
Monday, 6 June 2011

Cornwalled: oliday blog part 1

Ello for you. I haz just got back from my oliday in Cornwall. We went for a few days....but there was no minnit we was in the ouse and the next we was bein pushed into the car and off we go. I fink typist haz done a runner from werk. I ope someone there be countin the pennies while he was away just in least we got to travel in our usual first class accomodayshun....

Fully reclinin bed-seats...

The first part of our oliday was very speshul indeed cos we had a very kind invitayshun to drop in on one of our bestest pals, and our first twitter follower, @diamondbertie in Exeter......

I fink I smell Devon......

 This was very excitin cos we been pals for two years and never did meet before. We arrived in the mornin and did say ello...

...and NO we is not growlin at each other, we is just gibbin a sniff.....and before long I has claimed my seat on Bertie's mum's lap.....

King of Laps
...but I might ave forgot to ask Bertie for permisshun......

Honest, I was invited...
...and then Lola do start musslin in on the action......

King of Laps and Her Royal Rudeness, Queen Butt-in
....and so Bertie did take his chew off to see Willium and get some strokes and wuzzes.....

A quick break before gettin back to lickin WIllium
.....and then we did ave a run in the garden and had a chew each whilst the humans was bizee drinkin tea...but it was very quick before they was declarin the visit over and we haz to get on our way to Cornwall agane....but not before we haz team foto....

Team foto: team in some disarray
It was sooper cool to meet Bertie and Christine and Peter and our visit was too short. I was a bit disappointed we dint get to go runnin on the rec wiv Bertie....but mebbe next time....

We did ave a short stop for lunch on the way. There was a suspishun that sumone was takin advantage of the olidays by breaking dietary laws by ordering bacon roll.....

Haz you bort a bacon roll?
......but I din see no evvydence of it he was let off.....Before we knew it we had arrived in Rock and I got straight down to doin some kwality testin of our cottage....

Sofa: adekwittly comfy
Carpets: high thread count

Balcony: spayshus, supplied wiv proper beach toys

Garden: plenty of peemail storage capacitee

And once we had settled in, there was only one fing to be doin.......


We iz tired haz noms?

....and just then we did ave a very big suprise cos mum did bump into one of her eldest pals from skool who was accompanies by two of our biggest fans......

Kate & Paul...Millie &d Holly doin uggs

We did ave our dinner at the pub....but we dussnt got no pictures from there cos it was not we did go to bed in our new ome for the week late in the evenin for us.....but this dussnt stop Lola from wakin everyone up at 3am....and 4am.....and 5am....and 6am ......whinin about...well....who kno wot. Sumfing is rong wiv dat dog's brane but I dussnt diagnose it yet....anyway, typist declare that he need to clear his head and so we is goin for brekkfast in an outdoor cafe.....

Willium find himself mysteriously popliar wiv rest of familee
....and a walk on the beach.....'s a bit big isn't it....we gotta walk to the other end?

.....some of the sand was so wet and floofy that peeple was sinkin into it up to their ankles.....which on a  small terrier do be pretty much up to their elbows...but after much sloggin fru the vast deserts we did find ourselves a paw pawty to join in wiv.....wiv Charlie and his pals....

Ello for you.....I do be Marlee....

Moosical chairs....

.....and we did also have a game of charades......

Has you guessed it yet?

That's right...I is Marle of Arabia...
and I made sure that anyone else who did come along did kno where we was....

Capshun provided by your sponsor....
....and all in all we haz a pretty exhaustin day walkin from Rock to Polzeath and back agane...espeshully when our pals the England familee do come to join us and we haz two extra childrens to play wiv and more walkin to do wiv mum an Rachel......Rock to Polzeath.....Polzeath to Rock.....agane and agane...whilst the boys was playin in the water...

.....and by the evenin I am pretty done in and I do be missin dad (who be playin games in the lounge) so I sneaks off to find sumfing wot smell of him to get comfy on, seein as his lap do not be vailable....

Sootcase capsule hotel....
I fink you can see I did find an elegant solooshun to my problem and did snooze there all  night to end a pretty good first full day of our oliday.....

Woof.....Marlee (somewhere between Rock an Polzeff)....


  1. Did yoor dad and Willum meet Steve and Ben wen dey did go surfin? Steve and Ben did be doing surfin at Polzeath. Yoo did gets lots of nice wevver Marlee on yoor hollibobs and de beeches duz luk pawsome. Ow nice to meet Bertee and share yoor chews. Duz Lola stop whinin yet?

  2. marley n lola wot an adverturre yous did ave, i iz waitin for socond part when typist gets iz fingers workin again. i ispecally lik de hotel bed in de sootcase - i iz going on my oliday in few weeks so will send u a twitter postcard. much luv Poppydog woof woof

  3. Dat did luk like a pawsome holiday Marlee. I dusn't see how part 2 could top it unless der iz more bacon, or maybe a pastie or sum clotted cream ice cream......Mmmmm Cornwall iz tasty!

  4. Oh, that must be wot they mean by "bed in a bag" - looks furry comfy. Wot an eggsiting howliday you woz hasing there. Well eggsept fur that Lola with her whining and wotnot. Mebbe tell her if'n she duss not hush it up you be puttin her in the "bed in a bag" and shuttin the lid.

  5. What a smashing holiday so far, can't wait for the second part. Lovely beach for lots of runs.

  6. A sootcase bed Marley, that looks right comfy, its always good to find something wot smells of our humans to lie on and we can thank them by leaving our furs on their clothes so they can look and smell like us too.

  7. Whot?!? You got to meet Bertie?!? Iz so jealous, Marley. That beach does look fabulous for runnin' but I bet it make you tired. You got some great photos...I cannot wait to see more of your adventures!
    Cairn cuddles, Oz

  8. Wow wat a grate vacayshunz you iz havin! It looks like teh mostest fun times accept fur da water part but I din't see you gettin yer pawz wet so its okai!

  9. What a fantastic holibobs! An meetin @diamondbertie too!! Great bloggy ma pal (as always). Woof.

  10. Great holiday bloggings.
    Love your pics, especially the suitcase suite!

    Thanks for sharing your holiday Marley.



Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings