
Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Hello my has been a super busy weekend here at Border Terrier HQ....we have along weekend at Easter time...four whole days of doing fun things....I geared up for action by attending the #keepfits class run by @henryandfriends....

...we start by warming up our muscles with some streeeeetccchiiiiing....first, the paw stretch...

....then the leg stretch....

...into downward dog....

...and finishing with the all-paw stretch for maximum flexibility....

....all this to make sure I was in tip-top form for the whole weekend....on Friday, we went to Marwell Zoo near Winchester...

....I thought Peter Tosh might like to meet some relatives.....but he is not related to the Collared Peccary...which is a pig from South America....

....these folk were likley candidates but it turns out they were just a very big photo....
....i stroked a cheetah!....but sadly the cheetah fur had been separated from the cheetah bones by a naughty poacher.....

the closest that Peter Tosh got to his family was calling to the macaques...but they were more interested in watching the ducks swimming in their moat....but he did get a nice squishy cuddle from a little girl who liked him....

sorry about the photos...most of the animals were too far away to get good shots with our iBone..........on Sunday we went to see Cousin Tilly for a nice walk and some cake.... name is Tilly and I am a ball-a-holic.....we threw the ball for Tilly for an hour...
...while Miss Lola tackled a massive chew that Nana gave her.....
...William's "bunny ears" prank was foiled by a terrier.....

....but eventually we got out into the countryside....William found a ball....and we threw that for Tilly for the whole walk...*sigh*....
...i made sure Lola followed us all the way...she wasn't interested in the ball...
....and when we got back there was scrummy cake to eat....but only for those inside.....

 .....and on Monday we went to the Royal festival Hall in London..... I am outside on the South was a bit windy....

....Riverside Terrier Entrance.....

....we had quite good seats and I could see the whole stage.....

...we had come to see the April Fools day Concert.....but we were not allowed to take any pictures during the performance.... I just had to read the programme in the interval....
....and afterwards the sun shone and we went to have dinner looking out at the River Thames.... really was a very busy weekend....

...Miss Lola did a long walk each day....
...they took their toll...
...terrier collapso....

...."dussn't bug I....."

 Happy easter!........wooof



  1. Lovely weekend Clapton...Have you seen the film "Ruby Sparks"? There's a wonderful BT named Oscar who steals the film with his portrayal of Scotty the Dog...Highly recommend for all

  2. We are exhausted from doing all those exercises with you
    Benny & Lily

  3. Soopa blog Clapton! Weez luvin da fotos of deer Lola! Yoo needs to poynt owt dat lokin dog owtside nd den eetin cayke in fwont of dem be anipal cwooltee do!

  4. What a purrfect weekend Clapton and wonderful pictures xxx's

  5. Pawsum blogg Clapton. Haf to say Lola be looking very swelt in dem fotos,mus be all dat excercise and no cake.
    Finks Clapton should release excercise DVD,cause he be a natural.Lola could also star init.
    Wundrful weekend,cheers.

  6. Oh Clapton, I feel so sorry for poor Miss Lola to be sat outside the french windows watching everyone eating cake! I know she's watching her waistline, but she looks so sad. :(

  7. Wow, what a full weekend for everyone. You fitted alot in during those four days - now wonder you have to make sure you are in such good shape with alls your exercising there Clapton - or how else are you going to keep up with everyone else. Zack's brother George is a lazy bum LOL!!

  8. Wot a fun filled weekend Clapton pal! I loves reading your blogs *hugs* #woof

  9. Looks like you did ave the most fun time!

  10. Clapton we fink we saw some zzzzzs coming out of your mouth in the ..aaaaaand relax pose.... how long was you there for? You do get out and about, you'll be able to drive your own cab round London shortly at this rate.


Ello for you. This is where you can say ello for me and leave some forts. I like it when peeple be sayin fings