Ello for you. Today dussn't be Werdless Wednesday cos I haz fings to be tellin you.
For the last few days, Lola has been itchy and then I did get itchy too and we started to haz spots appearin on us wot look like chikkin pox...
Well....not kwite like dis |
More lik dis...but on a dawg |
...so we is goin to the vets again (now tradin under the name of Marley's Veterinary Emporium)...and she be sayin me we might haz bacterial infekshuns wot we haz picked up from somewhere.....and she is givin mum some meddysin but she is whisperin behind her paws wot sort of meddysin it do be...we take it ome and then I is lead upstairs where I do find this in the baffroom...
Lola: tremblin an afraids |
...dat's right...a barff is bein run and the sneaky vet and the sneaky mum has brort ome shampooin meddysin...now I know wot you is sayin....wot is so bad about a barff? You can pamper yorself...
No duck: no barff, thems is my terms |
...and you can be usin it as a time for relaxin....
....and finkin bout what you mite like for Chrissmuss...
Dear Santa, pleez can I haz more "Me" time... |
....or usin it for healin your achin bones or catchin up on essenshull tasks...
....as long as you haz room to stretch out yorself fully...
Bigger barff tub needed dad... |
...well. I arsk you, is dis wot the cruel reality do be like?....
abandoned in knee-high warm water... |
I say nuffing but I iz eyeballin you... |
....well I tell you it do be a trauma and the RSPCA do ave been notified and I haz made my disgust evident...
Pleez adress all future remarks to my lawyer... |
....and Lola be no more pleezed than me....
I may haz no brane but I kno wot I do not like... |
...basically no dawg like a barff...
....except mebbe sum pups wot do not yet kno better...
...you will lern my young friends |
....and dussnt fink that it do get any better just because you haz provided me wiv complimentary towels afterwards...
*composes peemail to ratemyspa.com* |
...I shall be usin yore clean floor to dry myselfs...
...and Lola be usin yore freshly painted walls and doors...
...and then as if fings do not be bad enuff, the barff did not werk and we haz to ave a second go...but we still be itchy and lickin our paws. We did phone the vet (i basically haz red phone hotline on my desk) and she did say me that it mite be Harvest Mites wot we might haz picked up on our walk...
....but when we did go and see her again she did say me it was not and is probbly bacterial infeksun wot ave been picked up from sumwhere and we might haz more tabblits to take...
...is enuff to make a dog take to his bed.
Oh Marley you guys does have a tuff life. Hope you get rid of the itchees soon, one bath is enuff to last a lifetime.
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain my pals - i is all for soap dodgin and find this the werst kind of torture. I wish you and Lola happier spot and barf free days. Ps typist dis is ace blog
ReplyDeleteNowt worse that an itch!,.... Take care you two!
ReplyDeleteI say take a dip in a stinky swamp any day - it do has medicinal kwalities. The baff - NOOOOOOOO! Hey Marley, duss you has sarcoptic mange mites ofur there by you? It do be the most itchiest of itchies and we got it once. Spreads like wildfire, it duss, and we woz all yanking our furs out. The mities usually dussn't show up when the V-E-T scrapes the skins (OWIE)to biggify them so it be hard to diagnose. One way to tell is if'n the hoomans start itching around their waists coz they get the mities, too! So there be my medicinal advice fur the day. No charge fur my eggspert consultashuns.
ReplyDeleteDr. Shawnee
The itches is the worst. Zack hates baths too, but when he gets out the tub he gets the zoomies and tears rounds the house - not sure if he thinks he can run away from the wet or what? Crazy dog absolutely crazy. Hope your itches go away soon.
ReplyDeleteOh my pals, we do feel very badly for you bof. Is mean and evil, dose bafs! Wylie has bad skin situation right now too and he does sympafize. We bof hope you feel better soon, pals.
ReplyDeleteHope your itches end soon.
ReplyDeleteImpressed with Caspar - he's not like you and Lola. He likes baths a lot!
Oh deer Marlee (and Lola) wot a teribble time yoo duz be aving lately. Barfs are not nice at de best of time, so we do sympafise wiv yoo bofe. Dryin yoorselfs on de floor is de onlee way to get properlee dri I duz find.
ReplyDeleteWe ope yoo is boff betta soon.
Luv Amish and Mo