
Friday 22 March 2013

The Great Border Terrier Posse Map

Hello my we bring you news of our latest project for the Border Terrier Posse: the Great Border Terrier Posse Map!

We have 900+ members of the posse on twitter now. You can meet them all HERE if you have not already done so....and there are new members joining daily....

...queuing politely to complete the paperwork…*whisper*…we iz grateful to Anne Gregory for da photo wot we showin ere,,,,

....but with so may furriends in so many different places it has become increasingly hard to keep track of we had the idea to put all of the doggies onto one big map so we can keep in touch and organise tweet-ups....*drum roll* here it is....with assistance from @rohanthebt.....stage 1 of the Great Border Terrier Posse Map....


Things to know about the GBTPM.........

1. We have included most of the 900+ members of the border terrier posse....there are a few of you who we don't have any location details for...if you want me to add you then please just get in touch with @claptonterrier or peemail me at marleyterrier57 at googlemail dot com....sadly, in the seven years of the posse we have lost touch with a few doggies who no longer tweet..... have mail...

2. If you have told me which town you live in then you have been "dropped" onto your town....if we only have a county or country for you then we have "dropped" you into the middle of the map....(for example, a lot of the terriers in Yorkshire have been dropped onto Leeds). We can always move you if you have more accurate information about where you are.... 95 north, 97.907 east, you are in the middle of nowhere...!!

3. We took your location from your twitter bio, unless you contacted me with other more up-to-date information.....if you've moved since you joined Twitter then we might have you in the wrong place..!! For newer members of the posse, we have asked you for your home town individually.

4. To find yourself on the map once I have added you, just enter your twitter name in the search bar at the top of the map and it will take you right to your entry. You can see your neighbours too!! 

...S before T right?....

5. If you don't want to be on the map, please let me know and we will remove you immediately.....we have used only information which is public on Twitter to identify you...

6. We will be doing more stages of the map....please circulate it far and wide and we will see how many of the non-posse border terriers we can include: remember, the posse is only really BTs who tweet from their own accounts and there are lots of pals out there who use their humans' accounts to get in touch. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME.....we just wanted to get stage 1 done to see if people liked it before taking on any more work...

7. There is a facility to rate the map and comment on it. You can also share the map...and we would love it if you would...and you can also embed the map into your own blogs and websites....that would be lovely too....

8. There will be errors! We know!.....all corrections gratefully received....

Happy travels my friends!!

..using the map....

Clapton, Border Terrier HQ......


  1. wOt A sUpA jOb & a fAbo LiSt *claps paws* yOO iS sO paWsOmE paL. wE cHecK dA dEtAiLs fOr uS bUt sEnD yOo biG hUGs & wuZZiEs tOo! yAy!

  2. Wow you've done a pawsome job Clapton...Momz sent you a pee mail fur adding me to da map The BT Posse Rules

  3. Eddie the Border22 March 2013 at 16:26

    Is amazing! I loves it
    Eddiee the Border

  4. Wow that is so cool! Well done my pal!
    Zoe (middle of nowhere)

  5. Hmm, this will help me know how to avoid the thwocks...

  6. Wowee zoweee... This is so cool, it's freezing! Oh wait, that may be because of the snow outside :-) No, it REALLY REALLY is way cool....

  7. Makes a baboon wish he could be a border terrier!

  8. Makes a baboon wish he could be a border terrier!

  9. Great job, that must have taken some work, well done

  10. Hee hee I did wonder why i hadn't seen you much and now I know it is cause you is so busy!

  11. Fan-tabulous job Clapton and Rohan! That's a LOT of BTs to keep track of!!!! Good show.
    *high paws*

  12. Thanks for finally talking about > "The Great Border Terrier Posse Map" < Loved it!

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  13. First time i've had a nosey at this its marvellous! Well done, must have taken a lot of time and effort. @helenastick twitter+and Whiskey of course. Hxx

  14. oww wauw so cool! We are on the mape.. But to little BT's in Holland in the posse! We need much more! @levimylocooper

  15. Woofhoo - xtrordinareerilee bwill - Jack Spratticus @SassVH #BTposse

  16. This is brilliant - well done clapton and rohan. Beau and Ted

  17. Wow. What a lot of hard work. Very impressive. U ave been busy! Margot & Hektor


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings