on the cover of doggy Vogue.
ReplyDeleteBeware Marley - i as eard dis modellin scene can be very dangerous. We don't want to ear stories about you gettin involved in any sex or drug scandals or goin off your noms and gettin an eatin disorder
ReplyDeleteHello Marlee,
ReplyDeleteWe duz fink yoo wood be a gud supa modle. Yoo duz certainlee have de looks. We duz be vry impresed to see you havin gud time on de videoh and leaving peemail for anuvver dawgie to sniff out.
Lots of westie luv from Amish and Moo xx
Wow, you have a really big bathroom in the video. My bathroom is only 5x4 feet! I hope you feel better asap!
ReplyDeleteWhoa, Marley, it woz shawking to see you in color in the moovie - thought you had turned all black and white fur good! But nice to see you moving around all happy like the die-no-sore event nefur happened.
ReplyDeleteoh Marley you haz a noo career az a model! You iz amayzin wiv da pozis an efurrythings. Iz happy you iz finding a way to makes teh rekooperayshunz betters.
ReplyDelete* glamorous THWOCKS*
ReplyDeleteWow Marley you do be lookin flash, but that Lola, you need to take her aside and give her some grooming tips, what is she like!!!