
Monday, 30 May 2011

Bank oliday

Ello for you. You wot kno me kno that sumtimes we got to Derbyshire to see Granma (and Daisy the cat) but we dussnt ave been for quite a long time wot wiv one fing or another. Anyhoo, we was telled on Friday that we was goin up there for the weekend and we had better pack a sootcase quick sharp....Lola dussnt fink she ave much to pack.....

Will it be sunny? I pack dogkini?
....and not much do be diffrunt when we do wake up on Saturday mornin at Granma's ouse.....

Cumfy on Cloud 9
....but soon we did ear sum very interestin noos. Parrently, we haz a cuzzin an her name do be Lily and she do be comin round to see us. Quick, quick! Comb the fur......and her she is.....

Would you like to come in?

....and see she soon do be makin herself right at ome......

Er.....ang on....that's my bed...

....and we is gettin to know each other and makin sure we has sum fun times together....

....but of course no trip out would be complete wivout tryin out latest recommendayshuns of our pal Millie the border terrier who do run and we did go out to Monsal Head and did visit the Monsal Head Otel.....

....where the views outside is quite pawsome.....

Monsal Dale
....and the views inside is quite nice too.....

I can haz steak?

....and like all good pubs it is well stocked wiv all fings wot a travellin dog do require.....

That will be ME they is talkin about....

After lunch, we did go for a walk down into that valley wot do be outside...and Lily was doin quite a good job of disappearin into the jungle.....

Lily of the Forest
....and down at the bottom we did find the river and the cows wot do live near it.....but it's Ok we dussnt ave to cross that river and get near the cows so we is pretty safe I fink.....

Cows, safely across the river...
Huh? Wot you say? We haz to cross and walk fru that field? Is you jokin?.....

Urry up mum!!
....but if you fink that was the last of the trubble then you is sorely mistaked.....

Halp! Halp!!
.....luckily the big dog turn out to be nice and we was soon hazzin a play.....

.....but it was not long before trubble do appear in another guise.....the muddy banks of a river.....
come on in Lily the water do be luvvly...

.....and eventually we did ave to climb up out of the meadow to get back up to the pub and we did go across the viaduct you can see it the foto of the veiw from the pub.....

runrunrun.....must get to viaduck

View from on top

Strollin along....

Approachin the old rail tunnel
aaaaagh....runnin bak out of the skeery echoey tunnel was a long way back to the tops and we did ave a little sit down when we got there....

.....and Lily did make some use of Granma's (tempry) walkin stick.....

Nom nom....
.....and cos we were so keen not to go ome Uncle Richard had to tempt us into the car wiv snaks....

tempted into car by odd man wiv bag of sweets
....and when we did get ome there was only one fing for it.....

Serious nappin

I ope you like the story of ower trip to Derbyshire. We ad a nice time and it was very good to meet our cuzzin Lily and to see Granma. I fink I could smell a cat at her ouse but I dussnt see one so I expect I was mistaken....

Marley, King of the Peak District.....


  1. Oh what fun, Marley! Your cousin sure did get dirty from the mud! White dogs, can't take them near dirt!
    Cairn cuddles, Oz

  2. Glad you had a nice time. I think Ern might have words about you being King of the Peak District though!

  3. Not only duss you get to go inside pubs, they has noms fur well-behaved dogs? I is so moving ofur there to Inglund. Well, eggsept fur you woz with all those skeery cows again. Mebbe I stay here. I woz in a railroad tunnel yesterday too but yours looks nicer. Mine woz all dark and wet and leaky on my furs like Chineeze water tortshures. Poor Lily being white and all. Us mud colored dogs can get away with hiding it better.

  4. The Peak District is properly luverly and I really enjoyed sharing your great day out.

    I hope you all got some of the treats for well-behaved dogs because you certainly earned them.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  5. Marley, being as it's a holiday, please let me give you some extra THWOCKs!

  6. zoe the border31 May 2011 at 02:59

    Wow, wot a great advenshure you had! I sure wud like to run around in a place like dat, your Gran is lucky to live there! Lily does be rilly cute, too (but not as cute as Marley, of course *cough*).

    *Whisperin* I dussn't want to alarm you Marley but your family does appear to be followed by a lady in a yellow sure she is friendly enuff, but just a heads up.

  7. you all look like you had a great time, however I hope mom iz feeling better she was looking alittle yellow,lol....Lily is very pretty and oh my dat river is gorgeous, and dem so big cows...I love learning about your adventures over da pond..hugs!

  8. Beautiful pics as ever.It looked a lovely family day nd Lily is very pretty indeed.Pasiwuzzes

  9. You go on lots of awesome walkabouts Marley. Hope some steak fell on the floor at the pub. you need to keep your strenf up for all that runnin about.

  10. Ello to you BT possee.

    Just wonderin if you can elp out a very sick Lurcher pal called Cracker.

    He haz a nasty infekshun making his skin fall off.

    I am asking the BT possee to show us Lurchers a thing or two and take over the grid. We haz one BT alreadie.

    Wanna see wot I am talkin about have a look ere

  11. Oh marlee, I duz see now were you did see Lily. She duz be vry priddy gal wot haz got grate big earz. She will grown into dem soon I fink. You did have luffly walk again and I ope yoo did injoy the pub. We niva get taken to pubs, I fink I needs to educate my mum and dad.
    Hope yoo has nice hollibobs in Cornwall.

  12. That looks like the most beautiful place in the world. I love all the lush green grass and waterways. It looks like you had a great time by all the sleeping you did afterward. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos of your trip.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings