Ello for you....
...yore corryspondint.... |
It ave been a funny old week my chums.....I haz had repawts that Autumn (or fall as my pals overseas mite be callin it) ave arrived in earnest....
....trees sheddin their furs.... |
...I did not ave chance to meet earnest...but i fink we can see that there is definit signs that Autumn is here at last after a few weeks of mostly warms weever...in order to proove da case on way or the other i haz sent Lola out for investigatin....and owin to her small brane I have also sent the typist wiv her to gavver evidence......
...Lola is goin out...she may be some time.. |
...I haz remained in the command-chair to receive her repawts on her return.....
...urry up, werld is waitin for wevver updates... |
...and eventualee she ave managed to relay some informayshuns wot I have rearranged into this comprehensive repawt for you....
....data-gatherin terrier, wearin winter furs.... |
....even tho it ave been presented to me in the usual unpawfeshunull manner.....
....and now we haz advice for you based on our paw-diction for Autumn....
....remain in snuggly blanket, if possible, until lunch time.... |
....always consider wolly jumper if anyone even menshun goin outside... |
...Willium have scoured the intermutts
(TM: Frankie Furter) for app to translates Lola's woofins to see if any impawtant seasonal-related data ave been lost in her teeny branes....
....*tryin Mongolian*.... |
.....all I kno is that Autumn sure means werk for some furs around these pawts....
the big tree: the gift that keeps on givin.... |
Hey Marley... we call it BOTH Fall and Autumn butt it is FASTER to type Fall.
ReplyDeleteOur trees have already dropped ALL of their furs and are now nekkid. I don't like that much ... either. Sooooooo I think your suggestion to stay in... and covered is just PAWfect.
I feel like I'm missing out!
ReplyDeleteIt's like summer here:)
*hiding under blankie* *surprise THWOCK*
ReplyDeletefink I will take your advice and go back to bed until summer arrives!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all that important advice Marley I will remember the jumper bit if I am really forced to leave my futon and go out!
ReplyDeleteI like snuffling under all the fallen leaves. I found a small furry animal under one last week and snuffled it for ages until it ran away.
ReplyDeleteBut I do wonder why trees shed their furs just when it's getting cold and they need them most to keep warm... *brrrrr*
The pictures look beautiful! I'm jealous... our Autumn so far is just grey and wet :(
ReplyDeletei dUS bE uNdA dA bLAnKet sTiLL hELpiN w rEsEarch. pErCy cAn hELp dA LoLa iF yOo nEeDs iT! :-)